Thinking Anglicans

The BBC and the press on Women bishops

The BBC has covered the debate over women bishops in several ways today.

The Sunday programme on Radio 4 this morning included an interview with Lucy Winkett. You can listen to this here; it runs from 23 min 49 sec to 28 min 48 sec.

Also on Radio 4 Charlotte Smith presented a half-hour documentary: The Frock and the Church which can be listened to online.

And Charlotte Smith also wrote this: Anglican agonies over women bishops.

Emily Dugan writes in the Independent: Church set to reject ‘deal’ on female bishops.

Christian Today has: Orthodox Anglicans to vote against legislation on women bishops.

Jonathan Petre writes in the Mail Online: Historic vote on women bishops put in jeopardy as senior female clergy say concessions would make them second-class citizens.

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Alastair Newman
12 years ago

[sarcasm]So, Andrea Trevanna, Bible teacher to women in Sevenoaks, what part of “I permit no woman to teach” do you not understand? [/sarcasm] Just enough to apply to bishops, and priests, but not teachers…

Pepper Marts
Pepper Marts
12 years ago

The URL for “Emily Dugan writes in the Independent: Church set to reject ‘deal’ on female bishops” leads to a 404. I found the Dugan article at

ED: sorry, now fixed.

12 years ago

There’s another interview worth mentioning, with Judith Maltby on! First broadcast in early June.

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
12 years ago

The Amendments made (to the Draft Measure) by the House of Bishops at the last moment, calculated to provide what the dissidents call ‘sacramental assurance’, has ensured that a Woman Diocesan Bishop would, by law, be required to allow a Male Bishop ‘of the same theological view-point as the dissenters’ to exercise his episcopal ministry in her diocese without her express permission. I believe this is a step too far, and that Women will not vote for the Amended Measure at any price, believing that the whole matter needs to be radically re-thought by the House of bishops before any… Read more »

Randal Oulton
Randal Oulton
12 years ago

I’m confused. Andrea Trevenna seems to be very clear what the New Testament truth is about the place of women in the church (heads covered, seen and not heard), yet she goes ahead and does teaching and preaching anyway.

Of course we all know those paras were added later, in the same way that the women apostles in the Book of Acts were air-brushed out…. but still she wouldn’t think textually like that — so I honestly don’t get how she juggles the contradiction in her mind…

Perry Butler
Perry Butler
12 years ago

But Randal I think she only teaches women.I seem to remember when I was a DDO one of my women ordinands went to Oak Hill ( there were not many of them then,there may be more now) the husband wanted to join the wives group as a spouse, but as they did biblestudy together it was judged inappropriate as he would be sitting under women leading the group.I gather this sort of thing is the usual practice in the Sydney diocese and in some other english parishes….anyone able to confirm?

12 years ago

I know of a woman who led a popular and lively teenage group in an English parish. There was much debate as to whether the boys (but not the girls) had to leave once they passed their 18th birthday.

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