Thinking Anglicans

London bombings

Updated twice Friday
The Archbishop of Canterbury issued this Statement on London Terrorist Attacks

The Bishop of London issued this statement on explosions and also this: London Explosions.

Times Online carried this report by Ruth Gledhill Muslim, Christian and Jewish leaders condemn attacks

Friday: Telegraph
Jonathan Petre Archbishop and the Pope condemn ‘evil’ attacks

Church Times
Helen Saxbee Religious leaders condemn London bomb attacks

Rowan Williams Thought for the Day
Listen here with Real Audio

BBC Today radio programme

Andrew Hosken has been finding out how London is recovering this morning. The Rt Rev Rt Hon Richard Chartres, the Bishop of London, joins us from St Paul’s.

Listen here with Real Audio (Bishop Chartres segment is about 6 minutes in and lasts about 3.5 minutes)

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J. C. Fisher
J. C. Fisher
19 years ago

My condolences to the people of London in light of this terrible tragedy (and may those killed R.I.P.)

Never has the world so needed Christ’s example of *nonviolence*.

19 years ago

Simon et al,

Just checking that you and yours are all well. You and your countrymen are in our prayers this day.


19 years ago

Yes, the people of London are in our prayers tonight.

Alan Harrison
Alan Harrison
19 years ago

Please forgive the brevity of these remarks. Having been on the periphery of yesterday’s events, I am grateful for your prayers.

I have no worse injury than sore feet from having to walk from Kings Cross to Paddington. What is rather chilling is that my decision to save my union branch a few pounds’ expenses by take the first train with cheap fares may have saved my life. If I had resolved to get to the meeting bang on time, I could well have been caught in the Edgware Road or Russell Square blasts.

19 years ago

Our hearts go out to the people of London, particularly those who have been injured or killed, and their families.

Please know that our prayers and thoughts are with you at this time. If there is anything else that we can do, please post.

Yours in sadness,
Brooklyn, NY

19 years ago

My heart goes out to those who have lost their loved ones in this atrocity. It is even worse when such things are done ostensibly in the name of religion. My son-in-law was on his way to London, and his train (like to many trains on Thameslink) was late. Had it been on time, he would have been caught up in the disaster. Like many others, I was most unhappy over the invasion of Iraq. Sadly, I suspect that many of those injured or killed may have shared the same view. I simply cannot work out what one can do,… Read more »

19 years ago

It is correct to remember those that are suffering in London – but please keep some perspective.

The last time anything this bad happened in London was fifty years ago in WW2. But four bombs, fifty dead. That is what happens EVERY day in Bagdhad and many other places in the world.

I would argue that those of us lucky enough to be living in the safe and protected West need to react, but be careful not to overeact. For the vast majority of us in London life goes on safely as normal.


Graham Kings
Graham Kings
19 years ago

Almighty God,
Creator and Judge of all,
through the death of your only Son,
you know tragedy and loss.
We pray for those mourning the death of loved ones
killed in the London bombings,
for the wounded in hospital,
for the doctors and nurses,
for the firemen and transport workers,
for the police and intelligence services:
grant them your healing presence, insight and courage.
We pray also for those who planned and planted the bombs:
turn their hearts to peace and bring them to justice,
through him who prayed for his enemies,
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Mary Wright
Mary Wright
17 years ago

With my 3 daughters, I recently visited St. Paul’s and were fortunate enough to be present for a prayer service. I am somewhat of a history buff and now have a greater appreciation of how critical a role St. Paul’s played in bolstering the morale of the British people during those awful days of World War 11.

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