Thinking Anglicans

Divestment: more discussion

Yesterday the Guardian carried a major comment article by Paul Oestreicher entitled Israel’s policies are feeding the cancer of anti-semitism.
There was an accompanying news story by Stephen Bates Leading Anglican hits back in ‘anti-Israel’ row. Today there are lots of letters to the editor.

Elsewhere the Jerusalem Post carried a comment article entitled Remembering William Temple and from Porto Alegre came this Associated Press report from the WCC Assembly Campaign for pro-Palestinian divestment seeks momentum at world church gathering.

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Cheryl Clough
19 years ago

To not comment is to be seen to be indifferent, which is not the case. Again, one of Sacks points was to look for ways to postively and practically support the Palestinians (rather than punitively punish the Jews). While I love the Jews, they would do well to remember an Asian idiom: “May your village be blessed by someone that everyone hates.” In such circumstances, the vast majority of villagers have a happy co-existence because they all agree on who is the common enemy. However, where a common enemy does not exist, the villagers revert to their normal relationships with… Read more »

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