Thinking Anglicans

February General Synod – women in the episcopate

General Synod will be debating the latest proposals on women in the episcopate on Tuesday 11 February. The relevant papers have been released today.

The actual items of business can be found in the Agenda (GS 1930). In addition there are these papers.

GS 1932 – Draft Declaration on the Ministry of Bishops and Priests and Draft Reolution of Disputes Procedure Regulations
GS 1925A – Draft Bishops and priests (Consecration and Ordination of Women) Measure
GS 1926A – Draft Amending Canon No.33
GS 1934 – Draft Act of Synod Rescinding the Episcopal Ministry Act of Synod 1993
GS Misc 1064 – House of Bishops’ Declaration on the Ministry of Bishops and Priests – Guidance Notes for Bishops and Parishes
GS Misc 1068 – Note by the Legal Advisers on clause 2

The Report of the Business Committee (GS 1931) has the usual comments on individual items of business, and those for Women in the Episcopate are copied below the fold.

Extract from the Report of the Business Committee (GS 1931)

Tuesday 19 November

Legislation on Women in the Episcopate

25. The main business of Tuesday 19th November will relate to Women in the Episcopate.

26. There will be four separate items of business. First the Synod will consider a motion from the House of Bishops inviting the Synod to welcome the draft House of Bishops’ draft Declaration and Disputes Resolution Regulations. The Synod had a first opportunity to consider drafts in November as part of the Steering Committee’s report but the House of Bishops had not at that stage discussed them in detail. This is the Synod’s opportunity to debate what the House has now agreed.

27. Secondly, the draft measure and amending canon will be considered on the Revision Stage. Because there was no Revision Committee Stage the normal 40 member rule for the consideration of amendments will not apply.

28. Thirdly, the Synod will be invited to consider, under the preliminary motion procedure, a draft Act of Synod to rescind the Episcopal Ministry Act of Synod 1993. Since rescinding the Act of Synod constitutes Article 7 business, it will need to be considered by the House of Bishops before it comes for final approval at a subsequent group of sessions. It will also be open to the Convocations and the House of Laity to claim references.

29. Fourthly there will be a motion to suspend Standing Order 90(b)(iii) so that the Article 8 reference of the draft measure and amending canon can be concluded in May, with a view to completing the remaining stages of the legislation at the July group of sessions. To pass, the motion will require a 75% majority. If the motion is not carried, the Business Committee will be required by SO 90 to allow at least six months for the reference, which means that the earliest date for its completion will be September.

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11 years ago

The statement of guiding principles annexed to 1064 leave me confused: ” . . . the Church of England acknowledges that its own clear decision on ministry and gender is set within a broader process of discernment within the Anglican Communion and the whole Church of God;” We are required to accept that the CofE has reached a clear decision on the issue, but that the greater part of the Church has not. Does that make it a provisional clear decision or a clear provisional decision? Is it clear that the decision is revocable or confirmable in the light of… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
11 years ago

Well, Labarum; one might acknowledge that the Church of England is still part of ‘the whole Church of God’, while not representing all of it.

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