Thinking Anglicans

Canterbury reps on CNC elected

The Canterbury Vacancy-in-See Committee met yesterday, and as part of their business elected the following six diocesan representatives on the Crown Nominations Commission responsible for the appointment of the next Archbishop of Canterbury.

The Reverend Canon Clare Edwards
Mr Raymond Harris
Mr David Kemp
The Reverend Canon Mark Roberts
Mrs Caroline Spencer
The Right Reverend Trevor Willmott

The Church of England centrally and the Diocese of Canterbury have both published these names.

Canterbury Diocese elects six representatives to serve on the Crown Nominations Commission
Archbishopric of Canterbury: Canterbury Diocese elects six representatives to serve on the Crown Nominations Commission

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Father Ron Smith
12 years ago

One hopes that, this time around, and bearing in mind GAFCON/FCA’s disaffection with Canterbury and Lambeth and the Primates’ Meeting; that the ethos of ‘Primus-inter-pares’ might be allowed to take second place to the perceived needs of the Province and Diocese of Canterbury, in the choice of the next Archbishop. The days of Canterbury’s political primacy over the affairs of other independent Provinces of the world-wide Communion have already been numbered – by the divisive tactics of GAFCON/FCA and its issuance of a rival governance manifesto, in the provocative ‘Jerusalem Statement’, effectively cutting off TEC and the Anglican Church of… Read more »

Leonardo Ricardo
12 years ago

We, those of us in the far away provinces (and far away villages where reality is in ones face) look forward to the selection of the next Archbishop of Canterbury…hopefully a Primate for the Church of England who has trudged the back and muddy roads where REAL women and men work, grow, love their families and attempt to live/adjust to some very unfortunate REAL life circumstances…real health problems, real problems of being exploited, demeaned, marginalized and enslaved by ignorance or by those who would oppress…both in government and at Church. Lord hear our prayer for reality based Christianity and the… Read more »

Perry Butler
Perry Butler
12 years ago

The six reps are, as one might expect, people with long and varied experience in this diocese. Clare Edwards is a Residentiary Canon, Ray Harris chairs ( or used to) the Diocesan Board of Finance,David Kemp is a former Diocesan Secretary, Canon Mark Roberts is Rector of Sandwich and a former Chair of the House of Clergy, Caroline Spencer has wide experience of various diocesan committees and Bishop Trevor is Bishop of Dover.

Canon Atkins
Canon Atkins
12 years ago

When George Carey was enthroned, in a separate ceremony he was enthroned as head of the Anglican Communion. It never occurred in the enthronement of Rowan Williams. There can be only one Lord and Head of the Church. Let him call Bishops and Primates together and Preside at ACC, but his priority must be the spiritual needs of Canterbury and England.England is no longer the centre of the Communion, and the Church of England is failing in the evangelization of England.

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