Thinking Anglicans

General Synod – Outline Agenda for July

Update Saturday 17 June

The rtf file of the outline agenda linked below has been replaced by this html version.


The outline agenda for the July 2006 group of sessions of the General Synod is now online here and is copied below.

There is also a draft forecast of business for 2007 here.

July 2006 Agenda
Times of sessions (unless otherwise stated): 9.30 am – 1 pm, 2.30 pm – 6.15 pm, 8.30 pm – 10 pm

Friday, 7 July
4 pm
Prayers, introductions, welcomes, progress of Measures, presentation of officers (Deputy Prolocutors and Pro-Prolocutors)
Business Committee report
Further Education
8.30 pm

Saturday, 8 July
9.30 am
Presidential Address (by the Archbishop of York)
Appointments to the Archbishops’ Council
Legislative Business: Church Accounting Regulations 2006
Women Bishops: theological principle
2.30 pm
Legislative Business: Dioceses, Pastoral and Mission Measure: Revision Stage
8.30 pm
Legislative Business: Church of England Marriage Measure: First Consideration

Sunday, 9 July
2.30 pm
Pensions: presentation, followed by questions
Church Commissioners’ Annual Report
Southwark Diocesan Synod Motion: Carbon Dioxide Emissions
8.30 pm
WCC Assembly: presentation
Archbishops’ Council Annual Report: deemed approval
Audit Committee Annual Report: deemed approval
SOC item: deemed approval

Monday, 10 July
9.30 am
Women Bishops: Next steps
2.30 pm
Commission on Urban Life and Faith Report
8.30 pm
Clergy Terms of Service: presentation by Professor David McClean, followed by questions

Tuesday, 11 July
9.30 am
Legislative Business
Private Member’s Motion: Married Couples’ Tax Allowance
Not later than 1 pm

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18 years ago

>>is now online here and is copied below.

Online in the loosest sense of the term at any rate. When will the CofE website learn that lobbbing some scruffy RTF file at a website isn’t a good way of doing things.

Thanks to Peter for actually converting it into a bit of native web language for us to read easily.

18 years ago

Interested to see a private members resolution about the married couples’ tax allowance. Of course, legally it would now have to cover civil partnerships too. Can’t see the moral conservatives liking that one!

18 years ago

Yes, since when has it been within the competence of GS to make resolutions about taxation ? However, whether tax allowances are extended to CPs is not a particular concern to me. In fact I think there’s a lot of merit in the arguement – but not just for same-sex partnerships, but for all sorts of inter-dependent non-married relationships that were neglected by the CP legislation.

Simon Sarmiento
18 years ago

Looks like someone heard you David, the official CofE site now has this outline agenda in html, see

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