Thinking Anglicans

a news item from Nigeria

The “King of the Tabloids” in Nigeria, the Sun reports that

The love of money is the root of all evil, so says the Holy book. Love of power, it appears, is today threatening the brotherhood of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) following alleged attempts by the out-going National President, Right Reverend Peter Jasper Akinola, to “manipulate the electoral process”.

Read all about it here.

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17 years ago

It will be interesting to see when or if the right wing US blogs carry this news item. Stand Firm recently embarrased itself by misattributing a letter to Bp. Robinson and had to retract that post and take it down – will they acknowledge this problem or not? It seems Bp. Akinola may turn out to be a problem and could be the proverbial gun with which the conservatives shoot themselves in their own foot.

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
17 years ago

So now the left will feel vindicated in believing the worst about +Akinola, while the right will make statements about how this is all just alledged, and come up with justifications for his behaviour. I found it interesting that reference is often made, even by me, about the difficulties bewteen Nigerian Christians and Muslims, yet, in the north, where, I believe, those issues are most pressing, there is strong opposition to the archbishop. If defence of Christians against militant Muslims is one of his concerns, why do those most directly affected oppose him?

17 years ago

_findings at the weekend revealed that the association is now split into two over attempts by the out-going National President [Archbishop Peter Akinola], to retain his seat even after reportedly losing in a shadow election to the Metropolitan Catholic Archbishop of Abuja, Dr. John Onaiyekan._

Split into two? Anyone know if the Archbishop has had any experience of this so far?

Mynsterpreost (=David Rowett)
Mynsterpreost (=David Rowett)
17 years ago

but did you not know that the Nigerian ‘Sun’ is a directly-owned subsidiary of TEC? As is the RC bishop of Abuja. It’s just more smokescreen stuff from the liberals.

17 years ago

“If Akinola wins, he will cease to be President of CAN when he retires as Primate of the Anglican Church”. I read elsewhere (cannot at present find citation) that Akinola is due to retire in the near future (possibly on his 65th birthday in two years’ time?) What, one wonders, will happen then. ps Akinola’s Wikipedia entry says of his installation as Archbishop of Nigerian Province III that “unfortunately the latter occasion was marred by a series of never quite unproven allegations of animal sacrifices at a private ceremony after the formal “Westerm” style consecration”. Presumably this incident has figured… Read more »

Bob in SWpa
Bob in SWpa
17 years ago

This is how things are done in Nigeria. I have a friend who’s father works with security in the upper ranks of the govt. It seems wheeling and dealing is par for the course.

Jim Pratt
Jim Pratt
17 years ago

not directly on topic, but it does relate to Nigeria: I’m on vacation in the States, and went to mass today at a fairly prominent liberal Episcopal church in a very liberal diocese. There was a sign outside proclaiming welcome to all, with a gay pride logo (it being Gay Pride Week in the city). The congregation (not the principal service) included a good many same-sex couples. But the service bulletin also included an announcement of a monthly regional gathering of Nigerian Anglicans at this church. It seems that either not all Nigerian Anglicans in the US are uncomfortable with… Read more »

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