Thinking Anglicans

CT synod reports

The full set of articles on this month’s General Synod at York is now available on the Church Times website, and each one is listed below.

If instead you want the short official version, the CofE website has two files here at the top of the page.

Women as bishops
Rome’s objections swept aside
Drafting group set women-bishops puzzle PART ONE and PART TWO

Anglican Communion
Dr Williams defends Anglican covenant

Marrying in church
Pretty churches in focus, as couples’ choice is debated

Draft Dioceses, Pastoral and Mission Measure

Draft Budget 2007
Commissioners’ view ‘badly wrong’
Alterations to PCC accounts
C of E wrestles with paying pensions bill
Synod warned of a possible run on grave spaces

Clergy Terms of Service
Clergy updated on their rights

Faithful Cities
Keeping faith with the city

Global Warming
Be prophetic, churchpeople are urged

Marriage and Taxation
Marriage disincentives decried

Further Education
FE chaplains: ‘their time has come’

Prison discipleship programme

Other legislation
Guernsey discipline

Other items
Pioneer ministry
Old Catholic anniversary
World Council of Churches

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y gath clytwaith
y gath clytwaith
18 years ago

If the WCC has ‘synchretistic tendencies’, I am all in favor of them. Isn’t this kind of response common to any new inititiative, or step from the status quo ?

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