Thinking Anglicans

Presiding Bishop visits the UK

The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori is currently visiting the UK. Three items in her itinerary are:

  • Visiting the Scottish Episcopal Church General Synod in Edinburgh on Friday
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14 years ago

I hope I can get to that Communion in London. That would be quite something.

Chris Smith
Chris Smith
14 years ago

May the Holy Spirit CONTINUE to give The Presiding Bishop courage and strength to stand up to the bullies and the Fundamentalists who wish to disenfranchise and marginalize others. May the Holy Spirit be with her on her various stops in Great Britain and wherever she goes.

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
14 years ago

The PB came to Richmond early this year to institute our new Bishop, Shannon Johnston. I had more time to be in her company than I did at the service at National Cathedral several years ago, and one thing that impressed me at a reception for her was that even in a milling mob of Virginia Episcopalians, whoever she was talking to had her complete attention. Good luck in seeing her.

Jeffrey Allison
Jeffrey Allison
14 years ago

When she came to Birmingham, AL (Diocese of Alabama) to consecrate our Suffragan Bishop a few years ago, she received a standing ovation from a very grateful diocesan family. The service happened to be in our Cathedral Church of the Advent. The same Cathedral Church that hosts many of the renegade “orthodox” leaders from around the globe.
I can’t tell you what a joy it was for me to see our diocesan family embrace her in such a way, in front of a very unfriendly clergy staff from the Advent.

Gene O'Grady
Gene O'Grady
14 years ago

Well, in our little church in Oregon when she was here to install the new bishop, although made a point of not intruding as a quite new Episcopalian, I did wander by her on my way to the service I usually attend and saw her trying her mitre on someone’s baby, looking cheerful and charismatic. Comparison to the wretchedly corrupt and inadequate Catholic bishop of Oregon reinforced my sense that changing churches was the right move.

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“She said: ‘What we have prayed over these decades has shaped our theology – and it has a great deal to do with dignity and respect for the image of God in our neighbours.’ ‘There can be no final, ultimate, or eternal “mission accomplished” until individual human beings have grown up into their full stature in Christ, until human relationships have been reconciled, or until human beings are at peace with all parts of Creation.’ “ – Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori at USPG – Not a bad mission statement – all considered! There was certainly no attempt to accommodate the… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, the 26th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church of the USA, and the first woman primate in the Anglican Communion, will preach and preside. It is understood to be the first time she has preached and presided in a Cathedral in the UK.” – Southwark Cathedral Notice Board – I hope as many people as possible go to the Mass at Southwark Cathedral on the Feast of Saint Anthony of Padua, this Sunday. The fact that Bishop Katharine will both preside and preach is, in itself, a bit of a miracle. Make no mistake,… Read more »

Stacey C.
Stacey C.
14 years ago

Cynthia G, I had the same experience when I saw her last year when she came to PA. She took the time to sign my book and as I was talking, a crowd started to descend on her, I told her how I recently joined TEC and love it so much and she looked at me and said “Welcome home.” That was great.

Perry Butler
Perry Butler
14 years ago

Excellent ironic comments on the statement on the Church of England Evangelical Council on the Church mouse website read and savour!

14 years ago

A mixture of gay, straight, Evangelical and Anglo-Catholic ministers complain –but all with -apparently- straight faces.

How do they keep em straight ?!

Prior Aelred
14 years ago

I am increasingly impressed with our Presiding Bishop — I am so proud that she is the public & international face of TEC!

13 years ago

The USPG link is wrong.
It should be

Ed Note: now fixed, thanks USPG.

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