Thinking Anglicans

Lambeth: Monday morning press reports

Guardian Riazat Butt
Lambeth conference: Archbishop blames liberals for church rift and
Healing the rift: how Williams kept his flock together

Guardian leader: Faith 1, Charity 0

The Times Ruth Gledhill
Dr Rowan Williams restores peace at the troubled Lambeth Conference and
Commentary: rebellion in the Church’s ranks

The Times leader last Saturday: Lambeth Conference: good news for Williams

Telegraph Martin Beckford
Lambeth Conference branded ‘exercise in futility’ and
Lambeth Conference Q&A: What has it achieved? and
Lambeth Conference by numbers

BBC Way ahead found in Church gay row

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karen macqueen+
16 years ago

I’m with the Guardian as to its headline, “Faith 1, Charity 0.” Aptly put. RW proposes “the vision of a global church” which will be unified by systematically suppressing LGBT persons in favor of an old order of male leadership who rage against the tides of history and this vulnerable minority , in the name of Christ, no less. As to the BBC’s header, “Way ahead found in Church’s gay row”, I think not. RW will forge ahead to form his pastoral council and Faith and Order Commission. From one corner of the Communion, the General Convention of TEC will,… Read more »

Dallas Bob
Dallas Bob
16 years ago

“A statement signed by more than a quarter of the world’s Anglican archbishops said theological voices outside the west had been missing from some key sessions. “We are concerned with the continuing patronising attitude of the west towards the rest of the churches,” they said.” 1)You don’t show up at a conference and then complain because your voice is missing from some key sessions? 2)Granting basic rights and loving a persecuted group of people (gays and lesbians) is “patronising”? 3)I wonder how those African bishops feel about the civil rights movement in the United States in the 1960’s when another… Read more »

16 years ago

Not listening to voices outside the West? We haven’t heard anything else for the past five years!

pete hobson
pete hobson
16 years ago

the voice of america…

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
16 years ago

“Granting basic rights and loving a persecuted group of people (gays and lesbians) is “patronising”?” No, they think that’s sinful. They’re pretty clear on what they find patronizing. It’s the appearance of supreme confidence in the rightness of TEC’s “prophetic” position to the extent that TEC gives the impression of doing whatever it wants regardless of any body else. It is the equation of the status of gay people in the West, and you just need to read what I have posted elsewhere to see that I know quite well the situation here is not all sweetness and light, with… Read more »

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