Thinking Anglicans

another news item from Nigeria

Further to this report, the Daily Champion reports via that: Onaiyekan Emerges CAN President:

CATHOLIC Archbishop of Abuja, Rt Rev John Onayeikan has been elected president of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN).

In a keenly contested election in Abuja yesterday, Onayeikan polled 72 votes to defeat the incumbent and Primate of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) Most Rev. Peter Akinola who scored 33 votes…

…Now, CAN’s 304-member general assembly is expected to ratify the election at its July 5 to July 6 2007 meeting in Abuja.

According to the association’s constitution Onayeikan, who won majority of votes of the NEC, shall be deemed nominated as president while Akinola the runner-up is vice-president (VP), nominee.

However, sources at the NEC said: “Akinola is not likely to accept the position of VP. It may be a bit condescending for him. I will be surprised if he accepts that position when the general assembly meets on July 6.”

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Cheryl Clough
17 years ago

I think we should baiting for baiting’s sake and allow some people some dignity in their circumstances. One thing that has been niggling me for quite some time is that there are some players who are being so stubborn because they have “lost face”. They fear capitulation would mean admitting inadequacy or error. A core claim for some is that they, and only they, are true brides of Christ. This is based on their interpretaiton of the church being married to Christ and thus Jesus’ bride. Some churches and/or souls make lousy wives. A wife who knows her bible and… Read more »

17 years ago

“Akinola is not likely to accept the position of VP. It may be a bit condescending for him.”

Wow. Talk about serving God’s Kingdom. I certainly hope these “sources” are wrong. If Akinola does refuse it’ll be a measure of the man, and he’ll have come up sadly short.

Bob in SWpa
Bob in SWpa
17 years ago

With 18 million Anglicans to 17 million Roman Catholics how is it that the Archbishop of Abuja, Rt Rev John Onayeikan won by such a large margin?
The other major denominations are mostly Presbyterian, pentecostals and some indigenous churches. I can’t imagine why those denominations would choose a Roman Catholic over and Anglican Protestant.

Just some food for thought.

17 years ago

(Drum roll…..) How -or will – the conservative blogs present this information – he is their champion after all and this is quite a statement by his countrymen. Fr. Jake has an interesting commentary on this –well worth reading.

17 years ago

As an addendum I did not see this article -so far- on the conservative blogs I follow – a worldly person would talk about “managing opinion by selective reporting” – others would think of “by their actions (or inactions) you shall know them” – of course, in this diatribe, each side thinks the other reports selectively but it is ridiculously selective if this article is ignored when Akinola is the champion of conservatives in the USA

Cheryl Clough
17 years ago


Thanks for the reference to Father Jake. It is an interesting article

and here is the Nigerian Sun’s report

If true, the power politics playing is shameful.

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
17 years ago

Ah, but powerlust is no sin. Interesting how the Gospel bits about humility get ignored when someone opposes the Great Crime, no? As long as one has properly opposed the hommersecksherals, and demanded obedience to the letter of the Law, one can conveniently ignore the spirit of that same Law.

17 years ago

No Ford…..nobody’s hypocrisy is acceptable.

And just because someone else is not perfect, it does not follow that we are justified in justifying other hypocrisy…..two wrongs do not make a right

Ford Elms
Ford Elms
17 years ago

No, NP, you’re right, but you could at least admit it when one of your heros behaves in a way that clearly goes against any resonable interpretation of Scripture. Or at least stop defending such behaviour.

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