Thinking Anglicans

Confusion and tragedy in Harare

Today both Lambeth Palace and the Anglican Communion Office issued statements about the Diocese of Harare.

Episcopal News Service has a report by Matthew Davies Williams, Kearon condemn state disruption of Zimbabwe’s Anglican church services.

Episcopal Café has an article titled Confusion in Zimbabwe.

Ruth Gledhill has a blog article titled More on the tragedy of Zimbabwe. And on Times Online she has Churches raided in Zimbabwe for opposing disgraced bishop.

Nehanda Radio has State security moves in to help Mugabe bishop.

New has Zimbabwe police disrupt Anglican services, priests held.

SW Radio Africa has Priests And Parishioners Arrested As Police Disrupt Church Services.

The Association of Zimbabwe Journalists in the UK has CIO called in to help Kunonga’s men take over.

Earlier, the Zimbabwe Independent had Anglicans Revoke Kunonga’s Licence.

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17 years ago

About time for something along similar lines from Lambeth and ACO on the San Joaquin situation, isn’t it?

Davis d'Ambly
Davis d'Ambly
17 years ago

God help these poor people.

17 years ago

Zimbabwe, Kenya, the Congo, Darfur: no matter WHAT flavor of Anglican you are, we ALL need to “assault heaven” w/ our rendition of “God Bless Africa”! Nkosi sikelel’ iAfrika…

John Robison
John Robison
17 years ago

Depends on what you mean.
If you are trying to make the situations equivalent you aren’t paying that much attention.

Davis Mac-Iyalla
Davis Mac-Iyalla
17 years ago

I am sure the voices of our African Primates and GS will be most useful now if they can call their brother to order but no they will be busy talking sex and planning on how to use it as tool of separation in the Anglican Communion.

Cheryl Va. Clough
17 years ago

It’s a mess. The rest of the world can’t wait for them to fix this before they get on with other reforms. We do what we can to help, and we get on with doing more constructive things where possible. If religious leaders complain they are falling behind, then maybe they should try peace and reconciliation rather than accusations and “buying” favours. I’m not going to stop women being bashed in households in some societies because other societies still practise female circumcision. Nor am I going to stop peace and human rights in some societies whilst other societies attempt genocidal… Read more »

Weiwen Ng
17 years ago

From where I stand, I certainly hope that Rowan disinvites Jon-David.

However, people like Jon, Jack, Bob and Marty don’t begin to compare to Nolbert Kunonga. The latter is a murderer in the clothing of quack priest. He allegedly removed his diocese from his province over matters of homosexuality, but we all know that’s just a front.

I am sad only that the Anglican Communion can do no further. I wish Kunonga had been brought to trial as planned (links in the stories will show that the trial was dismissed under peculiar circumstances).

17 years ago

The attempt of a bishop to move an entire diocese to a separate jurisdiction, which is what I was referring to, is an exact equivalent, John Robinson.

Prior Aelred
17 years ago

This condemnation of Kunonga is far too late, IMHO. I had great hopes for Zimbabwe, but Mugabe dashed them ages ago. There is more starvation, deprivation, hopelessness & arbitrary violence against the people than there was when they were fighting a war of liberation against the Smith government.

Fr Mark
Fr Mark
17 years ago

John Robinson: further to Lapin’s comment above, the other parallel is that, in this case, the Province of Central Africa is able to depose Bishop Kunonga (swiftly!): cf the situation in San Joaquin.

John Robison
John Robison
17 years ago


A comparison of the attempt to remove a diocese is clear.
Comparing ++KJS to +Nolbert Kunonga (as is being done elsewhere) is quite another.

BTW- My last name is Robison. No middle “n.” I have a highschool classmate named that. I’m his “evil twin” and so he would find the confusion very bothersome.

Hugh of Lincoln
Hugh of Lincoln
17 years ago

The decision not to invite Kunonga to Lambeth might have had more moral force as a sanction had the Bishop of New Hampshire, who has committed no crime, not been assigned the same status.

Peter G. Brown
Peter G. Brown
17 years ago

Is it true that Archbishop Jensen from Sydney diocese Australia refuses to condemn the archbishop of Zimbabwe – supported by Mugabe – because the said archbishop supports Jensen’s gay hate agenda in Africa ?

17 years ago

I’ve been away, but I assume that the “conservatives” have maintained their usual silence about this travesty.

Curious to see that sleeping arrangements in New Hampshire are a greater concern than assaults on faithful Christians in their places of worship.

Dominique Gilbert
Dominique Gilbert
16 years ago

Peter G. Brown posted a comment on this page. Is he from Vumba, if so please contact me. My Dad is an old friend who seeks to make contact.

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