Thinking Anglicans

A Global South statement

Archbishop Akinola wants the following document considered, in closed session. See also his cover letter here.

The ACC has just decided to go into closed session at 2.30 pm to do so.

Document text:

A Global South statement regarding the request for listening
The Primates Meeting asked ECUSA and the Anglican Church of Canada to explain the thinking behind their recent actions.

The presentations that we heard from ECUSA and the Anglican Church of Canada did not explain that thinking with reference to the teaching of the Anglican Communion as expressed in Lambeth 1.10 and statments from Primates Meetings in Brazil, Lambeth and Newry.

They also failed to explain why they have chosen to:

– depart from the received and agreed teaching of this Communion
– ignore all four instruments of unity
– disregard the processes by which we come to a common mind, and
– overlook the specific request described in the Windsor Report.

Instead they advocated a position that reinforces our current divisions.

The proposal that the Communion “listen to the experience of homosexual persons” is an ongoing concern but must be preceded by an affirmation of Lambeth 1.10 and the Primates Communiqué at Dromantine.

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19 years ago

Of course they re-advocated that position – I don’t want ‘unity’ with Akinola and Co. I’m certainly not in ‘communion’ with then in any meaningful sense. What I believe and what they believe are almost entirely different.

19 years ago

It seems we must prepare for a different kind of Communion. I wonder if the “friendship” that the ABC was fondly proposing has even a tiny chance of characterizing the new structures. I feel sorry for the ABC. If he supports the larger communion and lets them expel the North Americans he can only maintain the fiction that the C of E has not also changed its teaching on homosexuality by clinging to thin shreds of hypocrisy as priests and their partners register for civil unions mysteriously officially celibate. How long will it be before the Global South Inquisition overtakes… Read more »

19 years ago

Exactly, dmitri.

Perhaps it will wake up CofE liberals and make them realise that their future is outside the funamentalist-dominated, pre-modern ‘Communion’.

I have thought that for a long time, but have been vilified by many for openly calling for a split.

19 years ago

“I don’t want ‘unity’ with Akinola and Co.”…”What I believe and what they believe are almost entirely different.” Mike, you have been invited in another thread to state precisely what you believe, and the theological underpinning behind it, and as far as I am aware you did not respond. Though I believe that the scriptures do not condone homosexuality, in a sincere attempt to understand ECUSA’s point of view I have read, and am still digesting, the presentations made yesterday. It would be wrong to dismiss an argument unread. Equally, I would hope that those who endorse the ECUSA stance… Read more »

Thomas Bushnell, BSG
19 years ago

“Ignore” is once again being used to mean “disagree with”. This abuse of language is very demeaning. It is one that Rowan Williams is guilty of himself, in fact.

Martin Reynolds
Martin Reynolds
19 years ago

The Windsor Report says: “We particularly request a contribution from the Episcopal Church (USA) which explains, from within the sources of authority that we as Anglicans have received in scripture, the apostolic tradition and reasoned reflection, how a person living in a same gender union may be considered eligible to lead the flock of Christ. As we see it, such a reasoned response, following up the work of the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church (USA), and taken with recent work undertaken by the Church of England[94] and other provinces of the Communion, will have an important contribution to… Read more »

19 years ago

Robert ; I think the basic problem is that whilst I understand your point of view, the fundamental difference is about what we think about, how we approach, and the authority we give to the Bible. I have talked about that a number of times. There are any number of theological discussions about the topic available, but what we think about them depends primarily on what we believe about the Bible. So, all of those discussions are valid on their own terms, but invalid according to the underlying assumptions of those who differ. Thats why I do think, unlike many… Read more »

19 years ago

So Akinola & Co. continue to completely stonewall the process. Anyone surprised ? They want a victory totally on their terms, even if it’s a Pyrrhic victory…

I agree with MM and (horrors 😉 Dr. Shell above. It’s time to split before the damage is any worse. And if ++Rowan decides to stick with the “traditionalists,” he’d better learn to watch his back. There’ll be a (figurative) dagger in his back from the Global South all too soon.

19 years ago

Robert: I congratulate you on accepting the good faith of those with whom you disagree and I, for one, do also. There are two questions: the issue of human sexuality and the issue of diversity of belief and practice on that (and other issues) within the communion. Whilst it is probably right that a consensus on the sexuality issue is presently beyond our reach, I do think that it is worth the different viewpoints continuing to talk to each other and to debate, because this should increase respect for each other’s views even in the absence of agreement. That in… Read more »

19 years ago

At last people are starting to seethis is the only sensible conclusion. Now, we have to make sure that the organisations aho represent our viewpoint start to hear what we are saying.

Unity at any cost is no unity at all.

19 years ago

Thanks jak for your comments. I would not defend every word of ANY document; I doubt whether one could see any article that is totally devoid of slants one way or the other, and if there were, we’d probably all regard it as sterile! Leaving aside the title you mention, did you study the content there? The Rev. Dr. Philip Turner was pointing to what he felt was a dearth of theology in much that is preached, and if he is right, then the title is not as bizarre as appears on the surface. (I have read more than one… Read more »

19 years ago

But I probably feel much the same about unity with Akinola as you feel about unity with Jack Spong, Robert! What is the unity really based on? Sure, all of us are Christians, but do we share much more than a name?

I think that the way ‘theology’ is, as a diccipline, provides us with most of the problem – theology needs a good dose of sociology and less relisnce on what eancient books might or might not say.

19 years ago

There’s the sociologist in you speaking, Mike !

But Christianity is a religion, centred on God, not people (or at least NT/traditional Christianity is). As discussed before, I think that the real issue is our assumptions.. therefore the argument about Christian Ethics isn’t so much about ethics as about christianity.

We are not just disagreeing about how Christians should / shouldn’t live, but about WHAT CHRISTIANITY IS. Somewhat more fatal if we don’t sort it out !

19 years ago

Oh, certainly, Dave. I’m a libera;/progressive/revisioniost Christian, neither conservative nor traditionalist.

What you believe and what I believe are miles apart, but both are currently within the CofE.

I don’t think that is sustainable, long-term, hence my belief in a split both within the CofE and the dissolving of the Communion.

J. C. Fisher
19 years ago

So I guess this means that +Akinola & Co. do NOT “set *their* hope on Christ”?

I am seriously wondering what this so-called “Communion” (Anglican? Hardly) is worth. 🙁

[NB- ECUSA’s Christ: Second Person of the Trinity—who was begotten, incarnate, taught, healed, suffered, died, rose again, and reigns eternally. (Because I anticipate our Gospel Faith will be disputed & dismissed, also {sigh})]

Christian Penn
Christian Penn
19 years ago

Robert: I commend you on your stance and wish you well with your reading (Hope In Christ). I think we ‘re only hurting one another with all this. I just transferred from my old parish of 38 yrs. They voted to join the AAC and did so without any knowledge of the vast majority of the parish knowing. I do feel sad that the disagreement is over homosexuality. I have taught gay students and work with gay colleagues and can say I love them just the way they are. I can’t help but believe that many of the things said… Read more »

AkinTunde Popoola
AkinTunde Popoola
19 years ago

Lord help us not to lose sight of you. To love you first and above all else, and to love our neigbours as ourselves. To hate sin and strive not to condone it but to overcome it. To wish and pray that all who are called by your name live the way you would live. To place our need for perfection above our human and fleshly desires, and finally by our lives to draw many to you in heaven and not to the broad way that ends in destruction . Amen.

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