Thinking Anglicans

press reports on Nigeria and CA

Updated again Monday 9 January
Anglican gay group threatens legal action against Church of Nigeria appeared in Black Britain

Updated Thursday

Reports of the charges made against Changing Attitude by the Church of Nigeria are appearing in other places:

Church of England Newspaper George Conger Answers wanted on Nigerian gay charity
Ekklesia Nigerian church fraud warning includes allegation against gays
And the ACNS has republished one of the two Nigerian press releases here.

And in Nigeria:
Daily Independent Anglican Church disowns Nigerian gay activist
This Day Anglican Church Disowns Nigerian Gay-Activist
Vanguard Anglican Church disowns Nigerian gay-activist

But there is more information about this issue in the comments on this blog than in any of these reports so far.

Changing Attitude has published a new press release today:
Statement by Changing Attitude (England) about allegations against Changing Attitude Network (Nigeria)

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19 years ago

The Church of Nigeria’s press release signed by the Rev. Canon AkinTunde Popoola contains the following statement: “We have even seen a situation where a supposed knight collects money to organise homosexual meetings that only take place on sponsored news reports.” It is clear who is referred to and it is a defamatory statement. It is all the more defamatory because the reference is put in the context of “activities of some fraudulent personalities who exploit Christian love and the good name of the Church all in a bid to defraud unsuspecting people especially foreigners of money.” This defamatory statement… Read more »

19 years ago

Last year Akinola and his people compared gays/lesbians/bisexuals to dogs and equated same-sex affections with bestiality.

Now after challenging CA to have their “gay lawyer” address their libelous statements, over ACNS they equate CA-Nigeria to fraudulent email solicitations and in the same breath press for the love of Christ.

Their hypocrisy has never been more apparent.

19 years ago

Popoola and Nigerian church officials have apparently used their positions to send over ACNS as authoritative, their defamations of Davis Mac-Iyalla and CA-Nigeria.

I have sent them information regarding this issue so that they can look into this and to alert them that they may be being used by Popoola.

I certainly urge the Rev. Coward to contact them to make them aware that what has gone out over ACNS as dispositive is nothing of the sort.

19 years ago

But, again, why do you expect any better? This is all about the homophobic agenda of that Church – irrespective of the circumstances.

I don’tthink it would make any difference at all whether this story is actually true or not.Its not about truth or lies – its purely about the inability of the Nigerian church to do any serious listening.

Augustus Meriwether
19 years ago

The Daily Independant reports: ‘Meanwhile, the Primate, Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, Archbishop Peter Akinola, has called for an end to all false claims of piety in the country.

This may be on the wrong side of the dividing line between irony and self-spoofing.

Augustus Meriwether
19 years ago

Rev. Canon Popoola’s heroic place in history is as good as confirmed – dictionaries are already being amended:

Göran Koch-Swahne
19 years ago

It’s interesting to see that it’s a totally different story in the Church of England Newspaper…

The Nigerian newpapers treat the CofN bull with greater care, if not caution.

Perhaps it would be worthwhile to know more about how AB Akinola and the CofN are regarded in Nigeria…

Martin Reynolds
19 years ago

Goran makes an interesting point. The CEN coverage shows how journalism has changed since I was a hack. I would never have got away with reprinting unproven allegations such as these. Still, this published story may be useful in the end whichever way it turns. The publication of the Egyptian letter to Rowan was a disaster for Nigerian PR, this story seems unlikely to be one that might help restore their credibility. It is the oldest trick in the book – attacking the messenger when you don’t like the message – but it has a habit of backfiring. But the… Read more »

John Simmons
19 years ago

I just love yummy self-referential posts! Mmmmmmm. {:-)

“Rev. Canon Popoola’s heroic place in history is as good as confirmed – dictionaries are already being amended:


“Posted by: Augustus Meriwether on Thursday, 5 January 2006 at 4:08am GMT”

19 years ago

I followed the link to the church in Chadderton, what a beautiful church you have!

John Simmons
19 years ago

“I followed the link to the church in Chadderton, what a beautiful church you have!

“Posted by: RMF on Thursday, 5 January 2006 at 4:25pm GMT”

We like it too. Thanks.

All welcome.

Augustus Meriwether
19 years ago

I think Goran’s point is very interesting too. I wonder, in ordinary Nigerians’ minds, how these two things compare in terms of bringing the Church into disrepute: church acceptance and support of gay people in a civilised and compassionate way; or church oppression, denial, slander of gay people who simply want recognition and equal rights. As a nation used to dictatorship and oppression and injustice, I imagine they are also used to keeping their heads down and allowing those in authority to call the shots no matter how injust and corrupt they might be. I suspect, at heart, they might… Read more »

David Huff
David Huff
19 years ago


Good points. It doesn’t hurt at all to review principles of good netiquette on occasion here at TA 🙂

Now, perhaps a reminder of why flaming and trolling are bad behavior would be in order before the next breakout of same…

J. C. Fisher
19 years ago

Slightly OT, but I just wanted to note—with thanksgiving to God—that tonight (at an ECUSA parish) I met a lesbian Anglican . . .

. . . visiting from *Uganda* (y’know: a country from the continent where such things don’t exist ;-p)

19 years ago

Oh they do exist JCF; but homosexuality is seen in a negative light. Haven’t you heard of the Uganda martyrs ?

Göran Koch-Swahne
19 years ago

O, yes indeed…

Actually, Augustus Meriwether had a couple of posts on that one a while ago.

Maybe, you should read them, dear Dave?

J. C. Fisher
19 years ago

The Ugandan martyrs were killed by a monarch who was a ***rapist****, Dave (just like the Sodomites of Genesis). What possible relevance does this have to this Ugandan lesbian (who, like the martyrs—and unlike the murderous king—is also an Anglican)? This “reductio ad homo” comparison is ridiculous.

Göran Koch-Swahne
19 years ago

I suggest that you read Augustus Meriwether’s piece on the Ugandan Martyrs (not all were Anglicans).

J. C. Fisher
19 years ago

I stand corrected, Goran (though I think my larger point, to Dave, still holds).

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