The Church of England Evangelical Council has issued a statement. It is not yet on the CEEC website but can be found at Anglican Mainstream: Civil Partnerships – CEEC Response to Bishops and also on titusonenine.
Update, it is now on the CEEC website as an RTF file, here.
From the statement:
> All Christians are called not to compromise in their behaviour but to counter-cultural living.
I call balderdash. If I wanted to live “counter-culturally”, I’d trundle off and investigate the Amish…
Tim: ‘Do not be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind’ Romans 12:1.
The Amish are pretty exacting folk. They’ll want to investigate you first. 🙂
Ah, yes, but me no Roman. ;8)
Not even in the gloamin’?