Thinking Anglicans

ECUSA HoB elects Katharine Jefferts Schori

Episcopal News Service
Sunday, June 18, 2006

[ENS] Katharine Jefferts Schori, bishop of the Diocese of Nevada, has been elected June 18 by the House of Bishops as the 26th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church.

Voting results here.

Associated Press Episcopal Church elects female leader.
Reuters Woman chosen as top U.S. Episcopal Church bishop
BBC Female chief makes Church history

Ruth Gledhill has a roundup of comments from various people.

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Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
18 years ago

Wow ! How wonderful ! — another first for ECUSA, last GC the ‘first’ ( “openly” ) gay bishop, and this time the first woman Presiding Bishop !

(Which would ‘traditionalists rather have plumped for, I wonder ?).

BTW I find the it intriguing that ‘ traditonal’ and ‘betrayal’ have the same root…..
(James Hillman is very interesting on this).

18 years ago

Here is a link to PB-candidate Schori’s streaming video interview.


I immediately feel that this election will keep us on a Via Media ECUSA path, hopefully unwaveringly.

Alan Marsh
Alan Marsh
18 years ago

And what will the next GC do for an encore?

J. C. Fisher
J. C. Fisher
18 years ago

Heh-heh: so much for keeping the *Primates Council* the last Old Boys Club! ;-p

Truly our God is great! Alleluia! 😀

18 years ago

I think that Bp Schori’s election is a clear signal from TEC; as drdanfee says. I wonder whether it helped that her election will cause another stir in the Communion ? Anyway it’s pretty obvious that TEC aren’t going to stop pushing on with their liberal agenda. Which is fine by me, as long as they can bring themselves to respect non-liberals enough to allow them to stay with the Anglican Communion without being sacked, sued etc !

18 years ago

Dave, the only ones talking about sacking anyone are those who are conservative and who want TEC kicked out of the Communion so that they can take over as “the” Anglican franchise. While there are some liberals willing to hold the door for them as they exit (as they have threatened to do), most of us don’t want them to leave but do want them to be willing to work together for common goals. At the moment, that appears about as likely as snow in a blast furnace, but God can do wonderful things — even put out blast furnaces… Read more »

J. C. Fisher
J. C. Fisher
18 years ago

“respect non-liberals enough to allow them to stay with the Anglican Communion”

But what about Non-non-liberals (the vast majority of TEC)? Will they be allowed to stay with the Anglican Communion too? (Respected, even?)

Leonardo Ricardo
18 years ago

Gracias a Dios! This is huge, this is bigger than HOPE…this is a bonafide Mircle/Blessing! We’ve been BLESSED AGAIN at TEC and our doors and hearts are opening even wider than before!

18 years ago

No reason to stay on a ship that is breaking into pieces. I should followed my conscience have left years ago.
Rome sweet home.
Bye Bye

Robert Zacher
Robert Zacher
18 years ago

Deo Gratias!

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
18 years ago

The liberals and centrists in TEC are not, for the most part, for pushing anyone out – it is the very conservative minority who keep threatening to leave. Some of us would, after all their tantrums and threats, not be overly grieved if they did leave. You know: leave the keys on the table and don’t let the door slam on your way out. It would be sad and sorry. But I also think that when you keep giving in to bullies, they keep beating you up. Time for that to stop.

Robert Christian
Robert Christian
18 years ago

I attended GC2006 and I’m from Pittsburgh (AKA the land of ++Duncan++). I want to say that if you can’t even pray together, to worship the Lord in the same room, there is little hope of finding any common ground. Dave: My parish has declined membership in the Network. I being the most liberal person in the parish can talk and work with members who as conservative as they come. We pray together, we care for each others families, and we even have coffee and talk. We have a love for Christ as are common bond. We work the food… Read more »

18 years ago

I think this election is the spoonful of sugar which is going to make the WR medicine go down. GC has been dealing with the resolutions dealing with the WR very slowly. There seems to be some widespread chafing at the recommended resolutions. Now, with a single election, the mood in Columbus seems to have changed. I suspect the remaining resolutions will be passed without significant opposition.

The Network must realize that they’ve been outflanked.

Spirit of Vatican II
18 years ago

I suppose this is the way the Spirit is leading us into the future.

The arguments from tradition, put forward by Rome, just lack that pneumatic or prophetic oomph-factor that kindles spiritual assent.

Everyone will be happy if the Anglican Communion stops wrangling about gays and goes back to wrangling about women!

Cheryl Clough
18 years ago

Most liberals don’t want to dominate the conservatives, for example I recently had a conservative smarmily try to score a point that I was more “well-read” than her when I refused to sign a conservative petition. My response was that the church was big enough to embrace diversity and that we don’t have to agree with everyone on everything to equally be brothers and sisters before God. I also agree with Cynthia’s point that bullies will attack those they think can not or will not defend themselves. However, unless they have wound themselves up into an irrational hate frenzy, most… Read more »

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
18 years ago

dear Robert Christian

This sounds like christianity !
Thank you so much.

Find The True Presiding Bishop
18 years ago

I’m reminded of the old New Yorker cartoon. A middle aged couple in the pew. A statue of Buddha on the Altar. The husband, looking at the wife, says, “I swear, Helen; just one more change and I quit!”

Christopher Shell
Christopher Shell
18 years ago

Whoever says this is either a bad or a good appointment clearly can’t believe in the equality of the sexes. Gender is not a mark of goodness or badnes: we all know that. So how good the appointment is, only time will tell. She can’t be intrinsically a bad or good appointment simply by virtue of being a woman, otherwise Minnie Mouse would equally qualify. In The Times, she is quoted as saying ‘our heritage and context shape our theology’. This is too true. It reminds me of the guy I met in the street who hypothesised that Jesus was… Read more »

David Chillman
David Chillman
18 years ago

How does ‘our heritage and context shape our theology’ suddenly become ‘she seems to be on the side of the uninformed in the street and their projections and eisegeses’?? Her comment is very accurate and yet is something which “traditionalists” have frequently and spectacularly failed to see in their own theologies. If you think that your theology is completely unaffected by your heritage and context, that just means you’re more than a little unaware (and probably rather naive). We are ALL affected by context and heritage. The trick is to KNOW this, and so to ensure that the influence is… Read more »

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
18 years ago

For me personally, as a person who has known marginalisation in my beginnings & after, it is meaningful and joyous to have women, people of colour, aboringinal pople and lgbt folks included as ministers at all ‘levels’ and included and honoured in other ways. As for Buddha on the altar –you should see mine at home ! —– I love humour and laughter, and value their truths. The inportant thing to me,whether you have Buddhas or anyone else on your altar, is not to miss out on their teachings and resources. Especially something as down to earth and practical for… Read more »

18 years ago

“Gracias a Dios! This is huge, this is bigger than HOPE…this is a bonafide Mircle/Blessing! We’ve been BLESSED AGAIN at TEC and our doors and hearts are opening even wider than before!”

…truly. Matthew 7:13

Find the Chief Goddess
18 years ago

Very clever, “Find the True Presiding Bishop”…

…but should a member of the Church of “Mary, Co-Redemptorix” (and the Mexican “Our Lady the Moon-Goddess”) really lecture Anglicans on *their* syncretism?

18 years ago

JCF wrote: “But what about Non-non-liberals (the vast majority of TEC)? Will they be allowed to stay with the Anglican Communion too?”

Dear JCF, Not if they don’t want to be Anglicans (ie stay within the religion defined as “Anglican”). There can’t be Unity without agreement on Truth.

I think that what has happened to conservatives within ECUSA over the last few years, and what is now happening *to* ECUSA, clearly demonstrate that if Unity is not defined by Truth it is defined by Power.

Cheryl Clough
18 years ago

When holding the hands of a group of people who have been abused and repressed, it is important to relish in their early victories. In Australia, most people lauded Cathy Freeman lighting the Olympic flame as she is an Aboriginal icon and role model for countless full- and part-blood Aboriginals. Plus there is the Aussie tendency to barrack for the underdog. The early leaders have such a hard time, they are more closely scrutinised than their peers or others of their repressed group who come through years later when the controversy is over. Their faults and errors are highlighted and… Read more »

Robert Christian
Robert Christian
18 years ago

This election can be considered a disaster or stroke of genius. It certainly has usurped the attention from the gay issue and the WR. I want to say to those who already criticising +KJS to give her a chance and offer your support. This is like getting an present in box wrapped in brown paper and saying, “I already don’t like it” Mind you, they’ve have no idea whats in the box. Maybe it’s a diamond or better yet a gift from the Holy Spirit. Some people just need something to be miserable about. I don’t think thats what God… Read more »

Christopher Shell
Christopher Shell
18 years ago

Hi David C- I agree up to a point, and also disagree up to a point. Why do I disagree? (1) Because some people are clearly less culturally bound than others, and, this being the case, we should listen more to those who are less culturally bound, rather than to those who are more culturally bound. It is precisely critical thinkers and scholars who are best in a position to be critical about their own culture, and to judge it in the light of other cultures. (2) Because I can think of no reason for her to make this (rather… Read more »

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
18 years ago


What about :

The instability of the signifier ?

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