Thinking Anglicans

women bishops: press reports

Monday morning reports:
Jonathan Petre Telegraph Hundreds of clergy ‘will leave church over women bishops’
Christina Odone The Times guest contributor Say a prayer for the C of E today (more a plug for tonight’s Channel 4 TV programme than anything else)
BBC Anglicans vote on women bishops

And a synod report that deals with something else:
Michael Brown Yorkshire Post Grace of God falls on victims, Synod told

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19 years ago

“..the primates’ request and the ACC resolutions were meant to enable some kind of respect to be fostered on both sides.” It seems to me that the leaders of ECUSA and Canada have consistently spoken respectfully on this issue but their opponents are consistently adament that nothing short of submission to their views will be acceptable. During the protracted period of semi-withdrawal that we have been going through, opinions have hardened, not softened and the anger has only increased. The ABC as always is trying hard to keep us all together but I think the communion is on the wrong… Read more »

Martin Reynolds
Martin Reynolds
19 years ago

Odone’s personal journey was remarkable. A very good programme with balanced representation.

Pat Brown
Pat Brown
18 years ago

I was in Canada at the Women’s Ordination Worldwide conference so I have only just seen the programme.

The institutional misogyny in the RC church might lead some Anglicans to believe they would be welcome there if they were to leave the Anglican church over the issue of women bishops. May I assure them that Catholic Women’s Ordination will oppose this. How can discrimination against be women be seen as a factor in a spiritual journey?

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