Thinking Anglicans

General Synod presidential address

Rowan Williams delivered his presidential address to the General Synod meeting at York. The full text of this is already available on his own website.

A substantial portion of it was devoted to the recent Anglican Consultative Council meeting.

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Rodney McInnes
Rodney McInnes
19 years ago

I like the Archbishop’s idea of ‘respect’ for the views and feelings of others as ‘careful attention’. I’m old enough to have some sympathy (in the sense of ‘feeling with’ rather than ‘agreeing with’) those who think the good old C of E is about to come crashing around their ears if women are admitted to the episcopate. And it is important that ‘careful attention’ is given to them as a new church is being born from the rubble of the collapsed medieval notion of ‘Ecclesia’ – the Ruler of Kings and Princes. It can only be hoped that those… Read more »

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