Thinking Anglicans

whither the Network?

From the ACN website:

Network Bishops to Meet April 24

Bishops of those Episcopal Church dioceses that have formally affiliated with the Anglican Communion Network will meet in Chicago on April 24. The purpose of the meeting is to allow Network bishops to speak frankly with each other about the future.

As the crisis in The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion has deepened, Network bishops and dioceses have been moving in several directions. Some Network dioceses have reaffiliated or are considering reaffiliating with other provinces of the Anglican Communion. Individual Network bishops have left The Episcopal Church to join other communions. Other bishops are attempting to be a voice for orthodoxy within The Episcopal Church.

“I have called this meeting because we need to talk frankly and openly about the future and how we as Network bishops can help the Network best fulfill its mission to build a biblical, missionary and united Anglican witness in the years ahead,” said Bishop Robert Duncan, moderator of the Network. “It is clear that the Network has a continuing mission to unite orthodox Anglicans, especially as increasing numbers of Network parishes and now dioceses are exiting The Episcopal Church. We will be talking about how we can work together to accomplish this goal even as we bless the several paths we have chosen as bishops and dioceses,” he added.

Dioceses that have made formal decisions to affiliate with the Network are Fort Worth, Quincy, Pittsburgh, Albany, South Carolina, San Joaquin, Central Florida, Dallas and Springfield. (The Diocese of the Rio Grande took a number of steps toward affiliation. However, their status was never completely clear.) With these dioceses, the Network also has 231 individual parish affiliates in five geographical convocations and one non-geographical convocation. Of this group, 105 parishes are under the care of The Anglican Provinces of Kenya, Uganda, or the Southern Cone. The entire diocese of San Joaquin is also under the oversight of The Province of the Southern Cone.

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Pat O'Neill
Pat O'Neill
17 years ago

As always when the ACN and its allies are involved, one has to ask:

They are always so concerned that conservatives be able to follow their consciences in a liberal church, or a liberal diocese…what provisions have they made for liberals to follow THEIR consciences in a conservative diocese?

17 years ago

“whither the Network?”

WITHER their schism?

Lord, hear our prayer!

17 years ago

Perhaps he wants the Network to become a Church… Actually, it sounds like he is hedging its bets and the ACN is more likely to be a clearing house, with more emphasis on attempting to leave TEC.

17 years ago

Ho hum. These endless meetings are really getting boring. JNW

Göran Koch-Swahne
17 years ago

Future, which Future???

17 years ago

Actually, now that I think about it, the train is about to leave Bob behind. This is all about being the center of attention. But, what with CANA, et al, Akinola and friends have a new set of Americans to hang out with. The press now look elsewhere for someone to have a temper tantrum about TEC; they don’t need ole Bob any more. And the House of Bishops is beginning to show a little backbone — not sure he will have the Church Pension Fund to fall back on in retirement. Must be lonely ’round the Diocese of Pittsburgh;… Read more »

17 years ago

“not sure he will have the Church Pension Fund to fall back on in retirement.”

Actually, he will – for his years of service in the Episcopal Church. He doesn’t lose that, in spite of his schismatic activities.

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