Thinking Anglicans

ACC Nottingham: further reports

Resolutions of ACC-13 from June 22 and 23

ENS Neva Rae Fox and Matthew Davies

Women’s voices affirmed in international reports to ACC
ACC considers listening on sexuality issues, Christian-Muslim ties, environment
ACC continues dialogue on Israel-Palestine, ecumenism, sexuality issues
Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking central in Anglican network report
Also, the page containing audio and video links has been updated to include the addresses of the Chairman of the ACC, the Secretary General of the ACC, and the presentation of the Anglican Communion Environmental Network.

TLC George Conger
Primates Included as Ex Officio ACC Members
ACC Opts for Compromise on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
ACC Lauds Church’s Ethical Investment Program

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J. C. Fisher
19 years ago

From the “ACC Considers…” link: “Stanley Isaacs, ACC delegate from South East Asia, said that he had been disappointed with the consultations that the U.S. Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada presented to the council June 21. “I did not find anything in what they said that justified anything on the basis of scripture,” he said. “They gave us a story about how God loves them as everyone else, and how they love Jesus and their families. I am not convinced.” I would say to Mr. Isaacs, that ECUSA gave you not “a story”, but *THE STORY*: “God… Read more »

19 years ago

Hi JCF I think you missed the point; we KNOW that God loves everyone, but that is not the end of the story. God loves sinners; otherwise He wouldn’t have sent Christ to die for us! But that’s not a “free pass for all” – He will not allow sin to continue forever. He will destroy it; and us with it, if we won’t let it go. We have time, but not forever.. What ECUSA has failed to do is show that homosexuality is not sinful. Neither you nor I are sinless; in many ways, not just sexuality issues! So… Read more »

19 years ago

But nothing would ever convince you, Dave, because of the way you interpret and approach the Bible.

I believe that approach to be wrong ; this is the basic divide between the two positions, and I see nothing which is likely to bridge them.

John Henry
John Henry
19 years ago


Even the Rev. Dr. Billy Graham, during a recent Larry King interview prior to his last Crusade for Christ in Flushing, N.Y., took a less rigorous view of Holy Scripture with regard to homosexuality. Asked whether or not he considered same-sex relations sinful, he responded that he leaves the decision on that to God alone. Yes, he did affirm Christian marriage as a lifelong union of one man and one woman.

19 years ago

John Henry wrote about Billy Graham:
“…he responded that he leaves the decision on that to God alone.”

Now, if my “conservative” Anglican brothers and sisters could be convinced to take Dr. Graham’s position, then maybe we could get past all this nastiness and get on with the core work of the Church. Not convinced to “agree” with me, but convinced that it’s the Lord’s job, not theirs, to work out the salvation of others.

Douglas Lewis
Douglas Lewis
19 years ago

Do you have a reference for the Billy Graham interview? I’d like to see his comments in context. Thank you.

19 years ago

John Henry wrote “Even the Rev. Dr. Billy Graham, during a recent Larry King interview prior to his last Crusade for Christ in Flushing, N.Y., took a less rigorous view of Holy Scripture with regard to homosexuality. Asked whether or not he considered same-sex relations sinful, he responded that he leaves the decision on that to God alone. Yes, he did affirm Christian marriage as a lifelong union of one man and one woman.” Hi John, well BG’s in an unusual theological position on that one then (both of us disagree with that position I guess). However, the point remains… Read more »

19 years ago

I don’t agree with that, Dave.

This ‘dying to self’ does not mean extinguishing our personalities. It means not being selfish and thinking of others, not just ourselves.

I can insist that I am gay, becausae that is what I am. And, with the greatest of respect, I know that, and you don’t, because you are not me.

19 years ago

MM wrote: “This ‘dying to self’ does not mean extinguishing our personalities. It means not being selfish and thinking of others, not just ourselves”. Mike, “Dying to Self” is a bit more extreme than just thinking of others.. St Paul said “…don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. If we have been united with him… Read more »

19 years ago

Funny how such qualities are so rarely found in those who proclaim evangelical Christianity!

No, thanks, I’ll stick to what I first said.

19 years ago

..and so evangelical christians, and the writings of St Paul in the Bible, are summarily dismissed as irrelevant to the discussion…

19 years ago

Yes, generally, evangelical Christianity is of the utmost unimportance to me, given that it is a religious opinion which I do not follow.

19 years ago

“Yes, generally, evangelical Christianity is of the utmost unimportance to me, given that it is a religious opinion which I do not follow”

I’m tempted to wonder whether you follow anything other than your own life-style, which you will justify irrespective of what the church or the Bible may say.

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