Thinking Anglicans

Anglican women at the UNCSW

Updated Friday evening

First, ENS has a report Network members support expanded role for Anglican women:

Noting that women make up just six percent of the Anglican Communion’s top decision-makers, the International Anglican Women’s Network urged at its February 22-27 meeting in New York City that the worldwide church study the role of women and find ways to empower female leadership.

Representatives of 30 of the 38 Anglican provinces (national or regional groupings of national churches) and the network’s steering committee met in person for the first time since the network, which represents 40 million Anglican women in 165 countries, was formed in 1996.

Read the full text of the statement issued at the First Meeting of the IAWN Provincial Links and Steering Group.

And the Church of England contact? Check this page.

Now to the UN meeting. ENS also carries this:

In recognition of International Women’s Day, Episcopal Life Weekly bulletin inserts for March 8 outline the work of Anglican representatives to the 53rd session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. The commission will meet this year from March 2-13.

As the bulletin insert says:

A delegation of women from the Anglican Communion will take part in the 53rd session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW), to be held March 2 to 13. The Anglican women, representing some 30 of the 38 provinces of the Anglican Communion, are nominated by the Primates (leading archbishops or presiding bishops) of their provinces.

Read the whole insert as a PDF here.

For more information see Ecumenical Women at the United Nations. There is also a helpful guide to the UNCSW here.

See the statement submitted to the CSW by the Anglican Consultative Council.

And there is also this statement submitted by the Mothers’ Union.

Friday update

ENS has a further report, Anglican women find strength at network meeting.

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16 years ago

“Noting that women make up just six percent of the Anglican Communion’s top decision-makers, the International Anglican Women’s Network urged at its February 22-27 meeting in New York City that the worldwide church study the role of women and find ways to empower female leadership.”

Um, that will happen when EVERY church in the AC ***ordains women to the priesthood and episcopacy*** (anything else is just blather—as much as I want to see *lay* women empowered, too!)

Father Ron Smith
16 years ago

Ah. Women! Amen!

Rev L Roberts
Rev L Roberts
16 years ago

Not much interest in this thread then , so far.

Is there a link between this and its subject and contents.

Are we in danger of mirroring the very neglect of which the report speaks I wonder ?

Göran Koch-Swahne
16 years ago


I was surprised rather, that there weren’t 20 yellings from the first day (Wednesday)… for women seems to be one of the most contentious subjects imaginable, especially in Anglican niceties… never understood why 🙁

But yes, the report is important – and there is an uphill struggle…

How many percent did you say? And what about the 8 missing Provinces. No wimen representation equals no women, or what?

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