Thinking Anglicans

ECUSA and the Windsor Report

Updated 23 March
The Living Church now has a report on this with more detail, Windsor Report Response Presented to Bishops.

The ECUSA House of Bishops is currently holding one of its regular meetings, this time at the Kanuga Conference Centre in Hendersonville, North Carolina.

They have received a preliminary report from the Special Commission on the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion announced last September – for backstory see ENS Special Commission on Episcopal Church, Anglican Communion to meet and TLC Special General Convention Commission Appointed.

See the latest ENS report: Special Commission members brief bishops on progress.

The Commission will offer a full report, relating to the Windsor Report, Primates Meeting, and the Anglican Consultative Council, to the 75th General Convention approximately 60 days prior to Convention, i.e. about 10 April.

Then, as the General Convention of ECUSA approaches, a separate official commission will prepare formal resolutions for the Convention to consider. Membership of this commission was recently announced, see ENS Special committee on Church and Communion named. Although this is a separate body, there is a significant overlap of members between the two groups. The Convention meets from 13 to 21 June in Columbus, Ohio.

In a separate development, the Presiding Bishop has written to the other primates about the Listening Process:
see ENS Interview: Presiding Bishop supports listening process, writes to primates
Transcript: Presiding Bishop supports listening process, writes to primates.
This has been reported by the Living Church magazine as Presiding Bishop Writes to Primates.
The actual text of this letter has not (yet?) been published.

Meanwhile, in yet another development, the Diocese of California will hold its election of a new diocesan bishop on 6 May. This is thought to be relevant because the nominees include several persons who are in same-sex relationships. The General Convention will be asked to ratify the outcome of the election. You can read all about the election process of that diocese on a special website which contains profiles of all the candidates as well as of the diocese and much else besides.

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19 years ago

A point of clarification, the commission that will prepare the formal resolutions for consideration by General Convention will be meeting only during General Convention, IIRC. I think it is a legislative committee of the GC just like the committees that consider the various Blue Book reports and decide what resolutions on their topic to send to the whole GC.


19 years ago

First, the Diocese of CA should elect the best leader for their diocese–regardless of race, gender, orientation; and, in spite of all the threats from the Rebellion. Second, GC 2006 should call the Windsor Report what it is: fatally flawed, and already severely violated by the likes of Ankinola and other foreign bishops. Third, GC 2006 should condemn the AAC and Network for working to undermine ECUSA with garbage like the Chapman Memo, etc. Bp. Johnson of West TN hit it right on the mark: The leadership of the AAC/Network has sold people of good faith and intention a bill… Read more »

J. C. Fisher
19 years ago

“So I would hope that we could at least balance the preoccupation with sexuality against the fact that those that disagree share Jesus as Lord and Savior, a common belief in our being reconciled to God through the cross, a common belief in the fact that baptism draws us into intimate union with Christ and one another and the Eucharist renews that reality week by week. So some of this I think needs to be reclaimed as our true unity. I would also say that Communion is really God’s gift. Communion is the internal life of the Holy Trinity into… Read more »

Prior Aelred
19 years ago

I’m with Pete — I even think that this is sort of what will happen, but it will be phrased in ecclesiastical doublespeak so everyone can continue to disagree about what it “really” means

Also w/ JC in giving kudos to ++Griswold (he really is quite good, you know?)

19 years ago

I love to read ++Griswold. How can anyone say that he is not a Christian? Imagine my surprise when I expressed this to my former rector and he replied that he didn’t understand anything ++Griswold wrote or said. Hmmmm, of course, I don’t understand how anyone can bear the message from +Duncan, +Akinola, and Co. I suppose it’s just another sign of how polarized we are. Pete said: “Bp. Johnson of West TN hit it right on the mark: The leadership of the AAC/Network has sold people of good faith and intention a bill of goods.” Wow Pete. When did… Read more »

19 years ago

Folks: Here is the pastoral letter Bp. Johnson of West Tennessee originally sent out after the Chapman memo became public in January 2004. To my mind, it is still the best honest evaluation of the motives of the AAC/Network leadership and why they need to be stopped dead in their tracks at GC 2006: ————– January 15, 2004 Dear fellow Episcopalians in West Tennessee, As the Bishop of The Diocese of West Tennessee, it is my privilege to serve beside you in witness to Christ. In this particular circumstance, I do so now as one who must uphold the doctrine,… Read more »

19 years ago

Dear Pete What Windsor points towards is that, to remain in communion, ECUSA has to respect Anglican teaching and the mind of the Communion. The Anglican church is a part of the apostolic catholic church, which means that it follows the teachings of Christ and the Apostles – not just that its Bishops trace their consecration back to St Peter. The ECUSA heirachy has in the main been drifting away from this for a long time, and increasingly marginalizing and ejecting dissenters. It is hardly surprising if faithful Anglican Christians have organized themselves to highlight these misdeeds and to try… Read more »

Bob in Penn
Bob in Penn
18 years ago

“Third, GC 2006 should condemn the AAC and Network for working to undermine ECUSA with garbage like the Chapman Memo, etc. Bp. Johnson of West TN hit it right on the mark: The leadership of the AAC/Network has sold people of good faith and intention a bill of goods.” I can personally attest to this statement. My priest enrolled my parish (of 38 years) into membership with the ACC and the Network without telling anyone but a chosen few. I just saw the junior warden who asked why he hasn’t seen me in church. I told him I go to… Read more »

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