Thinking Anglicans

Sunday news reports

Stories related to the Archbishop of Canterbury’s sermon are here.

The Telegraph reports that churchgoers live longer. The secret of long life… go to church.

The Sunday Times says that David Stancliffe says that Prince Charles should consider a Register Office wedding (middle part of the page).

There was further positive news for him this weekend as a senior figure in the Church of England raised the possibility of a resolution to his marital status by proposing a register office wedding.

David Stancliffe, Bishop of Salisbury, said: “If the Prince of Wales and Mrs Parker Bowles expressed a wish to marry, the proper pastoral approach should be to advise them to seek a civil ceremony which may be followed by prayers of dedication in church.”

This suggestion, which he said was supported by the majority of the episcopate, marks a significant development from the position taken a year ago by Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury. Williams indicated that the couple might not meet the criteria for a remarriage in church.

According to Stancliffe, the church’s expert on liturgy, the dedication ceremony would be appropriate for a future supreme governor of the Church of England. “That can be a solemn and splendid affirmation of their new marriage.”

An act of parliament would be required because at present there is no provision for the royal family to marry in a register office.

And the BBC today reports on one of its own programmes:
Gay cleric attacks bullying. You can read the entire sermon here and judge for yourself whether this is a balanced report of the sermon as a whole.

Update Monday
Other news reports of this event:
The Times Challenge thugs, says gay dean
Guardian Gay cleric accuses church of giving in to bullies

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20 years ago

Got to be honest – yes, I think it is a fair summary of the core of what Jeffrey was saying.

If I were him, I would have left the church. I don;t know how anyone gay can remain in the priesthood without compromising their integrity.

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