Thinking Anglicans

Anglican Consultative Council

The 14th meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council opens today in Kingston Jamaica, although there is no business until tomorrow.

The official website of the world-wide Anglican Communion has these pages:

Daily Programme (copied below the fold for ease of reference)
List of Participants

There is also a News page. At present it only has

The Anglican Consultative Council, made up of lay people, clergy and bishops from the 38 Anglican Provinces of the Communion, meets in Kingston Jamaica May 1 – 13, to consider among other things, mission in the 21st century, the future structure of the worldwide Church, and theological education.

Also relevant are the Anglican Covenant papers.

The Anglican Church of Canada has set up a “a web hub with links to news and blogs that will be updated during the ACC meeting”.

Anglican Consultative Council – ACC 14 – Programme
Location:Kingston, Jamaica
Dates: 1st – 13th May 2009

Friday 1st May

Saturday 2nd May
Quiet Morning led by the Archbishop of Canterbury
Orientation to the ACC in Deliberation Groups
Welcome Plenary, including a provincial and diocesan welcome. Followed by dinner

Sunday 3rd May
Diocesan service
“Mission in the Anglican Communion”
An opportunity to see the big picture of the work of the Anglican Communion Networks and other mission initiatives, also organisations and projects sponsored by the diocese.
Meeting of the Laity of the ACC and Meeting of the Clergy of the ACC

Monday 4th May
Bible Study
Information Plenary – An Anglican Covenant
Discernment Groups – An Anglican Covenant
Network Groups

Tuesday 5th May
Bible Study
Information Plenary – Windsor Continuation Group
Discernment Groups – Windsor Continuation Group
Network Groups
Plenary – Report & Resolutions relating to/from Networks

Wednesday 6th May
Bible Study
Discernment Groups – Covenant & Windsor Continuation Group
Information Plenary: Commissions & ACO work (i)
Business Agenda Session (i)
Cultural Evening hosted by the Governor-General and the Diocese of Jamaica at the residence of the Governor-General.

Thursday 7th May
Bible Study
Information Plenary – Ecumenical Matters
Ecumenical Streams (i)
Choice of island tour or free time

Friday 8th May
Bible Study
Decision-making Plenary – Covenant & Windsor Continuation Group matters
Ecumenical Stream (ii)
Information Plenary – Commissions & ACO work (ii)
Diocesan Reception at Bishop’s Lodge

Saturday 9th May
Bible Study
Decision-making Plenary – Ecumenical Matters
Business Agenda Session (ii)
Briefing for Mission Encounters (on Sunday)
Travel (for some) to more distant parishes
In parishes

Sunday 10th May
Parish Visits – Worship and Conversation
Travel back to the hotel

Monday 11th May
Bible Study
Mission Encounters – what was seen and heard ; how we as a Communion might respond. These sessions will include engagement with the work at the UN Anglican Observer’s Office; the proposed new Evangelism and Church Growth Initiative; and the proposed Relief and Development Alliance.
Mission Encounters cont’d
Presidential Address (following Evening Prayer)

Tuesday 12th May
Bible Study
Discernment Groups – what are we taking back to our Provinces?
Final Plenary
Closing Service at the Cathedral in Spanish Town

Wednesday 13th May

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Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
15 years ago

“Co-opted?” I don’t know what this term means in this context. I think it may be an English usage not found [or rarely] in the states.

And why is ++KJS designated “US based” while the other primates are designated by the names of their countries only?


Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

“While respecting the See of Canterbury as a ‘governing authority’, as an Instrument of Unity, many in the GAFCON movement do not believe that it is essential to Anglican identity. The Covenant might become the constitutional instrument by which the role and efficiency of the historic institutions and Instruments could be measured and reformed by those who hold the common faith” – Prof. Stephen Noll, ‘Titus on Line’ – If, before the Anglican Consultative Council Meeting has actually begun, in this statement by Stephen Noll on T.O.L., this GAFCON supporter opines that the role of Canterbury as Primus Inter Pares… Read more »

Una Kroll
Una Kroll
15 years ago

Thanks for this. Thousands of people like me, ordinary people who believe that background prayer is very important do believe in praying for events like these and it is very helpful to have a programme and information to help. That is one of the benefits of the cybernet age. We can. Thanks. Una

Peter Owen
Peter Owen
15 years ago

Cynthia, “co-opt” means “to elect into any body by the votes of its members”. So the co-opted members of the ACC are people that the Council itself has added to its membership. This is common in England (and the rest of the UK). For example all Church of England synods and parochial church councils are allowed to co-opt a limited number of members.

I don’t know why ++KJS is designated “US based” but I wonder if it is because the Episcopal Church extends beyond the US.

Cynthia Gilliatt
Cynthia Gilliatt
15 years ago

Thanks for the clarification on co-opted. American usage carries negative connotations of illegitimate takeover.

As for “US based,,” that makes sense.

Colin Coward
15 years ago

Una, it’s good to know that you and others are praying for the ACC meeting here in Jamaica. I’m here to blog and relate/network, and I’m probably not the only person wondering what it’s going to be like, since it only meets once every three years and many ACC members will be new. I will certainly value prayers to be faithful to my experince of God as the most profound love and genrosity and goodness, who undergirds what happens here, whatever forces of division might be around (and they certainly are). Prayers also for LGBT people in our communion, mostly… Read more »

Una Kroll
Una Kroll
15 years ago

Colin, am with you right through the next two weeks, and with all women and gay people who pray for a truly inclusive Anglican communion where everyone, of whatever gender or orientation, are recognised and respected as memebers of the Body of Christ. So glad you are there to represent us. Hope you find others. Una

Fr Mark
Fr Mark
15 years ago

Peter Owen: if Bishop Jefferts Schori is “US based” then there must surely be a few jurisdiction-trotting primates who should be described, for example, as “Nigeria-based”, “Uganda-based” or whatever…

15 years ago

What continues to bother me about this daft draft of a covenant is not always what it says, but how it gets used by people like Stephen Noll, Ephraim Radner, and other similar realignment leaders who grind the same old axes they are always grinding – collapse big tent Anglicanisms. So long as Noll and his group get to use the covenant as their latest weapon against big tent believers; we are witnessing a rather simple repeat of what has happened in USA as the rightist believers more or less took over the Republican Party. I cannot sit by and… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
15 years ago

My prayer for the ACC Conference is that the deliberations will be guided and governed by God’s life-giving Holy Spirit, whose energies are always directed and directing towards the truth. Only in this way will the Church and the world know about the authenticity of the claims of women and LGBT persons to be equal bearers of the divine Image and Likeness of the God we worship.


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