Thinking Anglicans

CAPAC: some reactions

If the CAPAC acronym is not yet familiar, read this first

LGCM published a press release The Anglican Communion and the Sunday Times story. A Response from LGCM

Fr Jake has CAPAC; Justifying Criminal Actions
with some really interesting comments

J-Tron has The new “Anglican” alliance and other things that will destroy the Anglican Communion
also with interesting comments, as noted by bls in Never

Mark Harris has The Council of Anglican Provinces of the Americas is a dangerous overreach

Update This matter got a tiny mention at the end of the Church Times story on Akinola:

These developments coincide with another new alliance of conservative Anglicans, to be known as the Council of Anglican Provinces of the Americas and Caribbean (CAPAC), modelled on the Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa (CAPA). The plans and a “Covenant of Understanding” were announced by Archbishop Gomez and the Presiding Bishop of the Southern Cone, the Most Revd Gregory Venables.

The story deserves more attention than that.

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19 years ago

“Peter Akinola will squirm and shout his abuse but he will come to heel.” “The so called Global South Primates will be chastised, given a bloody nose and told to keep their mouths shut in the future.” “We can expect the same crawling apologies now from this collection of sinister homophobes who are hell-bent on grabbing power for themselves.” What vicious rhetoric! So much for British reserve. And so much for “listening.” I’d expect such from a Virtue, but not a priest who is a leader of a national movement. I wonder what good Richard Kirker thinks such demagoguery will… Read more »

19 years ago

Dave, I was just about to say similar things.

As much as I respect and applaud Richard Kirker generally, he really is starting to seem a little demented here. Calm down man!

More temperate, considered, sensible language please, otherwise you will seem just as nutty as Akinola (I don’t have to be sensible, so I can call people nutty, ner).

19 years ago

May the Lord shield us all from the extremist, colonial racism of those who think the west are the developing world’s “handlers”.

19 years ago

Let the split happen soon, please – none of this does any of any good.

Its blatantly obvious we cannot co-exist and becomes more so each day.

19 years ago

So much for Kirker’s (obvious) hope that the Americans would bring Akinola “to heel.” The front page of the AAC’s site contains a longer statement from the Archbishop which includes the following: “May I remind the Bishops of the Church of England that, when faced with similar decisions on the part of the Episcopal Church (USA) and the Anglican Church of Canada, discipline was imposed. While I have great affection and respect for the historic role that the Church of England has played in all of our lives, no church can ignore the teaching of the Bible with impunity and… Read more »

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