Thinking Anglicans

Manchester Cathedral and LGCM: a petition

To sign the following letter, go here.

To: Manchester Cathedral Authorities

We regret the inhospitable action of Manchester Cathedral, in withdrawing permission for an act of worship for the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement, to be held at the Cathedral. We invite the Cathedral authorities to explain their action clearly, and to consider seriously the message that their action gives to lesbian and gay people.


To see a little of the background to this petition, go here and follow the links there.

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Desmond Ward
Desmond Ward
21 years ago

To agree to the service and then withdraw is worse than no offer at all and makes us feel like second class citizens within the church.The idea of excluding anyone from the Christian Church is outrageous and totally against the teachings of Christ. The church must get back to basics of Love and Tolerance.We are all taught by example and the church is not showing itself in a good Christian light.

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