Thinking Anglicans

2011 Anglican Primates Meeting – but who is going?

The ACO has announced 2011 Anglican Communion Primates’ Meeting to be held in Ireland, and there is a similar press release from Dublin.

The next Primates’ Meeting of the Anglican Communion will be held in Ireland between the 25th and 31st January, 2011.

Senior bishops from Churches across the Communion will be invited by the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams to attend the meeting taking place at the Emmaus Retreat & Conference Centre in Dublin, Ireland…

Writing in the Church of England Newspaper George Conger reports:

US Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori stated on Sept 21 that she had received notice of the meeting, and was planning on attending. The primates of the Global South coalition will meet next month and are expected to take up the issue of whether they will attend the gathering.

Other reports have appeared suggesting that several primates may not attend.

ACNA bishop David Anderson, who serves as a suffragan bishop within CANA as well as President and CEO of the American Anglican Council, has expressed his opinions what should happen:

Dr. Williams is being advised that numerous provinces won’t attend the Primates Meeting if Jefferts Schori attends. Having booked the venue, he might as well have the meeting since he is committed to paying for it, but without the orthodox Primates in attendance it could be a dangerous meeting, giving opinion and credence to teachings and beliefs that are not representative of orthodox Anglicanism.

If asked my opinion, I would strongly advise the orthodox Primates to 1) organize before the Primates’ meeting, and 2) attend and remove by force of numbers the Presiding Bishop of the American Episcopal Church (not physically, but by either voting her off the “island,” or recessing to another room and not letting her in). The meeting is a place to gather and potentially to settle some of the issues that are pulling the Anglican Communion apart, and to begin to restore health to a most wonderful communion.

In the above case, if Dr. Williams did not go along with Jefferts Schori’s exclusion, then I would suggest having the next-door-meeting without him. I just don’t believe staying home from the field of battle helps win a war over the truth and nature of Christianity within Anglicanism. The Christian Church needs a spiritually strong and muscular Anglicanism to re-evangelize the West; are we willing to make the sacrifices in order for this to happen?

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Tobias Haller
14 years ago

Whatever happened to “What touches all?” If the minority presence is to be “voted off the island” then we no longer have anything approaching a comprehensive communion, but something more like _Lord of the Flies_. Thanks for that image, David Anderson. If the Global South cannot even bear the presence of those with whom they disagree, then perhaps it is time for them to walk apart, from the other Primates, from Rowan, and from the Anglican Communion.

Bill Moorhead
14 years ago

How the heck does David Anderson, who by definition is a schismatic and who apparently defines “orthodox” as “no gay cooties,” presume to offer advice to any of the Primates of the Anglican Communion, least of all to the Archbishop of Canterbury?

Jerry Hannon
Jerry Hannon
14 years ago

I wonder how Pastor Niemøller would have reacted to Mr. Anderson’s poisonous hate-filled advice to those beacons of anti-humanity who call themselves the Global South.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out —
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out —
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out —
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me.

14 years ago

“… voting her off the ‘island'” Is he SERIOUS??!!! Dear God – what a childish and insipid thing to say. Bishop Anderson seems to have adopted an Orthodox Gospel according to Survivor – who needs Jesus… I can’t really imagine that Jesus would vote anyone off the “island” and to propose doing so in Jesus’ name is just beyond Pale (which is ironic given that the meeting is in Dublin after all). It would be nice to think that the folks who are working to break the Anglican Communion were at least high minded, but Bishop Anderson has identified his… Read more »

14 years ago

If you decide to exclude yourself from any democratic exercise, you can’t really complain about the resulting outcome. I think their ultimate complaint is that a democratic group could even conceive of disagreeing with them. It is a fundamentally anti-democratic attitude.

14 years ago

Oh, it is so tiring…. It is this sort of nonsense which makes me want to quit the church and never hear of it again – in spite of all the very real good our Episcopal church in Seattle does. Do these pure souls ever stop to think that they are driving thinking people and very many who have need to if it, about as far away from the church and Christianity as is possible?

Spirit of Vatican II
Spirit of Vatican II
14 years ago

Do they need to meet so often? The expense and energy expended on what turn out to be ridiculous circuses seem excessive.

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
14 years ago

Why should anyone pay any attention to this schismatic cleric? Pshaw! But I suppose the ABC, from the depths of Lambeth, will issue some kind of response. Why not just ignore him? He has no status or standing in the Anglican Communion. I feel sorry for someone so fearful of gay cooties – where will he ever be safe?

14 years ago

I used to go to a parish where they talked like this.
It sounds like the Diocese under Duncan. This is the same tactic they use on the parish level. Push everyone with a different opinion out. I don’t call that Christianity.

Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume
14 years ago

Let the GS primates stay away if that is there choice. Preferable to have them present, but if they insist on playing these games, then so be it. Don’t hurt yourselves as you slam the door.

“Les absents ont toujours tort.”

kieran crichton
kieran crichton
14 years ago

But why are they worried about Bishop Schori? They’ve already inoculated Rowan against the more sensible path. Does he come over all dangerous and reasonable after five minutes with the Presiding Bishop?

Clearly the ACNA potion isn’t as strong as they thought, if the antidote has to be resisted like this.

14 years ago

“I would strongly advise the orthodox Primates to 1) organize before the Primates’ meeting, and 2) attend and remove by force of numbers the Presiding Bishop of the American Episcopal Church (not physically, but by either voting her off the “island,” or recessing to another room and not letting her in).”


Oh, wait: this is David “Funded by Kill-the-Gays Ahmanson” Anderson speaking. It’s TOTALLY believable!

Lord have mercy.

Davis Mac-Iyalla
Davis Mac-Iyalla
14 years ago

“I would strongly advise the orthodox Primates to 1) organize before the Primates’ meeting, and 2) attend and remove by force of numbers the Presiding Bishop of the American Episcopal Church (not physically, but by either voting her off the “island,” or recessing to another room and not letting her in).”

How long will the Americans hold captives of the GS Primates and Bishops? Unbelievable David Anderson is a Bishop.

karen macqueen+
karen macqueen+
14 years ago

David Anderson: “The Christian Church needs a spiritually strong and muscular Anglicanism to re-evangelize the West;”

Can’t you just see him breathlessly touching the biceps? O muscular Anglicanism! O muscular homophobia!

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“if Dr. Williams did not go along with Jefferts Schori’s exclusion, then I would suggest having the next-door-meeting without him. I just don’t believe staying home from the field of battle helps win a war over the truth and nature of Christianity within Anglicanism.” – ACNA faux-bishop David Anderson – Spoken like a true schismatic! If Bp Anderson wants a dodgy replica of the Anglican Communion to be raised up by his confederate members of ACNA and the Global South confraternity, than he must encourage his mates (for invariably they will be ‘mates’) to get their own show going. It… Read more »

Perry Butler
Perry Butler
14 years ago

What I find extraordinary is the way these conservative Primates seem to treat their Provinces as personal fiefdoms. The Church of England is episcopally led but synodically governed. It is not up to the Primate who his Church is in communion with and presumably if he absented himself from an important meeting for “political” reasons questions would be asked and he would be held to account.No doubt some conservative provinces are as one in their opposition to TEC ( Nigeria/ Uganda/Kenya) but some of these Primates of small provinces might find trouble at home. I get the impression not everyone… Read more »

Susannah Clark
14 years ago

Spoken like a “man”

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
14 years ago

“either voting her off the “island,” or recessing to another room and not letting her in).”

LOL! You can’t make this up, can you? Like a sign on a clubhouse door: “NO GURLS!”

Laurence Roberts
Laurence Roberts
14 years ago

I do not care who goes. In fact, I think that the primates have done so much mischief, I think they should desist from meeting– such a waste of time and money – ours. Their meetings are unnecesary innovations, if treated as more than efforts at collaboration and intercourse.

If they could have listened to the PB of TEC in humility they might have got some-where.

The Anglican Communion came into being accidentally,a pretty informal, ad=hoc fellowship of national churches, and is now slipping away.

Let it rest in peace.

14 years ago

It sounds like the stress is getting to Bp. Anderson.

Martin Reynolds
14 years ago

Laurie is quite correct. The Primates managed to make a monumental hash of a difficult situation, mind you, they did have a deal of willing helpers.

But, if there are now going to be two, or more networks then perhaps these need to be identified in Dublin (or at least start to identify). I suppose the question is how those networks relate to Canterbury.

Put at most basic – if they do go off into another room will Rowan end up presiding at that meeting too?

14 years ago

>>>Put at most basic – if they do go off into another room will Rowan end up presiding at that meeting too?

This calls to mind the remark attributed to Peter Akinola: “Rowan will do what we tell him to do.”

So far, Akinola is right on that one.

Tobias Haller
14 years ago

Le salon des refusants.

14 years ago

I read Anderson’s piece as a sign of fear. He is worried that GAFCON primates won’t go; and that progress will be made without them. As for his own suggestion, it is beyond parody. The fact that he has to explain that he does not mean that his allies should “attend and remove by force of numbers the Presiding Bishop of the American Episcopal Church” PHYSICALLY suggests how much on the wrong foot he sets off. But to continue as if the Primates Meeting is a TV gameshow (“voting her off the “island,””) and to have a fallback position which… Read more »

14 years ago

Why should David Anderson be so vocal? Here are some possible reasons: 1. The strategy of Dromantine and Dar-es-Salaam was to micro-manage the primates meetings from locales down the street or 2nd floor shuttle diplomacy. Minns (AAC Virginia) and Anderson were both present at these meetings and active. 2. Anderson, in his fund-raising letters has promised his supporters that the AAC will attend as many as possible of these meetings to offer support (i.e lobby) 3. David Anderson, according to the last available tax return of the AAC, 2008, earned $101,356 for a 30 hour/week job. See Since Dar-es-Salaam… Read more »

14 years ago

>David Anderson, according to the last available tax return of the AAC, 2008, earned $101,356 for a 30 hour/week job.

All that and a pointy hat too!

Nice work if you can get it.

14 years ago

Pity the sources of AAC’s income are not listed on the tax return.

14 years ago

“Nice work if you can get it.”

But what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain $101,356.00 and a pointy hat, and lose his own soul?

14 years ago

“But what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain $101,356.00 and a pointy hat, and lose his own soul?”

$101,356.00, that’s what!

I consider the pointy hat to be more of a penance for taking the position than a benefit. Nobody looks good in those things.

Perry Butler
Perry Butler
14 years ago

I agree with Martin reynolds above. The policy of trying to keep everyone at the table is more or less played out. At some point provinces will have to make explicit whether they are in communion with Canterbury or not.

Göran Koch-Swahne
14 years ago

i am with Laurence Roberts on this.

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

Martin Reynolds and Perry Butler have both given what might prove to be the only way through the current dilemma:
1. a trimmed-down Anglican Communion (minus the absentee G.S. Provinces), and:
2. a newly-spawned Global South Biblical Congregation of Churches, headquartered in Uganda.

This would leave the Anglican Communion committed to the proclamation of the Gospel of O.L.J.C.

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