Thinking Anglicans

February General Synod Papers

UPDATED (Friday 28 January) to link three more GS Misc papers. In addition what was GS Misc 764 is now GS Misc 763.
UPDATED (Tuesday midnight) to link a few more online papers.
UPDATED (Monday 5pm) to link a few more online papers.

General Synod meets in London from 5pm on Monday 14 February to 7pm on Thursday 17 February. I list below the papers for this group of sessions, and link to those that are online. Apart from the Agenda and the Business Committee’s report on it, which I have put first, they are in numerical order. There is a list in agenda order on the CofE website.

GS 1559 Agenda
The following extracts from the full agenda are online.
Business for Monday 14th February
Business for Tuesday 15th February
Business for Wednesday 16th February
Business for Thursday 17th February
Legislative Business (Special Agenda I)
Liturgical Business (Special Agenda II)

GS 1560 Report by the Business Committee
The business committee’s usual report on the agenda.

GS 1520B Weekday Lectionary and Amendments
These texts are being brought to Synod for final approval.

GS 1524B Draft Pastoral (Amendment) Measure
GS 1524Z Report by the Steering Committee
Final approval of this measure, which will facilitate the community use of churches which remain in use for worship, will be sought.

GS 1535A Common Worship Ordination Services
GS 1535Y Report by the Revision Committee
These are online in sections.
Report by the Revision Committee
Annex to the Report
The Ordination of Deacons
The Ordination of Priests
The Ordination of Bishops

GS 1555A Draft Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure
GS 1555Y Report by the Revision Committee

GS 1558 Sharing God’s Planet: a Christian vision for a sustainable future
GS Misc 767 The Environment Debate: A briefing
This report will support a debate on the environment.

GS 1561 General Synod Elections 2005: Report by the Business Committee
Proposals for the timetable for this year’s general election to General Synod, and the number of clergy and laity to be elected by each diocese.

GS 1562 Legal Officers (Annual Fees) Order 2005
GS 1562X Explanatory Memorandum
An average increase of 3.2% in diocesan registrars’ retainers is proposed.

GS 1563 Draft Convocations election to the Upper House Rules (Amendment) Resolution 2005
GS 1563X Explanatory Memorandum
Amendments consequential on the decision to reduce the number of suffragans elected to the House of Bishops.

GS 1564 Review of Clergy Terms of Service: Part Two
There is an online summary of part one of this review here.

GS 1565 Appointed member of the Archbishops’ Council
Mark Russell is being recommended to Synod to fill the place on the Archbishops’ Council left vacant by the retirement of Jayne Ozanne.

GS 1566 Review of Constitutions of Bodies answerable to the Synod through the Archbishops’ Council

GS 1567 Higher Education and the Church’s Mission
A report to support a debate on the purpose of higher education.

GS 1568 Women in the episcopate: Report by the House of Bishops
The report itself (GS 1557) is here.

GS 1569 Hind Implementation: Review of the sources of funding for CME 1-4 and the proposals for research

GS 1570 The Windsor Report: Report by the House of Bishops

Diocesan Synod and Private Member’s Motions
The texts of these motions are below the fold

GS Misc 763A Canon B44
GS Misc 763B Note by the CCU

GS Misc 764A Election Addresses: Note by the Diocese of Durham
GS Misc 764B Election Addresses: Note by the Legal Adviser

GS Misc 765A Senior Church Appointments
GS Misc 765B Note by the Secretary General
Senior Church Appointments: other background papers
GS 1405 Working with the Spirit: Choosing Diocesan Bishops
Briefing for members of Vacancy-in-See Committees

Canon B44

The Revd Canon Alan Hargrave to move on behalf of the Ely Diocesan Synod

‘That this Synod request that legislation be introduced to rescind paragraph 5 of Canon B44 Of local ecumenical projects.’

Election Addresses

Mrs Janet Atkinson to move on behalf of the Durham Diocesan Synod:

‘That this Synod support a change to the Church Representation Rules by requiring that candidates seeking election to the House of Laity of the General Synod, who produce election addresses for distribution to electors, as permitted by Church Representation Rule 39(6), shall include in such addresses details including a brief resume of the aims and policies of any Church related organization, society, movement or association to which they belong or support or are affiliated, either directly or through parochial links, and which could affect their voting intentions in General Synod in matters of doctrine or ecclesiology in order to ensure transparency for electors.’

Senior Church Appointments

Mr Anthony Archer (St. Albans) to move:

‘That this Synod:

(i) consider that the Church should adopt an integrated and consistent method for the making of appointments to senior ecclesiastical office (other than diocesan bishops) to ensure that all appointments are transparent and encourage the confidence of the Church in the procedures that support the final selection; and

(ii) request the Archbishops’ Council to commission a working party (to be chaired by a person independent of the Council and the Synod) to review and make recommendations (without limitation) as to:

(a)the office of suffragan bishop, dean, archdeacon and residentiary canon, and the functions, demands and requirements of these senior ecclesiastical ministries in a changing Church;

(b)the law and practice regarding appointments to these offices, including:-

(A) the role and practice adopted by diocesan bishops in the making of nominations to suffragan sees; and

(B)the role of the Crown in the making of appointments to the other senior church offices referred to above and how it is discharged (and in particular the possibility of seeking agreement to the functions of Ministers of the Crown either (i) being transferred to the Archbishop of the province concerned, or (ii) becoming purely formal ones involving the submission of the advice received from the Archbishop),

and for the Archbishops’ Council to report back to the Synod within eighteen months of the date of this debate.’

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