Thinking Anglicans

Malawi story continues

Updated Saturday morning

Since my previous report, dated 13 February, these further reports have been posted:

10 February The Nation Editorial Opinion It’s Intolerance

24 February The Nation Anglicans hold archbishop under hostage

24 February Daily Times Cracks in Anglican Church over bishop-elect worsen

Update Saturday morning
The Guardian has African rebels hail English vicar by Rory Carroll

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Caelius Spinator
Caelius Spinator
19 years ago

This Henderson case continues to become stranger and stranger. The clergy vs. the metropolitan. In about every case I know when the metropolitan has the power +Malango has, the metropolitan wins (unless he’s a heretic).

Prior Aelred
19 years ago

I am as puzzled as Caelius Spinator — in theory this should have been over as soon as the metropolitan had his final say. It seems clear that the faithful are rejecting his authority, and, obviously, there is some inconsistency between what the African primates say about the attitude of their faithful & what the people actually want (nay, are insisting on)! I have no idea how this will be resolved.

Alan Marsh
Alan Marsh
19 years ago

Bizarre, isn’t it? What can be achieved by Henderson continuing to protest his disqualification? He won’t be consecrated by Malango, and he can’t seize jurisdiction even if he manages to find someone else to consecrate him. And if he attempted to act as bishop without consecration, what good would that achieve?

Surely Malango should run a fresh election, and allow the people of the diocese to choose someone else altogether?

Simon Sarmiento
19 years ago

Where is it reported that Mr Henderson has protested his disqualification? I missed that.

Alan Marsh
Alan Marsh
19 years ago


What else was Rev Henderson’s recent visit to the diocese if not a protest and a rally, and in defiance of the archbishop?

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