Thinking Anglicans

More preparations for ACC-16 in Lusaka

A document has been published by the Anglican Inter Faith Network, see this ACNS press release: Theological resources on persecution published for ACC-16.
The report itself is available as a PDF: Out of the Depths – Hope in a time of suffering.

The ACC-16 web page also links to a report on the work of Anglican and Episcopal women at UN Commission on the Status of Women.
Here is the Statement from the Anglican Communion delegation at UN-CSW60.
And there is this report of a related event: Communion women can help change sisters’ fate, says Anglican leader.

Anglican Ink has published the text of two letters:

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9 years ago

Only now–months later–does the Archbishop of Canterbury clarify what he meant: “managed…to vote unanimously, amongst those present….”

Daniel Berry, NYC
Daniel Berry, NYC
9 years ago

oh goodness what a mess. And, lest we forget, the families, households and friends of African bishops include just as many GLBT people as any other group.

John Swanson
John Swanson
9 years ago

And who are these many Christians for whom the outcome of the Primates Meeting gave great rejoicing and thankfulness?

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
9 years ago

This missive, from the Archbishop of Kenya, citing the Archbishop of Canterbury’s call to repentance for homophobia in the Church’, clearly refutes any personal need of repentance in this area of pastoral oversight. He obviously is not willing to subscribe to the eucharistic call to Unity in Christ on this important issue of difference in the Communion.

God have mercy on your Church – especially in Kenya.

9 years ago

TEC has to cut out the cancer of the Anglican Communion from its faith. As long as we are tied to men like the ABoC and the African primates, we are yoking ourselves to worldly wickedness.

9 years ago

“If you are religious at all in Sweden, many people tend to think that you are a bit daft. This will mean that children can be bullied at school if they are openly Christian; not only by their peers, but sometimes even by teachers.”

This is a compression of issues I’m not at all comfortable with. No one has the right to NOT be thought “a bit daft” by others. But bullying is qualitatively different (and reprehensible): LGBTs bullied BY Christians could tell you that!

S Cooper
S Cooper
9 years ago

Mark Brunson is right – but others like the air miles and dressing up with lots of other pointy hat wearers….even when they exclude ppl like gene Robinson as rowan Williams did in 08….. So, the primates will do what they like as TEC will do whatever it takes to stay in the club?

9 years ago

What “representation to bodies” has ABC changed as a result of the Primates Gathering?

Intellectually,though, +Justin clearly comes out ahead.It is apparent he is very much aware of the inconsistencies and contradictions in the African position, and for that he deserves credit. (Or his staff, depending on who drafted the letter.)

Where I think some criticism is due is his use of secular title (Rt Hon) in what is strictly a Christian communication. Personally I would favour a little humility in such situations.

9 years ago

The first observation to make about the two Archbishops’ letters is that Canterbury addresses his ‘brothers in Christ’ (sisters were notable by their absence) and Uganda refers to ‘issues of sexuality and gender’. The recognition that the debates about LGBT people in the Communion involve ‘gender’ as much as ‘sexuality’ is often missed. The theological resources on persecution review feminist, black and liberation theologies, though LGBT theologies are notable by their absence. The Primate of Uganda argues that ‘two thousand years of teaching and tradition’ are undermined by progress towards LGBT equality. But the report demonstrates how teaching and tradition… Read more »

9 years ago

“TEC has to cut out the cancer of the Anglican Communion from its faith.” No, no, and no. The sisters have decided to walk together. See the statement by the Anglican Communion Women here at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. The Episcopal delegation is going to write a statement that gratefully receives, affirms, and reciprocates that statement. The sisters have decided that we are sticking together to work on the gospel imperatives to heal this hurting world, regardless of what the brothers do. As far as I can tell, from the United Nations, the Anglican Communion… Read more »

Interested Observer
Interested Observer
9 years ago

“If you are religious at all in Sweden, many people tend to think that you are a bit daft.”

Matthew 7:1-3

Paul Richardson
Paul Richardson
9 years ago

It really goes against not just the spirit of the agreement of the Primates of the Anglican Communion to “Walk together in the service of God in the world” but also the letter of their communique for any of the Primates to boycott the meeting of the ACC just because representatives of TEC will be present. The text of the communique accepted the ongoing participation of TEC in all the internal bodies of the Anglican Communion – “TEC no longer represent us on ecumenical and interfaith bodies, should not be appointed or elected to an internal standing committee and that… Read more »

9 years ago

I meant Kenya not Uganda, though I guess the letter would express the Gafcon position

Laurence Cunnington
Laurence Cunnington
9 years ago

“Even if a province is unable to be present…” Justin Welby

Is that “unable” as in “can’t come due to illness” or “won’t come due to having had a hissy fit about the outcome of the January meeting not being punitive enough and refusing to be in the same room.”?

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
9 years ago

Dear Cynthia. I love your response to those in TEC who are still bitter about the apparent lack of sympathy for TEC’s innovative openness to the LGBTI community in its provincial area. However, I see Bishop Michael Curry’s ‘gracious restraint’ about – and yet his forceful defence of – his province’s move towards justice and equity for ALL in the Gospel; to be the sign of TEC’s calming effect on the influence of would-be schismatics in the Anglican Communion on issues of ‘purity’, Many of us in other provinces – including my own at ACANZP, in the South Pacific –… Read more »

9 years ago

The simple fact is, all TEC is doing by remaining in the Anglican Communion is enabling other provinces to remain uncommitted – neither hot nor cold – without actually making any difference where it is needed. Oh, our progressive friends will cheer us on, but, as long as we take the risks for them, they will do. nothing. ever. Only by leaving them to themselves will we make it necessary for them to actually *do* something for all the great social justice issues they wish to see carried out – by someone else. Benevolent imperialism of ideas is still imperialism.… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
9 years ago

I’m sad, Mark Brunson, that you should see us ‘progressives’ as being content to let TEC do all the pushing for the inclusion of LGBTI people in the Churches of the A.C. I’m pretty sure that most of us are doing or very best to improve standards in our own provinces. It seems that the GAFCON Provinces have friends a ‘Head Office’ that, at the moment are able to throw their numerical weight around. It will not always be so. Don’t lose heart. You have friends

9 years ago

I very largely agree with you Father Ron. My one disagreement is that I think “head office” wishes to avoid an upstart competing for the allegiance of provinces. I don’t think that makes GAFCON primates friends – quite the opposite in fact. Kenya, Uganda and Nigeria clearly want a split but they are uncertain which other provinces would follow them. They too in fact have the problem Mark Branson says TEC has. In each case, most provinces would, on grounds of inertia and tradition, stay put. By offering something to both traditionalists (speaking against unilateral acceptance of same sex marriage)… Read more »

S Cooper
S Cooper
9 years ago

Kate – your optimism is resilient but nothing from Gene Robinson not being invited to Lambeth 08 (when a liberal was in Canterbury) to Welby acting like the covenant is in place justifies optimism. It’s all about numbers. The GS and HTB have numbers – it is impossible that Welby will change church positions to alienate them (& the Roman Catholic Church too – all Canterbury residents seem to like some papal affirmation during their tenures). While TEC and liberals will out yo even with a bishop of tech being ostracised, why should Welby bother to do anything apart from… Read more »

Tobias Haller
9 years ago

S Cooper. It isn’t just about numbers. If it were, this would all have ended long since. The ekklesiopolitik is much more complicated. ABCs since and including Rowan have to use the art of inflicting the amount of discipline on the West that the South will find sufficient and the West will bear. Finding the “sweet spot” (or should I call it a “bitter spot”?) has become impossible, as a segment of the South will no longer accept half-measures. But their mere numbers will not give them the victory; because the bonds uniting England with the West are stronger and… Read more »

Father Ron Smith
Father Ron Smith
8 years ago

“….the bonds uniting England with the West are stronger and deeper — and the patience of TEC in putting up with discipline has indicated a real desire to function as a church, not as a Puritan society.” Posted by: Tobias Haller on Wednesday. Precisely, Tobias. I am of the opinion that even the ABC would not want to alienate the more liberated Churches of the Communion – aware, as he no doubt is – of the need for the Church to be seen to relevant in the modern world, on issues of gender and sexuality, as well as cogent theology.… Read more »

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