Thinking Anglicans

Listening Process resolution as passed

In response to the request of the bishops attending the Lambeth Conference in 1998 in Resolution 1.10 to establish “a means of monitoring the work done on the subject of human sexuality in the Communion” and to honour the process of “mutual” listening including “listening to the experience of homosexual persons” and the experience of local churches around the world in reflecting on these matters, in the light of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason, the Anglican Consultative Council requests the Secretary General:

1. To collate relevant research studies, statements, resolutions and other material on these matters from the various provinces and other interested bodies

2. To make such material available for study, discussion and reflection within each member Church of the Communion; and

3. To identify and allocate adequate resources for this work, and to report progress on it to the Archbishop of Canterbury and to the next Lambeth Conference and to the next meeting of this Council, and to copy such reports to the provinces.

Passed unanimously.

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19 years ago

Personally, after 25+ years of listening to the experiences of my friends who are homosexual, gay christians, and reading theological and other documents etc, I have made up my mind that the NT prohibition on homosexual behaviour does still apply to everyone who wishes to be a christian disciple. However, especially in liberal sexualised western society, there is the need for understanding and compassion towards people who experience this, and for the clear assertion that this is just one sinful sexual behaviour/desire among many – and that all of us are sinners. Hopefully the listening process can be completed by… Read more »

19 years ago

But it won’t ‘make its mind up’, because those of us who believe in social justice and a progressive Christianity will not accept any decision for bigotry and exclusion.

So, there needs to be a split.

19 years ago

I hope this listening process will include ex-homosexuals and celibate homsexuals. I’m sure they have alot to add.

19 years ago

I don’t believe there is such a think as an ‘ex-gay’, although there are repressed gays.

I’m also perfectly happy for anyone to be celibate, as long as they don’t then prescribe that state as compulsory, to those of us who do not agree with their reasons for being so.

Daniel USA
19 years ago

Well given the probable range of views and applications of those views about LGBTQ life, using the likely variety of current approaches; I am more and more starting to think that instead of trying to get believers to agree to think less diversely, we need at minimum to aim at two sorts of outcomes. One, I hope we can more or less get together about the human rights of LGBTQ folks throughout the world. If we can consolidate a more level playing field across various cultures and patterns of political democracy, with basic human rights as the widely espoused standards,… Read more »

19 years ago

MM wrote: “I don’t believe there is such a think as an ‘ex-gay’, although there are repressed gays.”

Mike – well, you would refuse to believe that, wouldn’t you !

19 years ago

Daniel wrote: “For myself,I really don’t care all that much what some conservative believer, Christian or Muslim or whatever other world religion (for that matter), thinks I am doing immorally when I go out on a date with a boyfriend.” Daniel, it’s not just us conservatives who think that sex outside a life-long monogamous relationship is immoral; according to ECUSA’s presentation to the ACC on Tuesdays, they think that promiscuity is sinful too. So, unless they were being less than truthful, even liberal ECUSA would say one should abstain from sex unless you have a life-partner… Cruising of bars is… Read more »

Rodney McInnes
Rodney McInnes
19 years ago

Daniel, you hero! RIGHT ON!!!

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