Thinking Anglicans

ENS reports on CANA

Episcopal News Service has published a report about CANA in today’s Diocesan Digest. Scroll down that page to find it. The item is titled VIRGINIA: Bishop, US rector elected as Nigerian bishop ‘in conversation’.

The letter from Bishop Peter Lee is now published on the Virginia diocesan website.

An earlier report from ENS makes interesting reading now. This was published in October 2004, shortly before the publication of the Windsor Report: Canterbury says Akinola’s convocation plan not approved by Williams (emphasis added):

Akinola said he had spoken with Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams about the convocation and that Williams had told him, “I wish that you would do this with the Network” of Anglican Dioceses and Parishes, or NACDAP. So, he said, the convocation will be conducted in what Truro’s rector Martyn Minns described as a “partnership” with NACDAP.

Reached on Wednesday, Archbishop Williams’ press secretary, the Rev. Jonathan Jennings, released a brief statement: “The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, and Archbishop Akinola have discussed difficulties for some Nigerian congregations in the USA arising from the General Convention decision and the consecration of Gene Robinson. Whilst the issue and its presenting difficulties were discussed, and the role of the ‘network’ raised as providing a possible solution within the structures of ECUSA, the possibility of a Nigerian convocation in the United States and of the Nigerian House of Bishops commending, recommending or choosing a bishop was not raised and formed no part of these discussions…

The only newspaper account I can find of the press conference on 5 October 2004 is this: Nigerian bishop forms U.S. denomination.

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Tobias S Haller BSG
Tobias S Haller BSG
18 years ago

So what, exactly, is the nature of the “Affiliation” which the CANA website indicates the Archbishop of Canterbury to have with it, on its website? See the link at

Is this one more instance of people taking off-the-cuff comments from the Archbishop as official approbation?

J. C. Fisher
18 years ago

“In April 2002, [+Akinola] met with the American bishops at Camp Allen in Texas for further conversations concerning his plan for the chaplaincy.”

While I’m not easily given to superstition, may I add that the above precedent does nothing to assuage my *deep misgivings* about the coming meeting (again w/ foreign bishops!) at Camp Allen? ;-/

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
18 years ago

So – what will the ABC have to say after the 20th, when it looks like for sure Martyn will get his pointy hat and purple shirt? Let me guess.

“Whilst recent events in Nigeria are not precisely in the spirit of Windsor, I am assured that nothing untoward will occur. Should Bishop Minns be scolded by the Bishop of Virginia, I shall send some Bishops from The Old Country to counsel with him. Meanwhilst, I will rebury my head and mitre in the nice quiet sand…”

Martin Reynolds
18 years ago

This is blog reporting at its best.
The story “breaks” here on TA and Simon is covering all the angles.
Comment is difficult because we are watching the news unfold before us.

Well done TA – good research Simon.

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
18 years ago

“This is blog reporting at its best.
The story “breaks” here on TA and Simon is covering all the angles.”

Yes – a rather belated thank you from me, also, as I am a recent reader. I tell friends that this is the place to find that latest and most comprehensive news about news Anglican.

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