Thinking Anglicans

synod press coverage

Updated Wednesday

Robert Bergner ACNS Archbishop asks synod to focus on respect
Matt Davies ENS Church of England moves closer to ordaining women bishops
TLC England’s General Synod Approves Women Bishops

Michael Brown Yorkshire Post
Women bishops a step nearer after Synod vote
Archbishop of canterbury warns against looking for scapegoats

Jonathan Petre Telegraph
Church of England agrees to have women bishops within seven years
‘We can avoid a split over homosexuality’
also Anglicans and Methodists edge closer towards unity

Stephen Bates Guardian
Barriers to women bishops removed

Ruth Gledhill The Times
Church votes to prepare way for women bishops
Also in The Times Anthony Howard has this opinion column: The last overt sex barrier will stay until at least 2010

Women bishops come a step closer
Women bishops vote angers critics
Robert Pigott Church faces women bishops split

Radio 4 Today programme
The General Synod of the Church of England has voted to remove the legal blocks to the ordination of women bishops. News report by Robert Pigott. Listen here
Could a vote towards allowing women bishops split the Church of England? Christina Rees and David Houlding discuss. Listen here

Wire services:
Reuters Church of England votes to back women bishops
Press Association Church faces split on women bishops
Associated Press Church of England considers women bishops

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19 years ago

I have reflected on the comment that we need to preserve our faith in the sense we have received it in regard to ministry and the similar comment – that we must preserve the integrity of ministry in the traditional sense. In Canada we have ordained women for over 25 years. My children would figure it untraditional to refuse to ordain women. They don’t remember a time when there wasn’t female priests. And for them, if there are female priests just as there are male priests why should there not be female bishops. As a matter of fact, if I… Read more »

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