Thinking Anglicans

new Anglican Primate of Nigeria

updated Maundy Thursday

Archbishop Peter Akinola has retired as Primate of All Nigeria. His successor as primate, Archbishop Nicholas Okoh, was installed on 25 March and gave this sermon.

Riazat Butt has written in The Guardian about the new primate’s views as expressed in his sermon: The new archbishop’s old prejudice. Archbishop Okoh of Nigeria has been trotting out the same anti-gay rhetoric his predecessor, Peter Akinola, was famous for.

Ruth Gledhill has blogged about this in the Times: Nigerian Anglican primate speaks out on fear of women.

Ademola Oni has written in The Punch (described in its masthead as “Nigeria’s most widely read newspaper”) that Anglican Primate advises politicians on selfless service.

Oscarline Onwuemenyi at AllAfrica writes that Anglican Primate Vows to Fight Homosexuality.

Archbishop Okoh referred in his sermon to the the bishop of Liverpool’s address to his diocesan synod that we linked to here and here.


Pat Ashworth reports this in the Church Times as New Primate glad to be anti-gay.

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Davis Mac-Iyalla
Davis Mac-Iyalla
14 years ago

Oscarline Onwuemenyi at AllAfrica writes that Anglican Primate Vows to Fight Homosexuality

Of all the things that he could engage himself with, poverty, corruption, women and children’s rights, crime… Archbishop Nicolas Oko chooses to pick on the none existing threats from homosexuals. Merciful Lord have Marcy

Sam Roberts
Sam Roberts
14 years ago

‘Allafrica’ is simply a site which republishes articles from African publications. Thus the article by Oscarline Onmwuemenyi is actually from the Vanguard.

Steve Lusk
Steve Lusk
14 years ago

Another voice is here:
Opeyemi Agbaje writes (among other things)”Bishop Akinola chose fidelity to the scriptures rather than bending to the will of the western Anglican Church, which appears to have lost its way. I have however wished that Bishop Akinola would devote the same zeal he put to work against homosexuality towards issues which plague the church and society in Nigeria such as witchcraft and occultism, polygamy, election rigging, poor governance and most importantly corruption!”

14 years ago

If anyone thinks that former Primate of All Nigeria is (shy and) retiring, guess again.
Primate of All Nigeria Nicholas Okoh sounds, on certain issues at least, like he’s made in the image and likeness of his predecessor.
And just as Lord Carey continues to throw his weight around in the CofE, I have no doubt that Archbishop and former POAN Peter Akinola will throw his weight around in the CofN and the Anglican Communion. After all, there are still women and gays who have heretical notions of wishing to be treated as equals.

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“Archbishop Okoh said: ‘The present crisis in the Anglican Communion, at the moment huge sums of money are being spent to undermine marriage. We are unable to accept this. The recent presidential address to his diocese by the Bishop of Liverpool is not acceptable to us’.” – Ruth Gledhill, The Times – This snippet appears in Ruth’s article which is headed ‘Nigerian Primate speaks out on fear of women’ (I suppose this means ‘HIS fear of women’). This, however, is only one aspect of Abp. Okoh’s maiden speech to his provincial assembly. His real fear – like that of his… Read more »

Leonardo Ricardo
14 years ago

Good! Now that the NEW Primate of ALL Nigeria (Anglican Communion) has tossed his ill thought out anti-LGBT Anglican/other tribute/campaign to CANA, GAFCON and Howard Ahmanson Jr. (like bloody red meat to starving Lions), I hope he can NOW tackle the REAL spiritual problems and everyday moral needs of Nigerians…REAL issues such as Sex SLAVERY, Vertical CORRUPTION (all levels of society), Child WITCHBURNING (worse than ever), Religious WAR, GREED/THIEVERY and Rampant POVERTY (in the oil rich nation) need his attention! Frankly ++Nicholas Okoh I think you´ve been bamboozled from the start. You, Sir, need to rethink your ministry mission and… Read more »

Kahu Aloha
14 years ago

well.I hope he enjoys his holiday in Bermuda en route to the Primates Meeting (God help us!)in Singapore. That is, if he accepts the kind invitation of the former CEO of American Standard Corp (manufacturer of plumbing appliances and a major conservative Republican donor) at his country club. Does Lambert Palace see the connection yet between right ring US dollars and African Evangelical purity? If not, I’ve got more than a couple of counties (with their churches) that I can sell you for the right price.

14 years ago

I wonder why journalists do not ask these african bigots about women’s rights. They claim they love women so much. Great! But they have to proove it. Why aren’t they asked about ordination of women in their churches, just to start? Or about what they are doing to fight violence against women? Or women’s lack to access of land property? And the list could go on and on.
I do not think it’s that complicated to stop taliking about homosexuality and ask them what they do or don’t do for women’s equality since they looove women so much?

14 years ago

Will you guys be happy if the CofN decides to allow homosexual practise in the Church? Well sorry because In the Name of Jesus, it’ll never happen! Secondly you guys were not even in Nigeria let alone at the installation so you don’t know what he preached about. FYI the new good primate spent most of the time talking about corruption, poverty and many social vices and only just chipped in the issue of homosexuality. Thirdly, as always you are misled and think the new Primate is anti-gay; well he is not. He is anti-homosexuality and even God Himself hates… Read more »

14 years ago

You’re not a Nigerian, are you Gianni? Well I doubt you’re a Nigerian otherwise you wouldn’t comment ignorantly. Who told you women don’t acquire land or have access to land property? If the CofN refuses to ordain women what is that to you? Afterall many Anglican churches in Nigeria have women lay readers and everyone is happy with that. Violence to both genders is all over the world and the CofN stresses that violence be stopped. So next time you want to comment be sure you say the truth not assumptions & lies

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