I will report further on some of the Answers to Questions later.
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Philip French
19 years ago
Thank you for all the work put into this site, which I found very helpful for the sessions of GS that finished today, not least as a convenient source to download some of the secondary papers to my PDA, rather than lug them all around. Synod does not do nearly enough to exploit new technology / new media: neither in running its own business, nor in publicising it. It’s my area of professional expertise too and I would be interested in exploring ways in which we might make progress. It’s striking to consider the difference from the other major conference… Read more »
Alastair Cutting
19 years ago
Indeed, three cheers to TA for providing such an up-to-date and helpful resource. I also have been lobbying Church House to provide better IT support. No wifi in the chamber yet?! I did finally discover that if you popped through the press door, you could just pick up the press room wifi without losing track of everything going on in the chamber (as we do when we have to descend to the bowels of ChHo to get the only other internet link provided). As I was trying to blog along, I had found it very hard… I was also horrified… Read more »
Thank you for all the work put into this site, which I found very helpful for the sessions of GS that finished today, not least as a convenient source to download some of the secondary papers to my PDA, rather than lug them all around. Synod does not do nearly enough to exploit new technology / new media: neither in running its own business, nor in publicising it. It’s my area of professional expertise too and I would be interested in exploring ways in which we might make progress. It’s striking to consider the difference from the other major conference… Read more »
Indeed, three cheers to TA for providing such an up-to-date and helpful resource. I also have been lobbying Church House to provide better IT support. No wifi in the chamber yet?! I did finally discover that if you popped through the press door, you could just pick up the press room wifi without losing track of everything going on in the chamber (as we do when we have to descend to the bowels of ChHo to get the only other internet link provided). As I was trying to blog along, I had found it very hard… I was also horrified… Read more »