Thinking Anglicans

General Synod – February 2011 – outline agenda

The General Synod of the Church of England will be meeting for a shorter than usual group of Sessions in February 2011. The outline agenda was published today, and is copied below.

One item is “Draft Act of Synod Adopting the Anglican Communion Covenant (GS 1809): John Ward’s following motion”. Here is the text of this motion.

That this Synod resolve that final approval of the Act of Synod adopting the Anglican Communion Covenant shall require the assent of two-thirds of the members of each House present and voting.



Monday, 7 February

1.45 pm Meeting of the House of Laity
[House of Clergy/Convocations (tbc)]

3.00 pm Prayers, welcomes and introductions

Progress of Measures and Statutory Instruments

Address by the Secretary of State for International Development, followed by questions and response from one of the Archbishops

Report by the Business Committee

Draft Act of Synod Adopting the Anglican Communion Covenant (GS 1809): John Ward’s following motion


Tuesday, 8 February

9.30 am Service of Holy Communion (Assembly Hall)

Legislative Business:
    Clergy Discipline Amending Code of Practice
    Clergy Discipline (Amendment) Measure – First Consideration

Ethical investment policy: Presentation by the Ethical Investment Advisory Group

1.00 pm LUNCH

2.30 pm Presidential Address (by the Archbishop of Canterbury)

Into the New Quinquennium

Appointment of the Chair of the Business Committee and of the Clerk to the Synod

Weddings Project: presentation

Parochial Fees policy

Wednesday, 9 February

9.30 am Prayers

House of Bishops’ statement on marriage after divorce and the ordained ministry (GS Misc 960)

Liverpool Diocesan Synod Motion: Common Worship Baptism Provision

Introduction to the debate on ARCIC report on Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ – Joint presentation by the Bishop of Guildford and senior RC Bishop

1.00 pm LUNCH

2.30 pm ARCIC report on Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ



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Justin Brett
14 years ago

We’re not exactly going to be rushed off our feet, are we?

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
14 years ago

I can only imagine your frustration, Justin. In the meantime: the mills of God grind slowly!

Father David
Father David
14 years ago

I thought that it was once decided to abolish the session of the General Synod which met in February except in exceptional circumstances. Surely two sessions of this Anglican white elephant (November and July)is more than enough? An annual meeting would be even better! Just think of the savings that could be made in the cash stapeed CofE if the meeting time of the General Synod was greatly reduced.

Peter Owen
14 years ago

Father David One of the two London sessions each year has only ever been held “as required”, but since 2003 this has been the November session. In the 2005/2010 Synod the only November session was in 2005. This was held to avoid an unnecessarily long gap between the Synod elections in early autumn and the first meeting of the new Synod. Similarly there was a short November session this year. The number of days that Synod meets is chosen to match the business before it. Whether all this business is necessary is a matter for debate. How many sessions the… Read more »

Mark Beach
14 years ago

The agenda may not look very exciting but behind it lurks some important business… there has been criticism on the floor of the synod for not considering Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ earlier; John Ward’s following motion should have been heard in November but time ran out and I for one am interested to see how the Liverpool motion goes. More than enough meat to meet for I think!

Perry Butler
Perry Butler
14 years ago

I have to say I hope something comes of the Liverpool baptismal liturgy motion. There was some enrichment certainly but I didn’t find it as user friendly as the ASB; it was terribly wordy and the return to patristic style promises at the decision were a mistake i think as shown by the bishops allowing the ASB promises “for pastoral reasons”. im pleased to say my bishop agreed with me that pastoral reasons included every baptism i did!! A shorter more pastoral rite seems to me to be very necessary esp in those places where barbed wire doesn’t ring the… Read more »

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