Thinking Anglicans

CofE bishops in support of FCA

Updated Saturday evening

According to Anglican Mainstream:

We are encouraged by the number of Church of England Bishops who have indicated their attendance.

These include:

Bishop Michael Langrish, Exeter
Bishop David Urquhart, Birmingham
Bishop Michael Nazir Ali, Rochester
Bishop John Hind, Chichester
Bishop Wallace Benn, Lewes
Bishop Colin Fletcher, Dorchester
Bishop Keith Sinclair, Birkenhead
Bishop John Broadhurst, Fulham
Bishop Andrew Burnham, Ebbsfleet
Bishop Keith Newton, Richborough
Bishop John Ball (Retd – Assistant in Chelmsford)
Bishop Colin Bazley (Retd – Assistant in Chester)
Bishop John Ellison (Retd – Assistant in Winchester)
Bishop Maurice Sinclair (Retd – Assistant in Birmingham)

Bishop Peter Forster of Chester, the Bishop-elect [sic] of Southwell and Nottingham, Paul Butler, and Bishop Michael Scott-Joynt of Winchester have sent public messages of support.

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Alastair Cutting
15 years ago

At the last FCA/GAFCon meeting there were quite a number of bishops present.

I don’t think that for all of them their presence there on the day necessarily meant support for the direction the organisation was/is going…

The same may be true for some present this time.

15 years ago

In any case, what we have here are the usual suspects and one or two others (Birmingham, Dorchester)

Robert McCloskey
Robert McCloskey
15 years ago

Dorchester was one of George Carey’s chief aides. No surprise here.

15 years ago

Among those CofE bishops who have pestered TEC the past few years, I miss the name of Scott-Joynt from this list? (I forget his bishopric) Am I right?

Göran Koch-Swahne
15 years ago

Many perhaps, but we have heard most of the names before. Nothing to see, move!

colin fletcher
colin fletcher
15 years ago

May I thank Alastair Cutting for his wise words. As one of those involved in designing the Lambeth Conference in 2008 I always took Archbishop Rowan’s advice leading up to it to keep dialogue flowing – even when you have major differences with your fellow Christians and it is in that spirit that I am going on Monday

Emily H
Emily H
15 years ago

The difficulty with any attendance at such meetings is not the attendance, for which there can be many motivations, but how the “attendance” will be marketed. In the US, for example, ACNA may well inflate its actual support with numbers like “700 congregations” But when looked at closely, a “congregation” may be 15 people. The simple number of attendees here may be marketed as “strong support” when, in fact, attendees were there for the sole purpose of continuing the “listening process” etc. The real motivation something very other than how it will be portrayed. I don’t know a way around… Read more »

Simon Sarmiento
15 years ago

Thank you Bp Colin for providing that information. It’s very helpful. I wonder if the same applies to any other names.

JCF yes the Bishop of Winchester’s name is absent from this list.

Simon Sarmiento
15 years ago

Sorry JCF but the Bishop of Winchester’s name has now been added to the list 🙁

This is a change on the AM website from the list emailed previously.

Prior Aelred
15 years ago

Is it not troubling that in all this ones fails to discern any love for Anglicanism? It appears that this is a group who are part of the Establishment because it gives them power (see Lord Acton). Can any of these people pick up Hooker and say, “Ah, yes, that’s it!”? It seems more likely that these are the people that Hooker was writing against. Of course they did prevail & after Cromwell cut off the king’s head, he drive the Anglicans from the Establishment. Will the Crown try to stop them this time?

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
15 years ago

Scott-Joynt is a very moral man! He helped introduce divorce and re-marriage into the Church of England.

David D Wilson
David D Wilson
15 years ago

I understand Bp Henry Scriven, Asst Oxford and Irish Bps Ken Clarke and Harold Miller are also slated to attend

Robert Ian Williams
Robert Ian Williams
15 years ago

Would a gay Conference have one bishop from the C of E or is the only boat rocker the Dean of Southwark, who is just not bishop material under Rowan?

Is anyone prepared to agree with my analysis?

The appointments under Rowan have all been moderate evangelicals. he has done more than Anglican mainstream, GAFCON or FCA to stem the gay tide.

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
15 years ago

Oh for heaven’s sake, both Chichester Diocese bishops have signed, no doubt the elect third would do the same. How can the bishops be so out of step with their diocese?

15 years ago

The appearance of the Bishop of Dorchester on such a list should come as no surprise. He states that he follows ++Rowan’s advice to keeping talk to those with whom one has major differences. There are those who suspect that his was one of the voices to which ++Rowan listened when he withdrew his support for Jeffrey John. The dialogue between +Dorchester and ++Cantuar may have affected the actions of both – always to the disadvantage of an honest inclusive gospel.

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