Thinking Anglicans

ACNA does not expect recognition

Doug LeBlanc reports in the Living Church: AAC Official: Canterbury’s Recognition Unlikely

The Anglican Church in North America is unlikely to be recognized by the See of Canterbury, a leader of the American Anglican Council said on April 1.

“We do not believe that Canterbury will recognize us, at least while the current archbishop is still in office,” said the Rev. J. Philip Ashey, the AAC’s chief operating officer and chaplain, in a brief speech in the suburbs of Richmond, Va…

And Fr Ashey also said this:

Asked during a discussion period about the AAC’s relationship to Anglican Communion Partners, Fr. Ashey said the AAC had proposed collaboration more than once.

“We have been politely turned down,” he said. “We are two very different organizations.”

Fr. Ashey compared the AAC to the Special Forces of the U.S. military.

“Like Special Forces, we go behind the scenes and we blow up things,” he said, adding quickly that what the AAC blows up is principalities and powers.

American Anglican Council

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15 years ago

To those familiar with the outpourings of the more frantic “reasserter” posters, and the correlation these frequently reveal between aggressive, gut-reaction right-wing politics and the “Christian” belief of their begetters, J Philip Ashley’s comment “Like Special Forces, we go behind the scenes and we blow up things” ought not to be a particular surprise, though coming as it does from AAC’s chief operating officer and chaplain, it speaks volumes as to the real nature of that sect.

Viriato da Silva
Viriato da Silva
15 years ago

Hearing the military-flavored language of these folks yet again, I also yet again find myself wondering if words like “Go behind the scenes and blow up principalities and powers” ever were uttered from the lips of our Savior.

What Would Jesus Say? Likely not anything like “blow things up,” even evil things. Jesus turned the other cheek, he did’t “blow up” the hand striking Him.

Rev L Roberts
Rev L Roberts
15 years ago

What has Jesus to do with any of this ? Or even ordinary divinity as practiced by us traditionally for some centuries in small communities of faith in all kinds of circumstances, often tough.

These ‘traditionalists’ have abandoned the tradition of the Churches.

15 years ago

“we go behind the scenes and we blow up things” . . . as revealed in the Chapman Memo, and displayed subsequently.

However, I wish even the schismatics a blessed Holy Week.

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

“The Anglican Church in North America is unlikely to be recognized by the See of Canterbury, a leader of the American Anglican Council said on April 1.” – Fr. Philip Ashey, AAC Official –

At Last! The Reality has been recognised. May this prophetic utterance on the part of AAC’s official spokesperson be recognised as factual.
For any other outcome to be sanctioned would place the integrity of the world-wide Anglican Communion in grave peril of schismatic breakdown

Malcolm J Blue
Malcolm J Blue
15 years ago

I have seen a T-shirt quite often that reads: WHICH COUNTRY WOULD JESUS BLOW UP? I think the answer would be The Vatican! Why doesn’t “Onward Christian Soldier” Ashey join forces with them? They have lots of historical experience.

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