Thinking Anglicans

ECUSA team for Nottingham is named

The Living Church has published a further report on this subject: Presiding Bishop: ACC Presentation will Invite Dialogue

The Episcopal Church’s presentation will “fall into three sections,” the Presiding Bishop noted. The seven-member team will address issues “scriptural and theological; the reality of homosexuality in the life and experience of faithful persons and families; and a witness to the fact that divergent points of view on issues of sexuality need not be church dividing, and that those who stand in different places can make common cause together in the service of Christ’s mission.”

While the Anglican Consultative Council will “pay for three persons to represent us” in Nottingham, Bishop Griswold wrote, he added that “I feel that we are best served by sending six, in addition to myself, and I have every confidence that these six persons will represent the Episcopal Church with faithfulness and grace.”

The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada will each have an hour and a half to respond to the primates’ Feb. 24 communiqué. “This will include time for queries, clarifications and conversation with the members of ACC, as our presentation needs to be put forward in a gracious and open-ended way that invites dialogue and conversation,” Bishop Griswold wrote.

The Living Church has published a news story Delegation named for June 21 ACC Meeting

The list of names is:

The Rt. Rev. J. Neil Alexander, Bishop of Atlanta; the Rev. Michael Battle, associate dean of academic affairs and vice president of Virginia Theological Seminary; the Rt. Rev. Charles Jenkins, Bishop of Louisiana; the Rt. Rev. Catherine Roskam, suffragan bishop of New York; the Rev. Susan Russell, President of Integrity; and Mrs. Jane Tully of Clergy Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (C-FLAG) will join the Presiding Bishop and a delegation from the Anglican Church of Canada in addressing the ACC on June 21.

This report also confirms the date for this session as 21 June, and says of the names listed:

The delegation chosen by the Presiding Bishop represents a diverse slice of the Church. Bishop Jenkins voted against affirming the election of Bishop Gene Robinson at the 74th General Convention, while Bishop Alexander voted in favor. Bishop Roskam participated in Bishop Robinson’s consecration. The Rev. Susan Russell is president of the Church’s largest gay and lesbian advocacy group, and Mrs. Tully, wife of the rector of St. Bartholomew’s Church in New York City, is a leader of C-FLAG.

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Todd Granger
19 years ago

It is absurd to assert that this delegation “represents a diverse slice” of the Church, when four of its six members are fully in favor of the innovations, Dr Michael Battle is inclined toward supporting them, and Bishop Jenkins of the Diocese of Louisiana, despite his “no” vote to Robinson’s consecration, has shown himself willing to accomodate. Better the Presiding Bishop et al. should simply have announced that the delegation would intentionally be composed of those in support of the innovations and those willing to accomodate them, and that conservatives and traditionalists would deliberately be excluded (having no interest in… Read more »

Thomas Bushnell, BSG
19 years ago

This selection gives me great hope.

Leonardo Ricardo
19 years ago

“It is absurd to assert that this delegation ‘represents a diverse slice’ of the Church…” Holy VACA, oh my yes, goodness gracious what an oversight…our Presiding Bishop should have included the busy little +frequent traveler from Pittsburgh (who will probably attend uninvited anyway/gratis and hideout/hangout in a cheap hotel with a celphone pressed to his rapidly moving lips) to provide more valid/honest/candid thoughts about the REAL Episcopal Church (without “counterfit” clergy or false faith) of America! And/or ++ could/should send a “virtueless” blogger with his/her/it’s/their angry spewing voices twisting and tainting facts in order to KEEP *things* STRAIGHT! True, who… Read more »

19 years ago

“angry spewing voices twisting and tainting facts”….
Oh the delicious irony of that accusation in the light of your post.
“A measure of honesty and an acknowledgement of reality would have been appreciated.”

thankful for inclusion
thankful for inclusion
19 years ago

re: #1. Well, doesn’t it make sense that the delegation would be mostly composed of people who can explain the underlying thinking in favor of these “innovations”?
As we all know, the AC (and the world) is full of people who can argue against them.

19 years ago

“thankful for inclusion” says that it makes sense for the delegation to be mostly comprised of those who favour these innovations. What does not make sense is to claim that this delegation “represents a diverse slice of the Church”.

David Huff
David Huff
19 years ago

Todd wrote:
“It is absurd to assert that this delegation “represents a diverse slice” of the Church, , when four of its six members are fully in favor of the innovations…”

Well, considering that makes it 2/3’s in favor of GC2003’s actions, it seems quite magnanimous. The actual percentages at GC2003 were higher, and only slightly over 10% of all dioceses have joined this “Network” thing.

Esp. considering that this panel was invited to explain what we did, I think the choices show great generosity.

19 years ago

Todd, Neil, Outsider,
For the sake of clarity, let me explain that what “Liberals” mean by inclusion, tolerance and generosity, is a one way street.
Only people and behaviours that are OK’ed by “Liberals” are to be included, tolerated or treated with generosity.
In particular, anyone who does not include or tolerate that which “Liberals” approve is not to be tolerated, but excluded (or “excludes themselves”) etc etc.
Hope that helps!

19 years ago

Dave, kindly get to know some liberals before you post that kind of crap.

Leonardo Ricardo
19 years ago

“In particular, anyone who does not include or tolerate that which “Liberals” approve is not to be tolerated, but excluded (or “excludes themselves”) etc etc.” While I’ll be jiggered Dave! I thought them majority voting *libs* were excluded and prohibited from meet’n in that fancy Loew’s Hotel in Dallas where/while the “traditionalists” found a secretive and safe “place to stand” without the rest of us God fear’n Episcopalians…matter of fact, even the Presiding Bishop was forbade sending a friendly/non-participating team of OUR Episcopalian brothers and sisters as “observers” to sit quietly and monitor/listen and accept them unhappy and righteous “complaints.”… Read more »

19 years ago

Dave, don’t be intimidated. You are totally right in your statement, but this place is infested with contributors who seem unable to understand POVs of any than their own.
Tim, I know many liberals. They are busy creating a religion they call Christianity, but totally different from what you and I might subscribe to.

19 years ago

Dave wrote: “For the sake of clarity, let me explain that what “Liberals” mean by inclusion, tolerance and generosity, is a one way street…” Ahh yes, I feel the love, Dave… This *does* raise a good point, however. “Liberals” are often unfairly chided for being intolerant of, well…intolerance. As my son would say, “well DUH!!” Of *course* some thing are intolerable ! I’m from the Southern U.S., and have been around long enough to remember the civil rights struggles of the 1960’s – incl. how poorly most white Christian churches responded to it. Were “liberals” being awful back then when… Read more »

Friendly Non-Anglican
Friendly Non-Anglican
19 years ago

I have a lot of sympathy for Anglican Church,although I am an American, non-Anglican Christian watching this from the outside of the Anglican Church. Regardless of the final result reached by ECUSA and the world-wide Anglican Church, this Robinson debacle is a terrible blow to worldwide Christianity. Non-Christians will see this entire Robinson thing as evidence of a lack of intellectual, theological and spiritual integrity. Non-Christians simply won’t be able to understand how two groups who call themselves Christian could vary so much on the issue of homosexual conduct. In my estimation, worldwide Christianity must formulate an effective response to… Read more »

19 years ago

Simeon:”The idea that a “liberal” is tolerant of EVERYTHING is utter nonsense”
Too true! They are remarkably intolerant of anyone who does not share their opinions!

Leonardo Ricardo
19 years ago

“Regardless of the final result reached by ECUSA and the world-wide Anglican Church, this Robinson debacle is a terrible blow to worldwide Christianity.” Friendly Non, Our “changes” are not about Christian “appearances” or “combating” Muslims or “posturing” for others (those with/without a religion or a desire to have one). My/our “change” is about a inspired “call” for personal integrity, a MORE responsible character and a greater appreciation for TRUTH and reality. For me, OUR growth process at the Episcopal Church USA is another gift of revelation and is specifically about Gods love for ALL of us in the “body of… Read more »

19 years ago

Ian wrote:
“Too true! They are remarkably intolerant of anyone who does not share their opinions!”
Ahhh…unlike the meek, humble, and charitable “orthodox,” of course. You guys are all sweetness and flowers compared to us, eh ? All the vitriol I read from the blog of David “Virtue,” to the trolling here, and many, other places is just your way of letting us know how much you love us… 😉

19 years ago

Simeon, what a sarcastic and unhelpful reply! Your comments are predictable. Those of us here who believe that the Bible is the final authority, and who note that homosexuality is a “no no” throughout are either treated to sarcasm or told that they do not “love”. We have gays in our church – they are always welcome and loved – but they are also prepared to accept what the Bible teaches, and with God’s help are changing. All of us in our church are committed to becoming what God wants us to be. This is the third time David Virtue’s… Read more »

Simon Sarmiento
Simon Sarmiento
19 years ago

A moderator writes: These comments have little relevance to the subject of the original item. We are at least as likely to stop a thread for this reason as for any other 🙂

19 years ago

Point taken Simon. Apologies. I would be grateful if you could remove my message.

19 years ago

The thread got lost at least ten messages ago, when Dave clarified what Liberals mean by inclusion, tolerance and generosity! Simon, methinks we are not going to agree on certain matters, but I admire you greatly for all your postings. In terms of information about who is saying what to whom, this site is by far the best I have come across. Ian, I identify with what you have expressed, but you’ll get nowhere with some. The love has to be one way. You might wish to look at other forums. I wouldn’t recommend Virtue on line; too many extremists.… Read more »

19 years ago

Indeed Simon, my apologies. Got my knickers in a twist and posted before thinking 😉 (and it IS supposed to be “Thinking” Anglicans, yes ?)

What say we all agree to step back, take a few, deep breaths, and pledge a modicum of civility ? Dave ? Ian ? I will if you will 😉

19 years ago

Only people and behaviours that are OK’ed by “Liberals” are to be included, tolerated or treated with generosity. Hi Chaps & Chappesses I really didn’t think that this was irrelevant (as the discussion was about who was included in the ECUSA delegation). And I’m sorry if I came across nasty. Some response to my posting seemed debiberately so. 🙁 However, I think this proves my point; that “Liberals” (for lack of a better term) think of themselves as inclusive and nice, but are in fact nasty and rejecting towards people they think are illiberal etc. Which is exactly what they… Read more »

Todd Granger
19 years ago

To return (belatedly) to the subject of the original posting: my point was simply that the theology delegation cannot honestly be construed to represent a diverse slice of The Episcopal Church, whether it represents the parliamentary majority present at General Convention or not. Not should it so represent the Church. In no way could my comment have been construed to mean that +Pittsburgh should have been included (and the knee-jerk ranting was more than a little tiresome). Conserving and traditional Anglicans have no interest in helping The Episcopal Church “put its case” before the Anglican Consultative Council and would therefore… Read more »

19 years ago

“However, I think this proves my point; that “Liberals” (for lack of a better term) think of themselves as inclusive and nice, but are in fact nasty and rejecting towards people they think are illiberal etc.
Which is exactly what they think is wrong with “conservatives”. “
Yup. Well said!

J. C. Fisher
J. C. Fisher
19 years ago

I just don’t understand the confusion over “inclusion.”

INCLUDE: *God-given diversity*. Different races. Different genders. Different ages. Different physical abilities. Different sexual orientations.

EXCLUDE: *human-made injustice*. The *chosen* exercise-of-power which *discriminates against God-given diversity*.

[FWIW, I’ve never claimed to be “nice”. I try to be *fair*: respecting each and every Unique Image of God . . . while making my Yes “Yes” and No “No”, when I see injustice expressed against *any* of God’s Beloved Children]

19 years ago

> just don’t understand the confusion over “inclusion.”< Don’t understand, or don’t want to? 1. If you mean by “inclusivity” the welcoming of all people, irrespective of race, gender, physical abilities, sexual orientation, then that’s fine; there’s no difference between liberals and conservatives. 2. Our instructions, as Christians, is that we seek to discern what is wrong in our lives, and change; God calls us to change and conform to what He says, through the Bible. 3. There is a difference between sexual orientation and sexual practice. The latter, insofar as it refers to homsexual practice, we understand to be… Read more »

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