Thinking Anglicans

ARCIC Seattle Statement

The full text of the Seattle Statement, Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ is now available on the web in several places:

Vatican copy
Canadian copy or in French

As yet it has not appeared on the ACO website, but this page contains an address by Nicholas Sagovsky delivered in the Jerusalem Chamber at Westminster Abbey on 19 May, and a homily by Cardinal Walter Kasper preached at Vespers in All Saints Anglican Church in Rome on 22 May.

The most balanced Anglican analysis so far is the Fulcrum response to the statement which is here.

A Vatican commentary on the document can be found here.

Earlier TA items can be found here and here.

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19 years ago

Good to see a link available now. Thanks!

Graham Kings
19 years ago

This ‘Vatican’ commentary by Jared Wicks, s.j. is very helpful in giving an early Roman Catholic receptive perspective. As our Fulcrum response makes clear in its conclusion, however, it highlights the methodological issues of authority. It may be worth comparing a key paragraph in Wicks’ commentary with a paragraph in ‘The Windsor Report’: ‘Catholics have certainty about the truth of the doctrines [of the Immaculate Conception and Assumption]. This exemplifies what Vatican II said while treating Tradition and the Magisterium, namely, “the church does not draw its certainty about all revealed truths from Holy Scripture alone” (DV 9). The living… Read more »

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