Thinking Anglicans

Pope and Archbishop to meet

The Archbishop of Canterbury will be meeting Pope Francis for the first time tomorrow.

The Guardian has two articles looking forward to this visit.
Sam Jones Justin Welby and Pope Francis meet in hope of finding common ground
Andrew Brown Shift in style as outsiders Justin Welby and Pope Francis get together

The Tablet reports that Welby and Pope meet to review relations between Churches.

Alessandro Speciale of Religion News Service writes Pope Francis and Archbishop of Canterbury to meet for the first time.

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Rod Gillis
Rod Gillis
11 years ago

So Andrew Brown thinks Abp. Welby and Pope Francis are “outsiders”. An old boy and a Jesuit superior as outsiders. Nothing like accuracy in journalism.

11 years ago

Their common mistreatment of gays should give them some common ground to build upon. All these ABC’s kowtowing to Rome – why don’t they go?

What you do, do quickly.

Father David
Father David
11 years ago

I wonder if Pope Francis will be handing over his papal ring to Archbishop Justin as Paul VI did to Michael Ramsey?

Will Douglas Barton
Will Douglas Barton
11 years ago

Old Etonian. Archbishop of Caterbury. Outsider! It’s enough to make a cat laugh.

11 years ago

Anti-gay rhetoric will be solid common ground for both bishops, surely.

But begs the question : why bother ?

11 years ago

Beggars belief to see, in the video clip, Mrs Welby the wife of an Evangelical archbishop, wearing a black mantilla, like an old fashioned Spanish RC or parishioner in Eire in the last century !

JC Ryle and Cranmer would be calling out, “No popery !”

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