Thinking Anglicans

European Court rejects request for appeal in case of Eweida &c.

The European Court of Human Rights has today announced that it has rejected the applicants’ request in Eweida and Others v the United Kingdom for referral to the Grand Chamber. This means that the Chamber judgement is now final.

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Jeremy Pemberton
Jeremy Pemberton
11 years ago

So Nadia Eweida has gained 2000 euros compensation from the unreasonableness of BA. Shirley Chaplin could have worn a cross as a badge, but declined her employer’s perfectly reasonable offer, and was encouraged to take this case all the way. She has won nothing. Nor have Lilian Ladele or Gary McFarlane. At vast expense and trouble. I wonder how much all this has cost the Christian Legal Centre, which was fighting the Eweida, Chaplin and McFarlane cases, and the Christian Institute, which supported Lilian Ladele? Will it now encourage the swivel-eyed Christian Right to increase the volume of their cries… Read more »

Richard Ashby
Richard Ashby
11 years ago

Though to answer Jeremy’s point, the pursuing of these cases to the bitter end and beyond is the absolute justification for the self described victimhood and persecution of the ‘Christian’ right. We won’t see the end of these cases. It is important for their self justification that the Christian Institute and others continue to back them, no matter how hopeless, in order to justify and prove their narrative of ‘persecution’.

Craig Nelson
Craig Nelson
11 years ago

The only caveat I would enter to this is the case of the Housing Trust and the employee who made comments on facebook. He did however win his case which has clarified the law in this area and the outcome has been published widely so people are fully aware of the current state of the law. I do think that the Eweida ruling would also be germane to this case. Although Ladele quite rightly lost current ECHR jurisprudence gives a degree of support to the role of member states in ensuring that a proper weighing up process takes place in… Read more »

Nadia Eweida
Nadia Eweida
11 years ago

Christian legal Centre did not fight / take the Eweida case to the European Court of Human Rights.
Signed Nadia Eweida

Simon Sarmiento
11 years ago

Jeremy I think it was Liberty, not CLC, that originally supported Ms Eweida.

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