Thinking Anglicans

Global South: list of attendees

This list of Delegates at the 3rd Encounter may be of interest to many readers.

Note that both the Anglican Communion Network (including two ECUSA diocesan bishops) and the Anglican Network in Canada had delegations. Also present were representatives from both New Zealand and Australia (Abp Peter Jensen in the latter case) and Chris Smith from Lambeth Palace (he is listed as a delegate although Rowan Williams does not appear on this list). Robinson Cavalcanti is listed as a delegate from the Southern Cone, and the Episcopal Church of Brazil was not represented at all.

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Revd. Francisco de Assis
Revd. Francisco de Assis
19 years ago

Dear Friends
Thanks for this channel of sharing news from the Anglican Communion. As a President of the Clerical and Laity Chamber in the Episcopal Anglican Church in Brasil, i would like to express my sorrow by the absence of our Province in that meeting. Unfortunately we were excluded by the autoritarian attitude from Bishop Akinola in a contrary spirit of respect against sisters and brothers that think in a different point of view!

John Henry
John Henry
19 years ago

Dear Fr. Francisco:

Cheer up. ++Peter Akinola accepts only those portions of scripture that suit his political and religious hate-agenda. There is no ounce of respect left in him for those who interpret scripture differently. Northern Europeans and Americans, together with those in the GS who do not follow his leadership, live in a spiritual desert and wasteland, and will be excluded from ++Akinola’s Kingdom of God. ++Akinola and his think-alikes own the franchise now, submit (repent) or be damned.

Alan Marsh
Alan Marsh
19 years ago

Dear Francisco,

Perhaps you would like to explain why your Province has summarily deposed a diocesan bishop and 32 of his clergy? That seems remarkably authoritarian and to embody a lack of respect for sisters and brothers who take a different point of view!

Francisco de Assis da Silva
19 years ago

Dear Alan First off all I would like to correct your expression “summarily”. The Brazilian Province used all the prescriptions ruled by their Canons concerned with disciplinary matters. The ex-bishop Robinson Cavalcanti violated deliberately his ordination’s votes. He punished persons because they are openly welcoming gays and lesbians in the life of the Church. He violated the principles of provincial autonomy. And offered no consistent defense in his trial. So, you need to hear others voices from the Brazilian Province and not only what the deposed bishop has articulating by his partners! If your reference is unilateral you need as… Read more »

Alan Marsh
Alan Marsh
19 years ago

People here are well aware of the way Cavalcanti and his clergy have been treated by the Province, and we shall see whether the Province remains part of the Anglican Communion for very much longer.

John Henry
John Henry
19 years ago

Brazil won’t be part of the Anglican Communion much longer if ++Akinola and hs ilk have their way. Would you, Fr. Francisco, expect them to listen to both sides of the divide in the Church of Brazil? Of course not! Truth is ‘uniform’. To say otherwise is to be ‘griswoldian’, advocating ‘puriform’ truth. And that is heresy in the eyes of the Great Inquisitor of the 21st century and those among is followers who consider the New Testament a ‘law book’ by which they may keep errant sinners of the Good Shepherd’s ‘ranch’.

Alan Marsh
Alan Marsh
19 years ago

It looks to me as though the “Great Inquisitor” is the Brazilian archbishop. He has not been invited to a conference, that is all. But in his own back yard he has “deposed” a bishop and 32 clergy who have the temerity to uphold their ordination vows. That smells rather more like an auto-da-fe than the chagrin of an unwelcome primate.

19 years ago

It’s interesting, isn’t it, that for some the formal structures of an episcopally led synodical church are the will of God, yea ordained and instituted by God, so long as they achieve results of which those persons approve. But if the results do not suit them, then the Devil is at work, and the “heretics” must be cast into outer darkness?

19 years ago

I would have thought Brazil would be delighted at not being included, given the views of those concerned. Who would want any connection with them?

Göran Koch-Swahne
19 years ago

It’s called “logic”, Rodney ;=)

And when it is not called logic, it’s called Reason, Tradition and Scripture.

(it all depends on who is talking)

Revd. Francisco de Assis
Revd. Francisco de Assis
19 years ago

Dear Friends My intention is not sustain a dialogue of deafs. Controversial and self centered argumentations has not been a good experience in the Anglican Communion in the last times. The focus of my concern is defend that our communion needs to reflect about the exercise of authority today.The central question for me is not discuss about gays ordinations or not. The question is what we can do with the truth that each of us believe!The truth is liberation not slavery. In this way, i think that we have a conflict for hegemony inside the communion. An apparently conflict between… Read more »

Alan Marsh
Alan Marsh
19 years ago

I entirely agree that the question is about truth, but it is not answered by deposing those with whom you disagree, on trumped-up charges.

Nor is Francisco what might be called an objective observer in the Recife proceedings. He wants to be part of the Northern liberal hegemony revolving around ECUSA which has up to now controlled the Anglican Communion. His province has been funded by ECUSA, after all.

But that hegemony is fast coming to an end as the majority of the Anglican Communion asserts its independence from American money and American culture.

18 years ago

I am looking for a conservative, Anglican parish in Amazonia or Pará where I can worship. I do not support the liberal thinking and actions of the ArchBishop of Canterbury. My church in the United States left the ECUSA over 2 years ago. I understand the struggle this division is causing. I am sorry it is continuing to cause such distruction here in Brasil. I am looking for a place to worship where these decissions have been made. If you have information about a Brasilian Anglican parrish somewhere in the Amazon Basin, please forward contact info to me. Thank you.

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