Thinking Anglicans

Anglicans meet the Pope

Various reports concerning the inauguration of the new pope yesterday and his meeting today with ecumenical leaders including an Anglican delegation that included two ECUSA bishops as well as several prominent Anglican conservatives.

Anglican leaders greet new Pope

Catholic News Service
Anglican leader says pope to give energy to united Christian witness includes extensive quotes from RW

Andrew Brown Opus Dei will be in the ascendancy in Pope Benedict XVI’s church
John Hooper in Rome and Stephen Bates Williams to meet new pope today

The Times
Richard Owen New Pope seeks a spiritual revival as he takes the throne
Ruth Gledhill Words of inspiration not lost in translation
Richard Owen Pope prayed: ‘God, don’t do this to me’

Jonathan Petre Williams looks to build bridges with Catholicism
Bruce Johnson Humanity has lost its way, says new Pope

Sunday Telegraph
Damian Thompson Then came the name ‘Josephum’ and gloom set in

Sunday Times
Christopher Morgan and John Follain Pope in talks with rebel Anglicans

And for a different perspective, Appointment of Pope Benedict sits uneasily with Arabs on

An earlier column that I missed: Andrew Brown on Cardinal Chernenko?

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Tony Bentley
Tony Bentley
19 years ago

re +Rowan meeting benedict XVI – I was saddened as I watched the meeting on BBC News (and then rewound it and watched again through Sky+) – +Rowan seemed to be very pleased to be there with his presents and looked as if he was going to give the Pope a fraternal kiss – this was firmly kept away at arm’s length. I don’t think the Pope thinks nearly as much about unity with Anglicans as he does with Eastern churches. I hope we won’t sacrifice our principles and how we perceive the Gospel to be to try to get… Read more »

19 years ago

Principles? From Rowan Williams? He has displayed since his taking of the AofC post that his only principles are personal expediency and unity at all costs.

I have no time for him any more.

19 years ago

“his only principles are personal expediency and unity at all costs.”

Is that a Christlike comment to make? Very easy to judge when one does not have the conflicting pressures. And doesn’t the Bible say something about judging others?

19 years ago

Merseymike, your comment on the Archbishop seems rather unkind. I wouldn’t like his job for a moment, and I wonder whether he too sometimes wishes he had not been appointed! By the way, I looked at your blogspot. Both terms “liberal” and conservative” are, I suppose, relative to one’s own position; I could be labeled liberal by some and conservative by others! I say that because I was quite taken aback by the heading in your blogspot which reads: “Comments from conservative evangelical bigots not welcome. Piss off: you have quite enough of the web already…” Whatever label one ecognises… Read more »

Alan Harrison
Alan Harrison
19 years ago

Interesting! I think there’s a parallel between the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Pope.

When Rowan Williams was appointed, extreme theological conservatives (mostly on the evangelical side in England) seemed determined not to give the man a chance. Extreme theological liberals seem equally determined not to give a chance to Pope Benedict.

19 years ago

Ian, if only the rest of the church had the decency to think about its actions in advance, asking itself exactly those questions, “is this Christlike? am I about to judge someone?”!

One of the notable benefits of asking these things is that the media would never latch onto a rightwing-versus-liberal separation, because people would have the decency not to judge others in public without applying Scriptural principles first.

Still, I suppose Merseymike is entitled to his view…

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