Thinking Anglicans

General Synod election results update

Update – northern deans now listed

My list of those elected to the 2015-2020 General Synod is now almost complete. The only gaps are the two Northern Deans and the lay member from the Deanery of Jersey. The clergy member from the Channel Islands will be Tim Barker, the Dean designate of Guernsey. But I understand that he will not be able to take up his place until he is commissioned on 28 November, which is after the inaugural group of sessions.

There are two vacancies from the Religious Communities because not enough people were nominated to fill all four places. By-elections will be held in due course.

My thanks go to all those who responded to my appeal to send me results.

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Perry Butler
Perry Butler
9 years ago

It will be interesting to see the percntages of those who bothered to vote..It saddens me it is so low… In this diocese ( Canterbury) for clergy 61% apparently.

David Lamming
David Lamming
9 years ago

I share Perry’s sadness at the low turnout. In my diocese (St Eds & Ips) it was 57.35% for the clergy (117 voting papers returned out of 204 issued) and for the laity only 47.99% (298 + 1 spoilt ballot paper out of 623). This despite the fact that in terms of the number of candidates there was more interest this year, with 8 candidates for the 3 clergy seats and 10 candidates for the 3 seats in the House of Laity. However, I am not sure that widening the franchise, as some have suggested (e.g., for the laity, to… Read more »

Jonathan Jennings
Jonathan Jennings
9 years ago

Thanks for a comprehensive list.

It struck me that the OC of E youth council reps are not referred to as Mr or Ms or Miss or Mrs;looked odd that they were distinguished in this way …

Mother Hubbard
Mother Hubbard
9 years ago

Shockingly low turn-out in Chichester: 45.41% lay and 57.34% clergy. Are these the same people who clobber us from the pulpit at every election to do our duty and vote? The same people who press for and host political election hustings in their communities and churches, and daily pray for wisdom for church leaders, politicians and world leaders? Unbelievable.
DL, time, at least in this Diocese, was an issue: they sent out a “wrong” set of papers to start with.

Peter Owen
9 years ago

The person who sent me the names of the Youth Council reps did not include their prenominal titles, so I could not include them.

I’ve also not been able to give the Bishop of Newcastle a title. I assume that she does not become The Rt Revd until she is consecrated on 30 November. But for the time being, does she retain her previous “The Venerable”? Or did she lose that and revert to “The Revd” when her election was confirmed and she legally became the bishop on 22 September?

Simon Butler
Simon Butler
9 years ago

Upon confirmation of election as a diocesan bishop the title Rt. Revd. can be used. So Christine is now legally the diocesan bishop and can be so titled, even if not yet consecrated.

Malcolm Dixon
Malcolm Dixon
9 years ago

I agree with David Lamming that all dioceses should publish the full results, showing who had the most first-preference votes, the order in which candidates were eliminated, etc. But not all have. I got the impression from your earlier thread, Peter Owen, that this was a requirement of the legislation this time. Is that so?

Peter Owen
9 years ago

That’s correct, Malcolm. The requirement is in the Clergy Representation Rules (rule 20(10)) and the Church Representation Rules (rule 39(12)). You can download the rules here:

Malcolm Dixon
Malcolm Dixon
9 years ago

Thanks, Peter for providing ‘chapter and verse’. Whether by coincidence or not, my diocese has subsequently put up its full results. From these I deduce (pace Fr David on the earlier thread on this subject) that the result would have been exactly the same in both houses, had the system been first past the post based on first preferences.

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