Thinking Anglicans

Nigerian legislation and the Church of Nigeria

Updated Friday 10 March
First, the text of the draft Nigerian legislation that has been under discussion here and elsewhere is reproduced below the fold.

Second, this legislation was endorsed explicitly by the following statement:

The Bill against Homosexuality:

The Church commends the law-makers for their prompt reaction to outlaw same-sex relationships in Nigeria and calls for the bill to be passed since the idea expressed in the bill is the moral position of Nigerians regarding human sexuality.

This occurs in the MESSAGE TO THE NATION / COMMUNIQUE from the meeting of the Standing Committee held in Ibadan on 22-25 February, signed by the Primate, and posted on the official provincial website. That meeting was several days before the recent claims that he had made no public statement on this matter. Amended Wednesday 15 March

The PASTORAL LETTER TO THE CHURCH from the same source, dated 25 February, does not mention this topic.
Hat Tip: Mark Harris.

Addition Friday 10 March
The US Department of State issued this Press Statement back on 1 February: Nigerian Legislation Threatens to Limit Rights of Sexual Minorities.


1. Short Title

This Act may be cited as Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act 2006.

2. Interpretation

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires-

“Marriage” means a legally binding union between a man and a woman be it performed under the authority of the State, Islamic Law or Customary Law; “Minister” means the Minister responsible for Internal Affairs; “Same Sex Marriage” means the coming together of two persons of the same gender or sex in a civil union, marriage, domestic partnership or other form of same sex relationship for the purposes of cohabitation as husband and wife.

3.Validity and Recognition of Marriage.

For the avoidance of doubt only marriage entered into between a man and a woman under the marriage Act or under the Islamic and Customary Laws are valid and recognized in Nigeria.

4. Prohibition of Same Sex Marriage, etc.

(1) Marriage between persons of the same sex and adoption of children by them in or out of a same sex marriage or relationship is prohibited in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

(2) Any marriage entered into by persons of same sex pursuant to a license issued by another state, country, foreign jurisdiction or otherwise shall be void in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

(3) Marriages between persons of the same sex are invalid and shall not be recognized as entitled to the benefits of a valid marriage.

(4) Any contractual or other rights granted to persons involved in same sex marriage or accruing to such persons by virtue of a license shall be unenforceable in any Court of law in Nigeria.

(5) The Courts in Nigeria shall have no jurisdiction to grant a divorce, separation and maintenance orders with regard to such same sex marriage, consider or rule on any of their rights arising from or in connection with such marriage.

5. Non-Recognition of Same Sex Marriage

(1) Marriage between persons of same sex entered into in any jurisdiction whether within or outside Nigeria, any other state or country or otherwise or any other location or relationships between persons of the same sex which are treated as marriage in any jurisdiction, whether within or out side Nigeria are not recognized in Nigeria.

(2) All arms of government and agencies in the Federal Republic of Nigeria shall not give effect to any public act, record or judicial proceeding within or outside Nigeria, with regard to same sex marriage or relationship or a claim arising from such marriage or relationship.

6. Prohibition of celebration of same sex marriage in a place of worship

(1) Same sex marriage shall not be celebrated in any place of worship by any recognized cleric of a Mosque, Church, denomination or body to which such place of worship belongs.

(2) No marriage license shall be issued to parties of the same sex in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

7. Prohibition of Registration of Gay Clubs and Societies and Publicity of same sex sexual relationship.

(1) Registration of Gay Clubs, Societies and organizations by whatever name they are called in institutions from secondary to the tertiary level or other institutions in particular and, in Nigeria generally, by government agencies is hereby prohibited.

(2) Publicity, procession and public show of same-sex amorous relationship through the electronic or print media physically, directly, indirectly or otherwise are prohibited in Nigeria.

(3) Any person who is involved in the registration of gay clubs, societies and organizations, sustenance, procession or meetings, publicity and public show of same sex amorous relationship directly or indirectly in public and in private is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a term of 5 years imprisonment.

8. Offences and Penalties.

(1) Any person goes through the ceremony of marriage with a person of the same sex is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a term of 5 years imprisonment.

(2) Any person performs, witnesses, aids or abets the ceremony of same sex marriage is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a term of 5 years imprisonment.

9. Jurisdiction

The High Court in the States and the Federal Capital Territory shall have jurisdiction to entertain all matters, causes and proceedings arising from same sex marriages and relationships.


This Act shall prohibit in the Federal Republic of Nigeria the relationship between persons of the same sex, celebration of marriage by them and other matters connected therewith.

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19 years ago

Just what is their problem? Why do they think 7.2 is necessary? When did “christianity” degenerate into forcing your views onto others and prohibiting their publicizing their own views?

I also think 5.1 is particularly obnoxious through its pretence to reach outwith the country of Nigeria. (As if the whole thing didn’t stink anyway…)

19 years ago

Thanks for making this available. I’ve been searching the Church of Nigeria website for some time for this kind of press release, and didn’t see it until you pointed it out.

I’m cross-posting at where I’ve blogged for the last week on the American end of this controversy, and on the specific human rights concerns.

Again, many thanks for your sharp eyes.

19 years ago

Seems conclusive enough.

Now, how can this be reconciled with the mealy mouthed claims that the Church should not support homophobia in civil society. Making same-sex relationships illegal appears a pretty conclusive way of demonstrating that it means nothing as a statement. Conservative Christianity is by definition homophobic.

19 years ago

It’s important to remember that they’re not making homosexuality illegal — it already is. “Homosexual behavior” is punishable by 14 years’ imprisonment, according to the Nigerian penal code. The supposed innovation of this legislation is its ban on gay marriage and peripheral activities. Of course, this seems moot given that homosexual sex is already illegal. In fact, the real innovation is its ban on speech, assembly, or press in support or defense of gay marriage. This is where the line is crossed, where the Church of Nigeria makes a strong entrance on the secular radar screen, and where the people… Read more »

Martin Reynolds
19 years ago

If this is the leadership the Global South is looking for from their newly elected President then I despair for them and our Church. I can only hope that the Church of England’s Faith and Order Group that responded so quickly to the Swedish decision to bless same sex partnerships will find the same speed and clarity to respond to this development. Yet I somehow doubt that they will. How can anyone give to the Windsor process any further credibility? How can we trust the words of the Primates who declared “anathema” this sort of legal process and its inevitable… Read more »

19 years ago

Matt says, “It’s important to remember that they’re not making homosexuality illegal — it already is.”

Fair enough. Still, it’s also important to note that the Anglican Church of Nigeria, which is the personal hook to this story for many of us reading this web site, “commends the law-makers for their prompt reaction to outlaw same-sex relationships in Nigeria.” Whatever the facts on the ground may be, the church seems to see the law as making outlaws of same sex lovers, and that’s where they choose to say their Amen.

19 years ago

English & American right-wing evangelicals must be deeply embarrassed by ++Akinola’s inhuman and un-Christian views, though they are responsible for nurturing them. It seems the evangelical Frankenstein has created an archiepiscopal monster.

Cheryl Clough
Cheryl Clough
19 years ago

I’ve been day dreaming over this whole conundrum for the last few days. One of the issues that I don’t think we’ve gotten around to discussing yet is proving one’s guilt. The beauty of homophobia is that it applies to both male and female, does not require hard evidence (e.g. drug use leaves chemical traces, violence leaves bruises or bodies, theft leaves changes in property or bank statements). So you can accuse someone of homosexual activities and it can simply be a case of your word against theirs. Now combine that with a corrupt or repressive regime and you can… Read more »

Rev. Lois Keen
Rev. Lois Keen
19 years ago

With regard to what Cheryl Clough writes, I reply, “Indeed”. People in the state of Delaware in the U.S. have been trying to amend the law providing equal opportunity in housing, insurance, employment, etc. to include those perceived to be “homosexual” – the wording in the bill refers specifically to the perception of being gay. This is because people are being denied housing or employment based purely on perception, and there is no recourse because there is no way to correct a perception in this case. I remember testifying, as a priest, in favor of the bill several years ago.… Read more »

19 years ago

Cheryl and Lois, In some correspondence I’ve had with a conservative Anglican in the US (you can find it in the body and comments of the post you reach when you click on “Matt” below), I’ve been led to suspect that the whole thing is aimed at barring outside churches that support gay marriage and gay rights from organizing within Nigeria. Again, I really don’t think the legislation is truly intended to ban gay marriage or homosexuality, per se — it’s about banning the right to organize against it, and it’s about keeping liberal Anglicans (especially those in ECUSA) out.… Read more »

19 years ago

Although the Bush administration could hardly be said to be pro-gay, they are speaking out about oppression of LGBT people ! Similarly, most traditionalists believe that same-sex sex is wrong, but do not support oppression or violence towards people who are homosexual.

Yet all we get in return are shrill cries of “homophobia” about our moral beliefs, and insinuations that sexual morality is hate. This is not just coarse political discourse but also ridiculous – liberals have sexual morals too!

Prior Aelred
19 years ago

Mother Keen —
Well said — but remember — most perception is projection.

Martin —
DEPO is working fine in places where there is mutual respect & trust (in spite of disagreements) — the problem is the lack of trust & when that is lost, it becomes almost impossible to restore (especially when there is still the appearance of misrepresentation & ill will).

19 years ago

Matt wrote: “In some correspondence I’ve had with a conservative Anglican in the US … I’ve been led to suspect that the whole thing is aimed at barring outside churches that support gay marriage and gay rights from organizing within Nigeria…. [I]t’s about banning the right to organize against it, and it’s about keeping liberal Anglicans (especially those in ECUSA) out. … Keep in mind that Akinola has already begun efforts to start a province under his episcopate in the US.” Matt, I think you are right: the effect of the law would be to ban any activity by the… Read more »

Cheryl Clough
Cheryl Clough
19 years ago

Lois Thank you for a practical example. Matt I agree with your concerns, and would suggest that Akinola has other non-Nigerian dioceses that could be seen as mentors – refer This is the transcript of an interview with the author of the book “The New Puritans”. There are similar dynamics in non-Nigerian churches and there are probably some who are frustrated that their country is not backward enough to allow such repressive legislation. In the name of Christianity of course, it definitely should not be for Muslim or Hindu repression. Note tongue in cheek. Lest we forget, the drive… Read more »

Jim Pratt
Jim Pratt
19 years ago

Mark and Dave,
If the Church of Nigeria were simply concerned about same-sex marriage, they could applaud the portions of the bill that outlaw same-sex marriage, while condemning those portions that deny rights of free speech and assembly. (in essence, the Bush Administration has done this, by remaining silent on the aspects of the bill by which Nigeria defines marriage)

The blanket approval for the bill shows that the church is not interested simply in preserving the “traditional definition of marriage” but in trying to eradicate all expression of homosexuality.

19 years ago

The internal problems of the Anglican Communion and the rifts all this has caused aside, how do conservatives within the ECUSA justify supporting the actions of Archbishop Akinola? He has incited his followers to violence. He has led his followers to amend their constitution to enable them to fracture the AC. He has alienated not just the ECUSA but every non-fundamentalist Christian outside the “Global South” group. I am a moderate who believes both sides have gone too far, but it is by far Akinola and the Global South who are most grievously violating the teachings of Jesus. The ECUSA… Read more »

19 years ago

Dear Thinking Anglicans Your comments are not quite fair as, from the Living Church article at least, we don’t know when Canon Popoola made the remark quoted in the article saying that ++Akinola had not commented publicly. That said, the Church of Nigeria has now nailed its colors to the mast. On the other hand, here at least, it does not comment on the provisions of the legislation that deny freedoms of speech and assembly to gays and lesbians. Yet again, if it was opposed to those provisions, it could have said so. A cagey game is being played here.… Read more »

Simon Sarmiento
19 years ago

The comment I made above was not based solely upon the report in The Living Church.
Canon Tunde Popoola confirmed his statement right here on TA on Thursday, 2 March 2006 at 9:37am. See

19 years ago

Canon ‘Tunde Popoola’s statement was on 2nd March. The communique was signed and released for publication on the 6th of March. The Primate signed not for himself but the entire standing committee. Until then, there was no public from him on the issue.

Simon Sarmiento
19 years ago

Thank you ‘Tunde for this clarification. This now explains very precisely what you meant on 3 March when you wrote:

“Very soon, Abp. Akinola may make out time to address the issue.”

The statement itself, as published on the website, carries no publication date, but mentions the dates of the standing committee meeting, 22-25 February, from which the message comes.

I had not understood that it took 9 days from the end of the meeting for the statement to be published.

I have slightly amended the original article above.

19 years ago

There was an interesting segment today on “Morning Edition” on National Public Radio about religion in Nigeria. You can listen to it at

One thing it mentions is the increasing activity of all Christians in Nigeria, including Anglicans, and of several Nigerian denominations trying to establish congregations abroad, including in the United States. The case cited is of a pentecostal church. One wonders if the competition most felt in Nigeria is with puritan Muslims (and from this report the Muslims there are certainly that) or puritan Christians. Is there more concern about apostacy, or just sheep-stealing?

Neil B
Neil B
19 years ago
19 years ago

“An Anglican Bishop, Ayo Ladigbolu, has declared that with the growing number of gay and lesbian communities in Nigeria, the country may soon witness homosexuals having their churches …”

An interesting article which shows that not all Nigerian clergy have the same viewpoint.

19 years ago

Retired Bishop Ayo Ladigbolu was a Methodist Bishop and that was also stated in the article. Why the first reference says Anglican is not clear. In any case, it is worth it to say he has never been and is not an Anglican Bishop.

18 years ago

Thanks for correcting that newspaper’s error, but it still shows that not all Nigerian clergy share the same viewpoint.

I also noticed this report on a newslist regarding former Anglican Bishop of Uganda, Christopher Ssenyonjo who has been noted defending homosexuality, describing it as “a reality that has come to stay.”

Ven Obinna Ibezim
Ven Obinna Ibezim
16 years ago

Nobody in the Church of Nigeria is saying homosexuals should not live their lives the way they please; the issue at stake is that the homosexual practice is outlawed by the Bible as despicable before God. If the truth must be said by all who study the Bible, there is definitely no equivocations about the position of the Holy writ on the matter. If the Church of Nigeria applauds the law makers in Nigeria for strengthening its already held position on the issue, its only understandable given the fact that the C.O.N has always made its obligation to the Holy… Read more »

Göran Koch-Swahne
16 years ago

Ven Obinna Ibezim wrote on Friday, 13 March 2009: “the issue at stake is that the homosexual practice is outlawed by the Bible as despicable before God.”

This is not true of the Bible, it certainly is of certain late modern “translations” into anti Modern Social Politics.

In short: ’tis a Lie!

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