Thinking Anglicans

July General Synod Agenda

The agenda for the July group of sessions of the General Synod is now available; an outline version follows.

July Group of Sessions 2008

Outline Agenda

Usual sitting hours: 9.30 am to 1 pm; 2.30 pm to 6.15 pm; 8.30 pm to 10 pm

Friday 4 July

[2.30-3.30 pm Provision for meetings of the Convocations and House of Laity if required]

4.00 pm Welcomes, introductions, message on behalf of ecumenical guests
Business Committee report
Address by Metropolitan John Zizioulas
Anglican/Orthodox relations, The Church of the Triune God

8.20 pm Introduction to group work by the Bishop of Manchester

Saturday 5 July

[9.30 am Group work]

11.00 am Women Bishops: take-note debate

2.30 pm Presidential Address by the Archbishop of York
Legislative Business:
– Ecclesiastical Offices (Terms of Service) Measure: Final Drafting and Final Approval
– Church of England (Pensions) Amendment) Measure: Revision Stage, Final Drafting and Final Approval
Crown Appointments Legislation:
– Vacancies in Suffragan Sees and Other Ecclesiastical Offices Measure: First Consideration
– Crown Benefices (Parish Representatives) Measure: First Consideration
– Vacancy in See Committees (Amendment) Regulation
– Miscellaneous Provisions Measure:Revision Stage

8.30 pm Reader Ministry

Sunday 6 July

2.30 pm Church Tourism: Private Members’ Motion: Roy Thompson
Legislative Business: Payments to the Churches Conservation Trust
Climate Change and Human Security
Appointment of the Chairman of the Pensions Board
Audit Committee report
Appointment of auditors
Archbishops’ Council Annual Report: deemed approval

8.30 pm Fees: Four Funerals and a Wedding

Monday 7 July

9.30 am Prayers
Anglican/Methodist Covenant
Legislative Business
– Unfinished business from Saturday
– Fees Orders [deemed]
Standing Orders Committee Report

2.30 pm Women Bishops: debate on motion from House of Bishops

8.30 pm Faith, Work and Economic Life:St Albans Diocesan Synod Motion

Tuesday 8 July

9.30 am Prayers
Anglican Governance: Guildford Diocesan Synod Motion
Church Commissioners Annual Report: presentation and Questions & Answers session

Contingency business: Chester Diocesan Synod Motion: Voice of the Church in Public Life

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Mike Milton-Thompson
Mike Milton-Thompson
16 years ago

Where’s Paul Eddy’s motion on the uniqueness of Christ, salvation only through Him and evangelism? Which false prophet bishops are against it? Who engineered its removal from the July agenda? Why has the C of E hierarchy, in their abject weakness of belief, lost their nerve with regard to the biblical Gospel? Why has the C of E no prophetic edge? What’s the point of synod?
Mike Milton-Thompson

16 years ago


A spokesman for the Church of England insisted the debate on the missionary role of clergy had only been dropped because the other Private Member’s Motion had more signatures.

He said: “Owing to time constraints, the Business Committee has been able to schedule only one such motion for July, on the subject of Church Tourism, which heads the list in terms of the number of signatures from members.”

…Move along now… nothing to see here…


Sue Howard
16 years ago

I am interested in the general synod presentation on Faith, Work and Economic Life on 7 July at 8.30 pm. I am co-author, with industrial chaplain David Welbourn, of the book The Spirit at Work Phenomenon, (Azure, 2004) and am working in the field of spirituality and the workplace. (My new website should be running by 24 June!). I wonder if I could attend this meeting and if so who should I get in touch with? And where is it?
Sue Howard

Peter Owen
16 years ago


General Synod meets in the Central Hall of the University of York. There is a public gallery and so far as I know all you have to do is turn up and ask to be let in. Admission is on a first come, first served basis, although I don’t think there will be a problem getting in for this particular debate. You may well have your bag searched. If you want to be absolutely sure try e-mailing the synod office (

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