Thinking Anglicans

Lambeth Conference plans

The text of the Advent letter sent by Rowan Williams to all 38 primates of the Anglican Communion is published:
Text of the Advent Letter sent by the Archbishop of Canterbury [to Primates] and Moderators of the United Churches.

See also this ACNS press release: Dates for 2008 Lambeth Conference announced by Archbishop of Canterbury.

The earlier Church Times article by Tom Wright Why Dr Williams must stand firm was responding to the CT leader previously reported here.

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19 years ago

Oh dear. Bishop Wright thinks that ECUSA and the ACC have not complied with the Windsor Report and Archbishop Eames thinks they have. His very strict reading of para 134 of the Windsor Report (which may be correct) seems a little harsh, in that it requires a confession of guilt from parties who may not, in fact, accept the charge against them. His article is also somewhat one sided in that, for all its strong criticism of Archbishop Akinola and his supporters, he does not assess whether others may be in breach of the Windsor recommendations (for example, in relation… Read more »

19 years ago

Dr. Wright prescribes the right medicine. Let’s hope that ABC has the gumption to take it himself and pass it along to others.

J. C. Fisher
19 years ago

Is it just me (I admit—in light of threads below—to not be the most unbiased person here ;-p), or is +Wright’s CT piece just about the most *nonsensical* thing they’ve ever read?

Doesn’t he enjoin the ABC to do *precisely* what he critiques the GS signatories of: “the attempt, based on apparently wilful misunderstandings of relevant issues, to require bishops or archbishops to sign up to, or indeed to renounce, certain positions”? [Only +Wright believes the ABC should make the “requirement” of ECUSA’s entire General Convention]

I’m gobsmacked.

19 years ago

Maybe all the bishops of the Communions should heed the call of ++Canterbury and go to Lambeth to work together to do the work of the Master. This is what we are supposed to be doing. “Jews demand signs and Greeks demand wisdom but we proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the Wisdom of God.” “But I belong to Cephas! But I belong to Apollos!’ “ Are people not listening to what ++Rowan has been lately reminding… Read more »

19 years ago

If Archbishop Rowan were to withhold invitations from all American bishops, all Canadian bishops and all others who’ve been involved in what Windsor identified as naughty activities (including trespassing in dioceses not their own), methinks Lambeth would be significantly reduced and impoverished.

I think it has to be all or nothing. All the bishops including the chidden, or all the unchidden bishops only, but Rowan ought not to pick and choose among.

19 years ago

I find it interesting that +Wright refers to lay presidency at the eucharist while trying to make a rather jesuitical point about actions of autonomous churches in relation to gay people. Has everyone forgotten about Sydney? While they egg on the GS, they’ve passed a synod motion declaring that no disciplinary action will be taken against clergy who permit lay presidency. I’m gobsmacked that we should let the bedroom habits of a relatively small number of people distract us while a more serious breach of Anglican tradition and order occurs in one of the most powerful dioceses in the world.… Read more »

Prior Aelred
19 years ago

I feel compelled to second badman’s comments right down the line — again “cannot recommend” is simply not a prohibition & the resolutions from Lambeth have never been considered authoritative teaching — more in the line of a “mind of the house” statement.

This is a power play of manipulating symbols & people for the preservation of patriarchy. It is doomed to fail, but it will do great damage along the way (especially if the counsel of +Durham is followed).

19 years ago

Dear Badman, Prior Aelred, et al To repeat: Active homosexual practice is contrary scripture and traditional church teaching, as well as to the two authoritative Church of England statements on the issue of homosexuality (General Synod resolution of 11 November 1987, House of Bishops Statement of 1991 ‘Issues in Human Sexuality’). It is also contrary to Resolution 1.10 of the Lambeth Conference 1998, which is the official teaching of the Anglican Communion on the subject, and which has been recently reaffirmed by the Primates at their meeting in Ireland in February 2005 and by the Anglican Consultative Council at its… Read more »

Tobias S Haller BSG
19 years ago

Thank you, Prior Aelred. Collegial decisions such as those made by Lambeth can only have effect on those members of the collegium who support them. That is why the language of “cannot advise” is as far as Lambeth can legitimately go. No “mind of the house” resolution can be held binding if it falls short of unanimity; and clearly Lambeth 1.10 was a very contentious matter, on which I am told, in the voice vote, at least 100 of the bishops present did not vote, so troubled were they by one or more sections of the resolution; a few also… Read more »

19 years ago

I do think that both the Anglican Communion and the Church of England need to split. However, I don’t think that is very likely if the sort of approach taken by Dave is adopted, which classes only conservatives as both christian and Anglican, and refuses to accept that there are differences of view on the matter All that sort of approach will do is to make sensible appraisal of our differences less likely. I could just as easily make comments about bigoted, outdated fundamentalists and the irrelevance of their religion outside the premodern world, but that wouldn’t be helpful either.… Read more »

19 years ago

There was a proposal to bring a motion such as you describe to the Sydney Synod in 2004. It did not pass, and my recollection is that it was not even put to synod as opposition within the diocese was fierce.

19 years ago

Merseymike wrote “Dave …. classes only conservatives as both christian and Anglican” Dear Mike, I have several times said that I define Christian and Anglican by what people believe and do about Jesus Christ, and whether they adhere to Anglican beliefs (which are pretty flexible compared to most churches…). I do object to people claiming to be Christian but rejecting belief, trust and obedience to Christ and the teachings of the Apostles. Similarly to people who try to redefine Anglican based on new criteria (eg what the Bishop/GS says, whether you agree with the current ABofC etc). I certainly don’t… Read more »

19 years ago

Dave: I agree with your posts overall, but disagree with your approach to a split. This is not because your approach lacks foundation, but because I believe this approach, if taken by one side, will be reciprocated by the other. This, in turn, will inevitably lead to an un-Christian debacle of litigation, confusion, and uncharitable actions. The end result of this could easily be a greatly diminished and weakened Anglican Church and outreach. Thus, my promotion of an amicable and possibly mediated parting, division of property, etc. is based on trying to avoid the “bloodbath” that is currently brewing as… Read more »

19 years ago

Dear Steven, There are debates on several levels here. As for a “split” I expect that the liberal CofE hierarchy would want to lose the minimum number of churches – hence you could just end up slicing away more conservative groups from the church, (and national churches from communion) – rather as happened in ECUSA I think.. Hence I prefer the idea of reorganising Episcopal authority away from the ancient Civil/Roman model to a network model (as already in effect for conservative Anglo-Catholics in the UK). That has the advantage of putting the work of maintaining unity at the level… Read more »

Simon Sarmiento
19 years ago

Although we are delighted to have his contributions from time to time here, Bishop Pete is not in fact a member of the Thinking Anglicans team.

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