Thinking Anglicans

More about Jesmond's episcopal consecration

The original Church Times report has been updated: Vicar of Jesmond warns against trying to discipline curate ordained bishop by breakaway Church.

It now reports that the Diocese of Newcastle has made a public statement. Here’s what it says:

The Bishop of Newcastle is aware that a minister holding her licence to a parish within the Diocese has taken part in a service of consecration as a bishop under the auspices of an overseas church.

It is the clearly established law of the land that no one can exercise ministry in the Church of England without either holding office or having the permission of the diocesan bishop.

It is also the case that no overseas bishop may exercise episcopal functions within the Church of England without the express permission of the Archbishop of the province and a commission from the Bishop of the diocese in which they wish to minister.

In this case neither has been sought.

The Archbishop of York is being kept informed.

The Church Times goes on to report:

The Vicar of Jesmond Parish Church, the Revd David Holloway, responded to the diocesan statement on Tuesday afternoon with the comment that it was “quite wrong”, owing to the diocese’s failure, in his view, to study the Overseas and Other Clergy (Ministry and Ordination) Measure 1967 properly.

He also stated that the Clergy Discipline Measure did not apply, since “matters involving doctrine, ritual or ceremonial” were not covered by it, and the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1963 had been declared by a C of E working party not to command “the necessary confidence of the Church”.

If it were to be used, he said, it would “be utter folly and invite a range of reciprocal heresy trials”.

Earlier, Law & Religion UK published this note: Church of England: confusion over episcopal consecration in Newcastle. This contains a number of useful links to background documents.

And Christian Today has Church of England issues warning against conservative minister consecrated as rebel bishop.

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Simon Sarmiento
7 years ago

Andrew Symes has expressed some personal opinions here
Unofficial Bishops, non-C of E Anglicans: fragmentation and schism, or new reformation?

Adam Armstrong
Adam Armstrong
7 years ago

The Symes opinion on “Anglican Mainstream” are the usual biased ones we expect from him, especially since he has taken the mantle of being “mainstream”, when he is anything but. Too bad all these high-minded ideas can’t be honest about their opinions as a smokescreen for hate and homophobia. New Reformation indeed! How inflated are these egos? This is the usual propaganda for people whose real “rejection” of episcopal authority is based on their desire to be laws unto themselves. They love to select suitable compliant and neutered bishops so they can avoid having any authority, since for them, it’s… Read more »

7 years ago

What kind of evangelical witness is a secret ceremony of Consecration? They manifestly know that what they are doing is schismatic and irregular, unethical and underhand, or in plain terms crooked. Shady to say the least, and almost certainly illegal. John 3:20 nails it.

Real reformers used to bang nails loudly into church doors. Nowadays some celebrate the public sacrament of same-sex marriage (with public banns). They try to walk in the light and whether they succeed or fail, they aim to do so visibly.

Father Ron Smith
7 years ago

With this new ‘Bishop-Pryke’ having been raised up in the U.K., under the noses of their Excellencies the Archbishops of Canterbury and York; now begs the question of what the Church of England Bishops will do about this flagrant incidence of the undermining of their episcopal authority – to ordain their own candidates for episcopal ministry. Jesmond Anglican Parish Church seems an unlikely nest in which to harbour schismatic bishops. However, the deed is now done. GAFCON, ACNA and AMiE promoters of schism are rubbing their hands with glee as the ABC and the ABY are sitting on their hands,… Read more »

Interested Observer
Interested Observer
7 years ago

It would appear that Andrew Symes sees himself as a new Martin Luther, or possibly Henry VIII. He does not lack ambition, it has to be said.

Joking aside, “this isn’t the sort of thing we would do, but it’s all jolly larks anyway” is a pretty cowardly position. He can’t quite bring himself to say whether he supports it, presumably because he realises that open support will risk his job.

Father David
7 years ago

David Holloway was born in 1939 (the year WWII started) which makes him 78 this year. He was appointed to his living in Jesmond in 1973, prior to the Act which required clergymen to retire at the age of 70, so he can retain his living until called to greater glory. It looks to me as though he rather than his Mother in God holds all the cards and he knows it! The only action I can suggest for the Bishop of Newcastle so to do is to appear on Tyne-Tees Television and publicly cut-up her dog-collar and promise not… Read more »

Michael Mulhern
Michael Mulhern
7 years ago

‘The Archbishop of York is being kept informed.’ How reassuring. Especially when the said prelate and his side-kick at Lambeth decided to recognise the orders of ACNA clergy. Chickens. Come. Home. Roost. Four words to describe the inevitable consequences of taking this decision, without wider consultation, or rigorous theological and ecclesiological groundwork. Well done, lads, for looking after your real friends.

This is precisely what happens when archiepiscopal power is unaccountably and inappropriately exercised in preference to seeking consensus. But I’m not sure either of them will ever get it.

Savi Hensman
Savi Hensman
7 years ago

Could it not be taken that the minister concerned had, in effect, resigned, having indicated that he is now an employee of another denomination (which does happen from time to time)? What has happened is surely far more than a rift between a priest and particular bishop or with church leadership over a particular policy but rather would appear a renunciation of working for the Church of England in favour of REACH-SA, and hence an ecumenical matter? Certainly in my day job, if I declared that I no longer accepted the authority of the leadership of my organisation but instead… Read more »

Savi Hensman
Savi Hensman
7 years ago

I should maybe add that my comment does not refer to how the Diocese of Newcastle should respond but rather what his own actions signify in law. Church of England leaders should be pastorally sensitive to everyone with whom they are in contact, whether or not that person is a current employee or postholder. However if, say, health and safety or safeguarding laws were breached in the course of outreach on behalf of REACH-SA, would it have no liability?

7 years ago

Is there any more ominous single sentence in Churchland than “The Archbishop of York is being kept informed.”?! We might imagine that, as we read, several turbulent priests are practically bleeding from their ears; but perhaps I am excessively hopeful.

7 years ago

Yes, there is–and it is “After reading a statement, the Archbishop of York took questions from the press.”

Let us hope that this time Ebor will act more quietly and appropriately.

robert ian williams
robert ian williams
7 years ago

Jesmond parish AKA the Richard Clayton memorial church…..communion bread in the bin after the service.

Already employs clergy ordained in CESA succession, and not licensed by the Bishop of Newcastle.

The power behind the Christian Institute lobby and one thousand in church on a Sunday.

Planting churches in Newcastle and Durham dioceses with no diocesan approval.

I attended this Church when I was a student…Godly and very loving people..

Father Ron Smith
7 years ago

I think the former Archbishop of Sydney (Anglican Church in Australia) is probably rubbing his hands with glee at this time. Having, in an interview recently, more or less declared the Church of England apostate, he is no doubt contemplating the next session of GAFCON with unbridled hubris. He will be hoping that on that occasion (in 2018) he will receive his acclamation from Gafcon’s self-entitled ‘Primates Council’ for his part in the downfall of the traditional Anglican Communion. Meanwhile, we in the outer Provinces will be quietly getting on the with inclusive work of the Gospel of our Lord… Read more »

7 years ago

“Vicar of Jesmond warns against trying to discipline curate”

Or I’ll huff and I’ll puff…!

Kyrie eleison.

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