Thinking Anglicans

African bishops conference: an apology from CAPA

This press release came from the Church of Uganda:

CAPA Apologizes to the Church of Uganda for Financial Scandal
In a 27th August letter to Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi, Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, the Most Rev. Ian Earnest, Chairman of CAPA (Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa), apologized for “embarrassing” the Church of Uganda when CAPA received a $25,000 grant from Trinity Grants (USA) for the All Africa Bishops Conference taking place in Uganda. (Letter is attached.)

In 2003, the Church of Uganda broke communion with the Episcopal Church (TEC) over their unbiblical theology and immoral actions that violated historic and Biblical Anglicanism and tore the fabric of the Communion at its deepest level. At the same time, the Church of Uganda resolved to not receive any funds from TEC.

The 2nd All Africa Bishops Conference was hosted by the Church of Uganda, but the programme and speakers were chosen by CAPA. The Church of Uganda received no outside funding for its role in hosting the 400 Bishops and other participants in the week-long conference. All funds were raised locally within Uganda.

Archbishop Henry thanked Archbishop Ian for acknowledging the awkward position CAPA had put the Church of Uganda in and appreciated his humility and generous spirit in writing.

Here is the attached letter as a PDF.

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Scot Peterson
14 years ago

‘The Church of Uganda received no outside funding for its role in hosting the 400 Bishops and other participants in the week-long conference. All funds were raised locally within Uganda.’

Sorry, but my credibility meter went off the scale (below zero) with this one!

Pat O'Neill
Pat O'Neill
14 years ago

As I noted in another thread, I had a feeling this was going to be an issue…

Neel Smith
Neel Smith
14 years ago

Somehow, I suspect the response did not include sending a check for $25,000 back to Trinity.

David da Silva Cornell
David da Silva Cornell
14 years ago

Well then, when can Trinity Wall Street expect CAPA to disgorge and return to it these tainted, unwelcome funds?

Lois Keen
Lois Keen
14 years ago

Give me strength.

14 years ago

What is it with bishops and ego-inflating signatures? Additional case in point –

Apologies aside – love to know the full story here – I don’t see where Ernest plans to return Trinity’s $25,000. Maybe one of Oromobi’s “Orthodox” N American sugar daddies will pony up the difference?

14 years ago

I think you have to read literally. The Church of Uganda may have received no outside money for its role but how many other entities had a role?

Tobias Haller
Tobias Haller
14 years ago

Why is it, as with previous money from UTO, that the Church of Uganda only seems to become aware of these monies after word reaches the public? Is it that the right pocket doesn’t know what’s in the left pocket?

14 years ago

I think it’s Trinity that owes an apology here—for using God’s money to further the work of schismatic bigots.

14 years ago

@Tobias Haller: That would seem to be the case, as questions have surfaced before. Allison Barfoot handles money for the Church of Uganda, and (it has been alleged) with very weak internal financial controls. A quick Google or search of this site should turn up the news stories.

14 years ago

It begs the question: “Did +Orombi take the pro-active step of asking where the monies were going to come from, or, in fact did come from?” +Orombi is certainly aware that such conferences, especially ones in such nice resort hotels, are pricey. He is certainly aware of his own revenue stream through Guersey and +Stanton’s wife (Dallas) and the efforts of Uganda Christian University’s chancellor, now retired but quite probably still active as a fund-raiser, Stephen Noll. With The Reverend Haller, I am more than a bit perplexed that awareness seems to only come with public exposure?

14 years ago

The American Anglican Council has noted an interesting change: “Five of the original speakers were excluded from presenting, including the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, The Revd Canon Kenneth Kearon and the facilitator of the Continuing Indaba project, The Revd Canon Phil Groves. We hope that our investigative work might have helped foster this scheduling change.” As for excluding the Anglican Communion’s Secretary General, who we’re told was accompanied by at least three other Anglican Communion Office staff members, we can only speculate as to the conference leader’s reasons for doing this.” Not that is beyond AAC’s reach to… Read more »

14 years ago

Charlotte Ah yes; that would be the Alison Barfoot whose mission is to: ‘Empower Africans to Evangelize and Holistically Disciple Unreached People Groups’ I appreciate that not everyone regards inflicting wanton cruelty on the English language as a heinous sin, but it really does not augur well for her grasp of the principles of double-entry book-keeping; they don’t allow you to waffle. What is interesting is that she’s claiming that donations are tax deductible; presumably she has managed to persuade someone that Global Mobilization Ministries, Inc. is a charity. I haven’t a clue about the way that charities are… Read more »

14 years ago

@chenier1 – Yes, sorry, the first name has one “l,” not two. I wish in fact this nonprofit (as we call them in the US) might be investigated. However, I have small hopes. The IRS in the United States, like most governmental regulatory agencies, has been underfunded and hamstrung by successive Republican taxcutting governments. I doubt they have the resources to investigate much of anything these days. And @EmilyH, no doubt Trinity Wall Street were “had” by bait-and-switch tactics in the funding application, but they will have to simply write this one off. I understand from various sources that there… Read more »

14 years ago

God bless the African Bishops. I am so tired of self-righteous “white christians” belief that they have a divine mission to enlighten the non-progressive primitive world. Say what you will,but that is how I feel. It is refreshing to hear them speak.

Jim Pratt
Jim Pratt
14 years ago

chenier1 I did a search at, which has a listing of all charities registered with the IRS and eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions. Global Mobilization Ministries does not appear on the list.(However, it could be operating under the umbrella of St. James Newport Beach and not have its own registration). Back in my days as a US lawyer, I set up a non-profit for a friend doing mission work in Kenya. Generally, direct transfers of money overseas doesn’t qualify, but overseas projects under the direction of the charity’s staff or volunteers does. It looks like GMM is following this… Read more »

14 years ago

Chenier1…Regarding the tax deductible status of Global Mobilization Ministries. The US Internal Revenue Service controls the granting of such status and publishes the names of all organizations to whom it has sent letters affirming its decision that the organization has such status. The listing is Publication 78 of the IRS. Neither the current roster nor its update includes Ms. Barfoot’s organization. On examination, I have noted that Ms. Barfoot’s website is a Yahoo site and its builder has clearly employed one of Yahoo’s templates to build it. One of the testimonials included makes reference to sending her financial support. The… Read more »

David | Dah•veed |
David | Dah•veed |
14 years ago

To be tax deductible in the US a religious charity must be a designated 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. No where on their website do they claim to be such an authorized entity.

A search of the US IRS data base for authorized tax exempt entities under Global Mobilization Ministries in Newport Beach, CA finds no such listing. So to claim a tax exemption for contributions they must be running the funds through another organization which they do not name

Fr Mark
Fr Mark
14 years ago

Lorenzo: “I am so tired of self-righteous “white christians” belief that they have a divine mission to enlighten the non-progressive primitive world.” Erm, except that the whole reason there are Anglicans in Africa at all is that a previous generation of self-righteous white Christians believed they had a divine mission to enlighten the non-progressive primitive world, isn’t it? One generation’s definition of what is progress and what is primitive is just a little out of kilter with another’s. We also need to nail this idea that homosexuality is somehow unAfrican. I spent time living in Africa when younger, and am… Read more »

14 years ago

Murkier and murkier; according to Robert S. Munday at:

‘Those who are interested in directing financial support to the Church in Uganda via Canon Barfoot may send tax-deductible contributions to:

Global Mobilization Ministries, Inc.
1048 Irvine Ave, #556
Newport Beach, CA 92660-4602′

So either Robert S. Munday is lying, or Alison Barfoot is lying to him and, presumably, others in claiming that contributions to Global Mobilization Ministries, Inc are tax-deductible.

Perhaps some public-spirited citizen should draw this to the attention of the IRS…

14 years ago

On further investigation of Global Mobilization Minstries website and its “contacts” page the statement was made that donations were tax deductible with the following information” “Tax-deductible contributions for Alison Barfoot and GMM’s ministry can be sent to: Global Mobilization Ministries 1048 Irvine Ave, #556 Newport Beach, CA 92660-4602 For stock transfers, contact Cindy Drennan directly at or (949) 795-4804 In Uganda, Alison can be reached at The Rev. Canon Dr. Alison L. Barfoot Church of Uganda P.O. Box 14123 Kampala UGANDA Cell Phone: +256 782 321 027 E-mail: Fax: 1 (520) 842-5138 Given the IRS roster, it would… Read more »

14 years ago

Maybe Barfoot is using Don Armstrong’s accountant.

14 years ago

And we also have David Virtue assuring us back in 2006 that: ‘If you would like to support the ministry of Canon Barfoot you may do so by sending your tax deductible donation to: Global Mobilization Ministries Inc P.O. Box 608, Hutchison, KS 67504-0608.’ For someone who claims to be an orthodox Anglican he seems to be remarkably lackadaisical about rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar’s; presumably he was so moved by Barfoot’s demure demeanour, and long African dress, that he overlooked the fact that soliciting gifts by the false assurance that they are tax-deductible looks, to the uncharitable… Read more »

14 years ago

“I am so tired of self-righteous “white christians” belief that they have a divine mission to enlighten the non-progressive primitive world.”

Citation, lorenzo?

Though actually, I am a low-melanin Christian who believes the Church DOES have a divine mission . . . to speak up for LGBTs (Jesus’s “least of these”) around the world, if no one else else will. I plead guilty to that, lorenzo, so have at me.

Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

“Archbishop Henry thanked Archbishop Ian for acknowledging the awkward position CAPA had put the Church of Uganda in and appreciated his humility and generous spirit in writing.” The scene gets more bizarre with every communique from the Primate of Uganda. Even more suspect is the abject ‘apology’ from Abp. Ian Earnest. It really is about time these proud prelates were brought to book Their disdain for TEC, whose Provincial Council has done much for African Churches through the years of their association, is most un-Anglican. Perhaps it really is time for the non-Global South Churches to shake off the burden… Read more »

14 years ago

RE The US tax exempt status of Global Mobilization Ministries. Perusal of the IRS’ “definition” of a church would quickly indicate that this org is not such. Since it has receipts of over 25K per year, it is obliged to file a 990 informational return. Records in the possession of Guidestar reflect that it did for tax years 2004 and 2005. There are no further filings. The organization was formed in Hutchinson Kansas. The address given as the organization’s place of business at that time is, in fact, a travel agency where one of its officers may have been working.… Read more »

14 years ago

On the above thread regarding the loss of an IRS exemption. it is on the anniversary of the 3rd year where an organization obligated to file has neglected to file.

14 years ago

I wonder if Earnest will end up being publicly flogged, like Henry II.

14 years ago

Why are people who presumably do not want this organization to be supported nevertheless repeating its contact information on this website?

14 years ago

‘Why are people who presumably do not want this organization to be supported nevertheless repeating its contact information on this website?’ We are doing so because the organisations appears to be solicting gifts of money and stock by a false statement that those payments are tax-deductible; I have no particular expertise in the law of fraud in the USA in this matter, but in English law there would be a number of possible criminal offences. Thus, for example: ‘The Theft Act 1968 created two offences of deception which replaced the offences of cheating, obtaining property by false pretences, obtaining credit… Read more »

14 years ago

Of course tax fraud is a serious matter. But why does repeating here the name and mailing address of this organization deter any fraud?

The way to report tax fraud to the United States Internal Revenue Service, should anyone choose to do so, is described here:,,id=106778,00.html

People, we need to be smarter than this. It does not help the cause of Thinking Anglicanism to give an organization such as the above free publicity.

Let’s leave it in the ignominy that it deserves.

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